Clearing Vital Health Problems Energetically

Healing can sometimes be a lot less complex than you might think. Our bodies are designed to heal and return to midpoints in flow, where extremities can’t do damage to it.

Human biology is tuned to moderate excess or stagnation and return to healthy self regulation.

These midpoints of existence and wellbeing were and still are the focus point for Taoists and those whom understand that moderation has great rewards.

Energy for its part, is ever present within our biology (dead without it), so it makes sense that energy and it’s condition ( strength, flow, capacity, voltage) is important.

There are very many things in Indigenous societies especially that help moderate damage to our bodies and our selves.

They understand energy, which is literally streets ahead of Western Medicine and science on general.

We are well advised to observe these principles when seeking wellbeing and knowledge, they hold many vital keys.

One of the conundrums in Western society is that people resist what they don’t yet understand which is natural , but they will continue to trust their personal and cultural historical practices that might not particularly work that well, or truely resolve the core of their health issues.

There is a part of our Ego / psyche that defends the known, even if that’s a poor decision.

I found my time treating in Indonesia very healing on many levels, because the people we profoundly accepting.

Their curiosity is still alive, and their hearts and minds open. These societies are enormously intelligent, but they shield their understandings in humility.

Pacific Islanders are the same.

Our habitual paths of healing in the West have taken us into impersonal spaces with diminished trust and diminished hope.

It is actually disgraceful what has occurred in Western medicine since 2020.

It’s befuddling really but we are creatures of habit, and we cannot imagine a real alternative, but they exist - I am living proof of that.

Use your intelligence, intuition and guile to keep seeking alternatives to the deeply disturbing outcomes that chronic illness sufferers often encounter.

Current habits are not serving most people well at all. That’s partially why so many people remain and exist in states of semi unwell-ness often for years.

It is devastating that so many phenomenal healers have been marginalised by self interest in the name of science - the Ancient Greeks would not be amused.

Change gets influenced by those that say “enough is enough”, and, “i’m going to try something new” and break the cycle of acceptance of non resolution.

This takes enormous courage as many of these people are often quite unwell.

Many who pass through my door have reached those levels of dissatisfaction, unresolved pain and often hopelessness.

But there is enormous hope.

I have pretty much always been one of those people who keep seeking, it is what lead me to the life that I now live.

I have a low tolerance for non resolution, it frustrates me enormously seeing so many people in general practice waiting rooms. I know so many of them will be living less than half lives.

Consequently I have systematically developed a healthy bias toward holistic approaches to medicine and healthcare in general.

I am not a big fan of pharmaceuticals in general, i don’t trust what the side effects might be doing within us - we are like a nice open forest of channels in good health - pharmaceuticals are generally blocking something or reducing something, and those effects in our healthy forest are absolutely real - a price is being paid.

Medicine should not have to be a trade off, and energy work does not trade in such things.

One of the most common drugs in use in modern times is steroids for inflammation, which over time heat the blood and cause serious damage.
What is relatively ok in one persons biology might be devastating in another - it’s roulette isn’t it?

Working with the body at energetic levels is a solid and safe option because it is very harmonious with your bodies natural functions - it’s very much like tuning an instrument, it’s subtle.

Its not introducing chemical signals or encouraging hormonal changes, it’s goal is to help the body back toward full capacity so it can perform to its highest potential and heal itself.

Bodies are designed to protect themselves, they are so clever, but like any machine, a service never goes astray.

Many bodies even in great distress or holding chronic conditions can respond to energy work.

Some people respond phenomenally quickly and others slower - that’s natural. How we are as people has a big part to play in this. I normally discuss this is detail in session.

The solution to many day to day problems is often working on small bioelectrical resistances that can have big effects within us.

Like emotions - that energy is intrinsically connected to, if they are dammed up, tension builds and pressure builds.

Releasing these has amazing effects and often bonus outcomes because our body is deeply built on internal connections - it’s a system.

Many conditions see high rates of resolution after one session of energy work. What would you give to resolve your pain by 80-100%?

I’ve had people with long term illness and pain, these guys would give you their house to change their circumstances.

Some are helped enormously with a session, others take longer.

A very clear way to think about practical energy work is that we are dealing with the bodies subtle internal motion and energy drives those processes , especially electricity ( Qi ) and fluids.
Your connective tissues has Microscopic spaces between them, it’s in these spaces that vital movement occurs.

Energy drives organisational Qi and Lymph in those spaces , and in the arteries ( a heart channel) and veins blood flows, hormones and neurotransmitters all require energy to function - cells would die without electricity.

Anything that is biologically formed and then has actions that include motion, has energy at its core. We are electrical beings and electricity needs to move clearly in a nice even steady flow to maintain health.

Examples within us of essential internal motions - breathing, digesting, moving the external body ( the inside and organs are in motion as well when our external is moving ) , blood and lymph ( fluids ), bio-electrical ( Qi ) circulation, cell functioning, all require a well organised even and harmonious electrical flow with strong charge.

Disturbances in these charges ( drops in voltage ) are signatures of disease formation and pain. Yet they are kept healthy very easily in most people with a very small amount of maintenance - exercise, stretching, yoga, tai chi, walking, and occasional energy balancing or retuning 🙂

Pain is an everyday problem for many people, but how many book into an energy healer for pain ? - I treat some very complex pain issues, yet i also talk to people with relatively simple pain problems that i could resolve in 30 minutes who trudge down to the time honoured paths of disillusionment to the GP and Physiotherapist who will manipulate muscles without proper energy flow and hope that the heat sac and movement will rectify the channel disturbance.

It is heartbreaking in a way.

What prevents them attending my clinic is their historical exposures and solutions and their current beliefs.

This Blog is here to encourage the reader towards a more efficient approach to pain and healthcare management.

You might spend six weeks working to reduce a average pain event - numerous GP visits and numerous physio visits, a support brace from the chemist, a few creams etc, and many hundreds and dollars and dozens of hours, petrol and lost time in the process - one hour with me at $125 and i resolve many pain and swelling issues ( due to stagnation in electricity and fluid ) to a large degree. Energy work is very economical and effective.

Google Reviews do help people to develop enough faith to try something new, so do read those for practitioners, be proactive and make positive change in how you see your body and its ills - book a free chat with me and discuss the problems, if you don’t like what i tell you, don’t book in, but do make the call as part of taking control of your own illnesses.

Another approach to self care is to get to know your body better, locate your pain and look at an acupuncture map for that area, you may gain some insight into causal links between organs and outer locations on the body. You should because all of your body is dominated by channels within fascia that are actually part of your organs.

A clear example of this is the Liver organ and channel which runs embryonically up into the chest cavity and down into the Peritoneal cavity and then down the legs to exit at the inner aspect of the big toes. Everything in green in the maps below is embryonically part of the liver / pericardium/ lung membrane/ diaphragm division/ layer of the body.

This is why Gout, which is a liver organ issue is felt at the end of the Liver channel so often at the big toes. Opening this channel with hand resonance can totally clear the pain ( channel blockage ) and help resolve some of the tension in the organ. Which includes electrical tension as well as physical.

If you have Gout or another problem - why not book in today…

Endometriosis which is a dampness and stagnation problem in the liver channel is now common in the chest cavity - why, because its part of the Liver channel system in embryology. Below in the maps all the areas in green are part of the embryological conformation ( division ) in our body that includes the Liver / Pericardium heart protector sac, lung membrane ( Pleuropericardial cavity ), Diaphragm abdominal ( Peritoneal Cavity ), Pelvis and down the legs it follows the same path as the great Saphenous Vein.

You can see in the bottom map the internal pathways of the Liver channel- it makes it much clearer why certain things are connected to the liver - shoulder pain, liver related thyroid readings ( T3,T4) , and pelvic and lower abdominal Issues including endometriosis which is baked phlegm adhesions in the liver channel, and Gout p[ain in the foot.

Energy Therapy is effective, I am trained in TCM so I use the Chinese Medical Model of diagnosis as it is superb in understanding Qi energy behaviours.

Welcome again to my practice 🙂

Michael Ross