Energy delivers both form and function

It’s a simple concept for a very large topic, but energy does indeed shape us entirely.

Embryology would not bring us into form without Qi/Bio-Electricity. There would be no growth or repair without energy.

It has been deeply undersold in the understanding of the body. Like water in nature, bio-electricity within us is flexible and subtle , yet immensely powerful.

The similarities are strong between water/fluid and bio-electricity in more ways than you might think. They both work like river systems within us, working from high pressure low voltage environments like the Thoracic cage, to low pressure high voltage environments such as fingertips and toes ( Source ‘The Uncharted Body’ Dr Daniel Keown) .

We generate energy, use it and recycle and store as much as possible.

How have we not given this vital life force more attention than we have. looking back on physiotherapy in the 1970’s it was more about the mechanics than the energy involved - completely to their detriment.

When energy organises the construction of things such as us, it draws on coded libraries like DNA. When working to plan all is rosy, but when problems occur in code or energy the result can be compost.

So how can we help rectify these problems - well therapies like Energy Therapy or acupressure / acupuncture use the incredible maps that indigenous Chinese/ Taoist/ Japanese sages painfully and dutifully assembled over many many hundreds of years.

Don’t under estimate what an achievement this is, it is epic and it mirrors many of the wonders occurring within our own Western medicine. Technology with its decisive power is delivery outcomes that simply validate further the wondrous insight from these Asian practitioners.

The languages might be different and also the nuances, but the core truths of the function of energy within us is what really counts.

A great book to introduce you to these concepts further is Dr Daniel Keown’s “The Spark in the Machine”.

A simple way to demonstrate the importance and effectiveness of energy is pain relief from clearing of one of the many channels that energy traverses within us. Because our organs are in the trunk of the body and fluids such as blood and lymph have circulatory patterns, it sometimes happens that energy is congested in areas of tension, injury or disease within the body.

By returning energy to the system effectively, we get enhanced chance of improvement - much like returning water to an area of the garden that previously had a blocked house in the watering system.

Like nature, we are formed energetically, we function energetically and we experience joy energetically.

Without energy, muscles are steak, land is barren and lives are barren too.

Energy is at the heart and soul of life, eventually we will acknowledge that energy has many dimensions to its nature, and it will help us discover those very dimensions within ourselves.

Michael Ross - The Energy therapy Clinic

Wind and water form these types of structures and energy powers them both.

Wind and water form these types of structures and energy powers them both.

Michael Ross