The Energy Therapy Clinic

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Spirit within, and the kidneys

All the time I speak about the spirit of the person in terms of healing or illness.

We are spiritual beings within a human embodiment.

What I’m about to talk about generally occurs at the subconscious level so there isn’t always conscious acknowledgement.

If someone has endured a strong or long term illness their spirit can and will jump out of their body and become displaced.

The same principle occurs with trauma or a strong fright. This leads to illnesses of the spirit that show up in the bodies functioning.

When they reunite to an extent ( body and spirit) the spirit can sometimes be placed incorrectly within the physical body, out of alignment and this is not in harmony.

In Aboriginal culture the ‘ngangkari’ healers return the spirit and reunite it with the body - they do this a lot.

I have a special energy technique that helps this same type of reunification. It’s subtle and when the body is stable the spirit of the person will settle back in. This is felt as a deep calmness and relaxedness and grounded.

When I sit with people sometimes it’s obvious, the spirit is not there or in alignment, then they are lost in their stories.

The stories become their identity. But that’s not who they are at all.

My technique revolves mainly around the kidneys and the Taoist Kidney Gate of Vitality, balancing them and grounding the body so the spirit can reunite and realign within in harmony.

It’s painless and relatively straightforward.

This can also subtly release an enormous amount of energy into the body. I often refer to the kidneys as a battery pack, and the reservoir of energy available via them is beautiful, nourishing and grounding.

It is a vitality that has been congested by misalignment.

The kidneys perform better when balanced and in harmony, and they offer the body and person all of the qualities that traditional and modern medicine say they do, and a bit more.

Energetically they also ground and filter the mind energies of the person which includes their psychological needs and their beliefs.

In health they help us filter fluids but also poor thought trains and mentalities, and allow us greater discernment and wisdom.

Real quality grounded wisdom some of which is ancestral.

Kidneys and the ‘Kidney Gate of Vitality’ have a distinct link to our ancestral line in terms of mind, psychic attunement and embryonic biology.

We obviously carry ancestral DNA, and we also carry similar vibrational imprints on the spiritual and psychic levels.

These play out clearly with the knowledge and cultural imprints of life, it is this reality that was referenced in the bible “ the sins of the father span seven generations “ relates directly to this imprinting and vibrational influences.

This is commonly referenced as people realise that they have ‘ become their parents’…with some astonishment.

So as a tool of independence in consciousness, this treatment helps us stay grounded in our own thoughts and feelings and not subconsciously default to our cultural or ancestral norms.

It allows conscious evolution to occur whilst still being linked to our ancestors. What a beautiful dance.

When people have finished this type of Restorative Vitality therapy session, they often feel light headed and spacey and I have to additionally ground them to finish the work.

They very often sleep amazingly well that night and are calmer within themselves. I use this particular rejuvenation technique for very many people who are exhausted from work and their schedules.

It is a favourite with corporate clients who use large incessant volumes of mental energy and women especially.

Women use more energy than men, they are more productive in mind and emotions.

They of course think that men aren’t listening or tuned in as much but they are simply running a different processor. The feminine mind orders and structures and the masculine aspects of our minds use those structures for movement.

Women on the whole are more sensitive to energy than men, they are more naturally attuned to the cycles within and feel a lot more.

It certainly doesn’t mean that men can’t feel energy or benefit from energy therapies, they can.