Emotional Energy - its effects.

I honestly could write 500 pages on this subject without taking a breath, and even then i will have fallen short in fully articulating the dynamics involved. Such is the breadth and scope of the power and force of emotion within us.

Being emotional is crucial and essential within our humanity. Emotions embellish our experience beyond the capacity of language to articulate.

Thank God for a human heart and its capacity to deliver such exquisite force in the world, and that we have access to this wondrous energy portal is a very distinct blessing indeed. Our cultures would do far worse than focussing on heart opening activities.

Emotion is like a turbine that generates such energy that its effects in the body are so constant that we hardly notice them. Unless of course a crisis or state of exhaustion like anxiety arises - then they get our attention.

Balancing emotions:

Six wonderful things are: Meditation ( access to spiritual potentials ), Exercise ( purification), Holistic Food ( clean Qi ), Environment ( harmony), Clean Water ( clean Qi ), Love ( connection).

Briefly, meditation or the Wests equivalent - contemplation ( including prayer) are crucial, as emotions are effectively rooted in the psyche.

Clever meditation allows connections to spiritual clarity.

Exercise allows the body to move both externally and internally, yes your organs bounce around and go for a run with you. This automatically has an internal refreshment involved as the system is asked to perform. Stagnation in all forms is bad for human biology i.e. sitting at the computer all day.

Holistic food really means food that suits your body type and does not cause irritation.

Environment - set your home and work environments up so they nourish and calm you. Colour, fabrics, timbers, symbols, music, airflow, privacy, good quality seating etc.

Clean Water properly charged is an elixir.

Love, this exquisite vibration can harmonise even monsters.

Emotional Cultures:

Many of these are established within our family of origin and their environments.

Angry parents often have angry children, sometimes this gets disguised quite well like versions of highly controlled or cold anger.

I’m nothing like my father he or she might say, but of course the influence is there. These vibrational inherences are what i believe the biblical saying “ the sins of the father span seven generations’.

In treating, these are very real factors to what is occurring within the body - I will revisit a story of treating three women in close proximity whilst in Indonesia. These three Western women were from three different continents, all lawyers and all with very similar physical complaints.

Strikingly all had the same emotional issues simmering with their fathers. It was as if God had bought these wonderful ladies to me to teach me this dynamic. They were all very smart people. There was no ambiguity in their stories, clarity was the order of the day.

Part of what had occurred within the psyche/energy/body dynamic was that in blocking themselves off from their fathers they had also blocked off to part of the masculine energetic aspects of themselves which was reflected within their physicality. These Yang aspects are primarily defensive aspects in the biological structure and many of the symptoms have relationship to the back and sides of the body, areas where the Yang channels in TCM are prevalent.

In simple words - how they ‘held’ to their fathers was mirrored in the body. Once acknowledged and integrated within the session with hand applied resonance helping the bodies to let go of the effects of these postures, the physical problems were resolved - In all three. And they were all tremendously lighter in their demeanours and spirits.

It was making these dynamics conscious that helped this process along with the energy work that gives them a real chance of not re-establishing these patterns.

We all have these dynamics at play, it’s part of being in a species. And it’s a blessing. You might experience it as a burden of course but once understood and integrated energetically we can become much stronger and more balanced human beings.

Emotions and Qi (Chi).

I had a teacher once, who actually more than once proposed to me that Qi is pure emotion, it’s not a concept that i agreed with and it lead to many a passionate debate. Emotion is used by Qi as an energy source - that’s my view.

Or used by the body to enhance Qi. Think of endurance athletes or survival stories where thoughts of loved ones delivered vital energy for survivors.

Qi is spiritual, intelligent and has the capacity to organise. Your Qi is a part of your spiritual being - it’s your ‘spark in the machine’. And it can utilise the emotions of your experience to grow and expand.

Qi is simply too intelligent to be simply emotion.

Excess emotion has an effect within the body of producing more blood, which in turn is stored in the large joints in the body.

Difficult emotions such as rage, grief, hatred and shame have the capacity to have contracting effects on Qi. The knock on effects are problems in bio-electrical circuitry within the organs and channels of the body. Many an illness and disease patterns have their roots in the soil of our emotions.

Clearing these is much faster than establishing them in the first place - often iv’e seen a single session have quite life changing results. Naturally the obstacles are closed minds or stubbornness. The will within people is a very powerful element than can have enhancing or retarding effects within the healing dynamic which is clearly demonstrated within the placebo effect in drug trials.

Being too cerebral or left brain can also limit positive influence. Strong academics almost need a crisis to allow permission to believe that the mind is not the only great influence within us.

Michael Ross - Founder of The Energy Therapy Clinic

#energytherapy #emotionalhealing #mentalhealthGoldCoast #mentalhealthserviceGoldCoast #spiritualhealing

Michael Ross