The Energy Therapy Clinic

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Choosing a Therapist - Try something new

The easiest way of course is to have someone with a great reputation referred to you, that’s ideal. However if that’s not an immediate option, then a touch of research never hurt.

Google reviews are awesome - check THEM ALL. Because as you read through them you get a deeper feeling for the type of issues that others have sought assistance with and how good the therapist was in helping heal and resolve them.

Many therapists will deal with either the mind and emotions or the body. Fortunately in my practice you get the luxury upgrade of body, mind, emotions and spirit all being attended to with expert care.

What makes an effective therapist? , in my humble view it is a deep combination.

That combination is emotional intelligence (EQ), methodology training ( skills), humour and empathy, intelligence (IQ). Notice in what order i listed these..that’s the order that is required.

Use your gut feeling function when choosing someone to work with, it works.

It’s very helpful as a therapist if you have walked the path of self healing properly. You need to be ‘qualified’ to inhabit the space so to speak.
In my college days it was evident regarding for whom in the class this was a great challenge. For some it was simply too much to transition into an effective healer, because they could not properly hold their own space, let alone the space of another.

This is also why the greatest healers are of advanced age - in acupuncture circles it is common to be considered ‘worthy’ as you pass the age of sixty. This is a direct correlation with the depth of experience needed for complex intuitive equations and methods to be held in the mind.

Many are called and few are chosen for consistent effectiveness in this field. It is the same in all medical professions i would say. Sadly there are are quite a few that are still very broken themselves working in all aspects of medicine and healing.

For doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and the like, they can fudge it a bit and it gets hidden inside the institutionalisation of their industries.

Blaming the medication is a nice get out of jail card for slack doctors.

But for therapists in private practice the lens is more acute.

My suggestions are to look for results via reviews and recommendations of course, and to get a feel for the therapist. To that end i offer a free 15 minute chat to answer questions and allow you to gauge what approach i might take with your circumstances.

You are unique and so is the therapist, this is important.

The Japanese have a cute phrase for the word Therapist - it translates as “ the one who waits with” , which is beautiful, as many Japanese philosophies are.

This waiting presents in many ways, one of these is in observational science. To observe the person involved is profoundly important.

This is the foundation of understanding the person, which is critical for diagnosis. We literally give up so much information - facial expressions, tone of voice, mannerisms, slips of mind, eye contact, body language, subconscious behaviours, and what is presenting in the body of course.

The body gives up troves of information, pulse, colour, muscle tone, skin condition, infection locations, rashes, obesity, water retention, emotional and mental states etc.

If you have read any of my previous blogs you may have gleaned insight into how i treat, understanding the person is absolutely critical. Because our body processes our experiences with us, it sheds much of the stress and drama, but if it is too much, then it stores and tries to repeat the process of elimination after resting.

Often the disruption to normal flow is too much, and illness of mind, emotion and body progresses to chronic stagnation and disease pathologies. The Buddha said “ If you want to know your body of ten years in the future - examine your mind today” !

People are different, we process information differently. Whats important to you might not be important to me. we hold information differently.

What traumatises you might not traumatise me - it’s how and what we hold onto that eventually turns up in the body.

An SAS soldier will hold information ( energy) differently to a Catholic Nun for instance, they will process experiences very differently, they are KEYED DIFFERENTLY. A good therapist will understand your keys and what locks have been opened or closed.

You need to stay at choice at all times during these processes as well. You’re at the centre of this experience and that needs to be honoured.

If your choice of therapist is not right, be brave and change them. If they are right for you, be courageous and give the process your truth and when possible offer feedback. Sometimes this might be a review, or a text, it is all meaningful to these souls who give so much to the community.

As a therapist of many years, i know how much it takes for some of you to get into this healing process, i know the anguish that so many people carry on many levels and the inertia and resistance to utilise help. I’ve also been fortunate to see astonishing transformations and transmutations.

We are all composed at our finest levels of energy organised divinely into phenomenal patterns of excellence ( a human body).

When these patterns are interrupted we become ill.

I hope that in your search you find some wonderful therapist that understands these dynamics and can assist you in rebuilding your foundations of strength and resilience.

Michael Ross - Energy Therapy Clinic Founder

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