The Energy Therapy Clinic

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I have seen far too much of this fact not to take notice. Wether the illness is physical or mental, the question must be asked.

Mind ( psyche) and emotions ( soul aspect ) affect our bodies in real time. They can also lay down patterns that can stay lodged for decades. Trauma is one such pattern.

Within these patterns do they for instance restrict the person from remaining on one particular path and set up a conflict that needs conscious consideration.

My type of work to help shift these patterns is invaluable. The fact that I’ve utilised spiritual aspects of the person to highlight how they might be holding psychic or emotional energy, and that the energy is restricting them pathologically and physically. Once released the pathology dynamic clears which offers clinical proof for me.

In my teens and twenties I was rather enamoured with the work of Carl Jung and Shamanic healing. Both had a very healthy regard for aspects of the subconscious, and the spirit of the person.

When I started learning energy medicine and Energy Therapy body work in my thirties I had new tools to help influence and shift patterns layered down by the mind and other forces.

I have spoken at length about the influence of people’s spirit in biological terms and I’ve seen some phenomenal stuff shifted and let go effectively in sessions.

Carl Jung says…

“The main interest of my work is not concerned with the treatment of neuroses but rather with the approach to the numinous. But the fact that the approach to the numinous is the real therapy, and inasmuch as you attain to the numinous experience you are released from the curse of pathology. Even the very disease takes on a numinous character. “

(C. G. Jung, Letters)

Numinous (/ˈnjuːmɪnəs/) is a term derived from the Latin numen, meaning "arousing spiritual or religious emotion; mysterious or awe-inspiring."[1] The term was given its present sense by the German theologian and philosopher Rudolf Otto in his influential 1917 German book The Idea of the Holy. He also used the phrase mysterium tremendum as another description for the phenomenon. Otto's concept of the numinous influenced thinkers including Carl JungMircea Eliade, and C. S. Lewis. It has been applied to theologypsychologyreligious studiesliterary analysis, and descriptions of psychedelic experiences.

We so easily now discard spirituality within the spectrum of medicine. It has been banished by science and her sponsors. With this divorce we see mirrored losses of spiritual growth due to illnesses and in my belief a serious compounding of both mental and physical afflictions.

The pharmacy has become the Shamans tent, pharmacology the sole contents of the modern cauldrons. Herbal lore, spiritualised energy medicine and spacial healing have been not so much demonised, as this critical mode of judgement was becoming redundant- but discredited which is a modern media driven technique tagged into toxic and small minded scientific evidence based theory.

The main and blatant issue is the Science itself has deep and significant flaws. It keeps updating, highlighting that it has yet to reach core truths that are timeless.

Acupuncture has roots in shamanism.

Homeopathy has roots in vibrational medicine.

Indigenous healing and herbalism have ancient roots in earth bound natural lore. And in Indigenous healing deeply in spiritualism.

Energy Therapy has roots in all ancient sciences. Shamanic - vibrational - natural lore.

All involve spiritualised energy. As you might ponder this, I might remind you that this very energy is what built and maintains and repairs you. And your very ability to contemplate it.

You are a spiritual being.