Obesity and energy

Space in the body is horrifically neglected by Western Medicine.

It’s ignored really, and completely misunderstood. It most certainly isn’t in TCM, acupuncture and Energy Therapy.

The vast majority of spaces give us the form and functionality of the channels ( meridians ) within us.

Wether it’s the Peritoneal Cavity as part of the Liver Channel or the microscopic spaces between the fascial planes that deliver nutrients, energy, blood and lymph throughout the body.

Space is king. And energy is Queen.

Obesity does the obvious thing and reduces the form and function of space. It misshapes space and alters flow of the good stuff.

It clogs and congests.

Nature and we are constructed in similar ways and methods. Energy and Qi behave similarly in both cases.

Taoists new this a cleverly began to reverse engineer and unravel the bodies secrets.

Amongst knowing how the body worked, they also identified the threats to it, including excessive amounts of food and other substances.

www.energytherapyclinic.com.au 🦋

Michael Ross