The Energy Therapy Clinic

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Firstly, I didn’t devote my life to something without profound amounts of research. I clearly believe that healing in any capacity involves energy wellbeing and healthy flow.

Anyone who seeks any type of healer is seeking transformation of some kind.

Mental, emotional or physical.

Pain, trauma, exhaustion, dysfunction or disorientation.

I will break it down for you into bite sized chunks what I believe are the fundamental aspects of what energy has to offer.

• transformation and healing of causal issues

• improves relationships on all levels

• energy is highly fit for purpose for essential human functions.

• energy organises growth and repair - examples; embryology ( growth) and a cut healing ( repair).

• energy operates within the system that it has orchestrated and created, it is smart.

• all energy is spiritual, mental, and physical. Human spiritual beings use thought to manifest their emotions ( frequencies) into physical manifestations and energy is the oil and the spark in the machine.

• energy represents expansion or resistance.

• energy within us is identical to cosmic energy dynamics, as we are a microcosm of cosmic systems. The difference is scale - “ as above, so below”.

• energy is within your body and it flows in and out of your body, both can be felt and influenced.

If it is not positively influenced toward natural flow such as with targeted hand skills such as I employ, it will continue to seek the path of least resistance by moving around stagnation or blockages which can cause compromises in the biology.

It is intelligent and in constant movement, and has little regard for what it has traversed around to keep moving. So energy will allow stagnation to exist and transverse it. Often at the detriment of the organism.

It’s my job as a technician to help clear those stagnations and blockages so the organism ( your body) can function as it was designed.

Life force energy is so powerful that it cares not about your micro structure being left in an adapted state that might cause cancer or it’s own destruction, because it knows that essentially you’re eternal and will reform. Its nature is to move and expand - that’s literally the god force in you.

• energy seeks balance and harmony, the earthing of lightening is an example.

• Yin and Yang opposing waves within us also seek harmony, they create and hold the ‘ tension in the bow’, and allow balance and wellbeing to manifest.

• your body has a self regulation control system built into it, as does natures cycles, extreme Yin or contractions, eventually flip to Yang and expansions, and visa versa.

• the same principle operates in the universe, “ as above so below”, stars expand and eventually implode ( Yang becomes Yin, and matter condensing under gravity creates Black Holes which is the matter store for new universes ( Yin becomes Yang ).

• our bodies share similar but thankfully more gentle cycles - nightly resting allows storage and cleansing, for expansive use the next day.

• pathogens like viruses and bacteria steal heat ( energy ) to survive, creating unstable energy within us, this can be fast to clear, or a little more stubborn.

• our bodies are designed to defend against six major environmental ( internal and external) threats.

• they are all temperature driven variations, cold, damp heat or phlegm, dryness, dampness, fire or heat, and wind.

• so you can see now clearly that you’re body is designed to self regulate temperature, and defend this posture

• all diseases disrupt self regulation of temperature by changing internal conditions, so we can heal by helping our bodies to return toward states of healthy self regulation.

• proper energy healing is focused on this task by applying knowledge based systems.

• because you may have no current understanding of these techniques, does not make them not true or indeed essential for your existence.

• our earth is a pressure based environment, the atmosphere creates a bubble where large variables occur - storms, lightening, dry deserts, oceans and waves, humid tropics, vast vegetation, salt, slime, all driven, created or destroyed by temperature variations.

• the same principles and dynamics are occurring with our bodies, and our bodies like planets, are self regulating systems.

• energy healing modalities need to appreciate these dynamics

• outer-space is a low pressure, high voltage environment, which feeds into planetary systems which are high pressure, relatively low voltage systems.

• atmospheres store this energy and discharge it into the planetary environment in the form of lightening, which is a self regulating top up of energy for the planet.

• when our bodies need to discharge energy it sends voltage or charge to the surface or extremities such as the fingertips, tips of the toes, and nose and ears. Static discharge follows.

• inappropriate buildup of charge, energy and voltage, or inappropriate loss of charge, energy and voltage, sets the stage for disease patterns to establish.

• re-establishing proper bioelectrical environments, fixes many of these problems. This is called ‘energy healing’ and it is why it is fundamentally scientific. It is also holistic and non invasive.

• one of the key objectives is to re-establish the opposing balance between the Yin and Yang generation and distribution of electricity (Qi). You body does the rest.

• we are an integrated part of nature, energy is natural, alignment of energy is healthy, and as in nature misalignment of energy is unhealthy, violent and destructive.

• Qi organises, when Qi is disturbed, relative disorganisation occurs, in extreme deep cellular disorganisation, cancer results.

• there is something to truely consider which affects our environments profoundly and that is the vitality within our psyche/ spirit. It plays a major role in what is occurring within our biology, but that’s another blog topic on its own…
