The Energy Therapy Clinic

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clearing emotions energetically

Emotion has a dramatic effect on the energies within you. We can all relate to anger and rage, red faces, rising blood pressure, breathing changing…all changes in Qi, driven by emotion.

Emotion in general creates more problems energetically than we realise, and understanding how is useful.

Even if you’re feeling not much, you are subconsciously. And the origin of emotions is what we might contemplate.

What we think creates emotions. Both the content and the intensity.

Awareness of what we are thinking is using another aspect of the mind, it’s a healthy separation.

It is this separation that Gautama Buddha mastered.

Consciousness governs all things, including the vibratory frequencies that allow our autonomic nervous systems to attune to them and find rhythm - Awareness is our rather majestic gateway to greater consciousness.

It’s very poorly understood because our societal values are so poor. Poor because of our collective indiscipline and non orderly focus.

Technological media only fuels the fire in this regard, it fosters rampant shifting of focus.

We simply don’t value spiritually or consciousness as previous cultures have. We have lost the links of contemplation and meditation to large degrees.

We have prioritised different values from say Ancient Greece or Asia.

Every politician on earth will praise economic results. Economics in Ancient Greece was called logistics - it was a second tier science for GOOD REASON.

Primarily that reason was because the human spiritual sciences were more vital to their vision of life and the future that they wanted to create for their society.

Philosophy, astronomy, numerology, mathematics, physics, not logistics, -they were the support crew.

Industrial size greed and war shifted needs and values, which in face value seems normal, but whose thinking lead us down these paths in the first place.

Sane people seek harmony and unified prosperity, mental patients seek domination and control.

Our societies have been run my mentally unstable humans for too long.

OUR WORLDS annual military expenditure has just passed $2 trillion for the first time, what development in the finer truer sciences could that money achieve in 12 months? .

Because that is a 12 month expenditure figure, every 365 days, two trillion dollars.

Shifting this is our individual responsibility.

The discipline that’s required is trained focussed awareness to change the circumstances within our physical world.

This is an elevation on meditation..this is training physical matter to respond to our mind. Sound familiar, it’s magicianship.

And you might wonder why being magically creative has been demonised by entrenched institutions for so long, they most certainly do not want a power shift.

All forms of ritual are magical practices, that’s why they hold so much power - they disengage the mind then refocus it intently.

Dr Joe Dispenza is another phenomenal illustration of mind focus healing and changing physical matter - he literally reconstructed his spine with his mind.

Does it sound overwhelming to consider that you might posses these capabilities. You do.

Subconsciously, this is the reason for the phenomenon that was the ‘Harry Potter’ series in literature, there was a collective recognition, especially among children who with young minds were not as imprinted, controlled and compressed as most adult psyches.

Awareness and consciousness are different to emotions, they are mental, emotions are reactions to these states.

Emotions are an embellishment of mind. As refined and essence like awareness is, raw and rough are emotions.

They are in a different class because consciousness is attached to the divine source of us all.

And emotions are much harder on the body. Even our enjoyable emotions like laughter and joy are very raw and dense compared to awareness.

So to maintain good clean Qi which is our spiritual blood in a way, we need to limit the effects of our emotions with discipled focus.

We need to observe our dominant emotions and to what degree that we unconsciously exercise them, what thought patterns dominate my inner world.

Then with guidance, we can see the effects of them within our bodies, our environment and our relationships.