The Energy Therapy Clinic

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Energy distortions - How we 'hold' affects our energy (Qi)

This is one of the fundamentals of diagnosing and treating subtle yet very powerful energies within our biology.

There is absolutely nothing airy fairy about energy within us or working with it in a scientific version of therapy or healing.

In previous posts i have discussed the effects of emotion and mind on energy. Unless it is those rather rare moments in life where love is concerned, most often these effects are contracting. They can challenge our Psyche/Body relationships and cause poor performance within.

Generally speaking energy either expands or contracts. It does this in natural ways within us and our cycles - but our mind/emotion plug-in enhances the dynamic.

It is through the processing of mind and emotion that we allocate which part of us will deal with the life energies involved. Our chakra system is deeply involved in processing mind and emotion, and in cultures past we used Mythology and Rites to harmonise the mind with the body.

The myths and the rites , the ancient myths, were designed to put the mind and the mental system , into accord with this body system, with this inheritance.

To harmonise, as the mind can ramble off in strange ways and want things that the body does not want.

The myths and rites are designed to harmonise the mind and bring it into accordance with the body. And the way of life in accordance to the way that nature dictates.

these days we are left with chaotic myths, including distortions like pornography.

Simply put these are wrong by for us and our bodies are reflecting it.

The organ system is designed with specific hierarchies relating to specific emotions - The Chinese allocated elements to make sense of these and their relationships within the body and nature.

A good example would be the emotion of anger which is allocated to the wood characteristic organs of the Liver ( Solid and Yin in nature) and Gallbladder ( Hollow and Yang in nature). In English we have even developed language to reinforce these emotional organ connections - “Livid” being the obvious one for anger within the Liver, and “he’s got Gall” for anger within the Gallbladder system.

If life’s experiences are traumatic for instance, the body will protect the brain and pull the energy away from it, because the brain is the command centre. These energies are spiralled down into compaction in the body. Very stressful events and lives can seriously distort our bodies in this way. Exercise, meditation and other holistic practises can help release these internalised tensions as can serious energy therapy.

I treated a wonderful teenager who had developed severe scoliosis of the spine briefly after her close sibling had taken his own life. This physical outcome was in my humble opinion internalised stress of severe trauma. This was ‘brain stress’ taken down the spine.

Unwinding it is a real challenge because there is a spiritual aspect to these cases as well. But the correlation was very strong when timelines were taken into account.

I have had many people with these types of ‘trauma driven’ holdings within, sometimes they are very easy to shift and sometimes not so.

The chakra system as major transformers of mind and emotion can play a major role in these types of dynamics. Especially where deep soul emotions like rage, hatred, shame or humiliation are involved. Its a matter of energetically enticing the bio-electrical connections to reopen and re-establish talking electrically to each other aspects of the body. Strong emotions like rage can lock systems up like concrete, these issues could take years with weekly psychology sessions to even unwind a bit of them, in gentle hand applied Energy Therapy sessions they can literally be released in moments.

Shock and internalisation can deeply affect the bio-electricity of the heart and brain and other organs who have electrically charged membranes across their surface. This dynamic goes right down to cellular level where the cells employ the bio-electrical system as a kind of intracellular intranet; they use it to build intricate and expansive communication networks that control the transcript of genes, the contraction of muscles, and the release of hormones.

Many drugs target ion channels, using them to treat arrhythmia, epilepsy, and chronic pain -but for the sake of the discussion i’ll stay in the cut and thrust areas of the body and how we can find some positive and relatively passive influence..

Hand applied resonance to the correct correspondences can have a very profound harmonising effect upon areas of bio-electrical influences. This can be opening a channel to relieve pain or rebooting cyclic actions such as harmonising menstruation.

Many body actions can be disrupted when humans of any age experience trauma. Grief is a brutal example where the person may loose normal functions like eating, sleeping etc.

Or the victim of a cheating partner vomits upon the news of the deception when the Navel chakra contracts affecting the Gut.

Resonance can help re-establish these energy field dynamics so that they can re harmonise. Once the body has achieved release from a turbulent disruption in energy flows, it returns to its normal rhythms and does its job.

There are many techniques utilised in practice and i encourage you to book a session and experience it for yourselves.

Letting go of the compactions of mind and emotion is a very healing thing to do.