The Energy Therapy Clinic

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My Sessions: Listening-Touch-Energy

These semi-divine aspects of experiencing our humanity have combined throughout time to bring comfort and healing to us all.

Those who have lacked in these golden aspects of life are often less developed socially and emotionally. many of these underdeveloped souls are running our societies.

In my twenties i studied Holistic Counselling which was the foundation training for my listening skills, and would have pursued this full time had i not instinctually known that other skills were needed to be added for rapid and vital transformation.

Until I was exposed to hand applied resonance work in my thirties, I did not have the full tool kit. learning and understanding the Qi ( Chi ) dynamics have been a revelation to me, and I hope to bring that understanding to you as a client.

In regards to listening, to be heard is one of the greatest gifts, it is the precursor to being understood.

Not simply by your therapist, but ultimately by yourself. This is why we seek therapy of all kinds, to deepen our understanding of ourselves and to heal.

So why is the dynamic enhanced so much when listening and touch are combined, firstly it takes us back to infancy in a primal way, to our mothers arms, gaze, touch and feel.

I think of cooking when i conceptualise this, how good is a meal when the right herbs are added in sequence?

It is the same with the body - when we approach it in the right sequential manner, big shifts can occur.

Accurate listening, which includes reframing and paraphrasing, will allow the client to view their circumstances with greater scope and clarity. When i work with someone i’m trying to unwind them from sometimes years of conditioning, body work is excellent for that.

Something delightful occurs with the two in tandem, I think that the defence systems are relaxed and the subconscious is more easily accessible.

Similar stuff can happen in massage or reflexology and other great crafts. As long as the listening is purposefully applied and the person is aware.

I’ve had acupuncture for instance where the needles have been applied and the practitioner left the room for 20+ minutes, it’s not the same - the connections are different.

I work with the same system as acupuncture ( and other systems) but I’m always present, feeling and discerning. This cannot be underrated, it is an essential ingredient.

People can and have spent years in therapy, talking and being worked with in sometimes very clever ways, yet no transformational shift.

“Years in therapy” is not my favourite phrase. And the talking style therapies often had elongated timelines, more needs to happen in my humble view.

I’m probably impatient and want greater and faster results - and that’s what i aim for. In subtle ways I ask a lot of my clients, I push for the truth, because their truths lie at the root of their pains. Bodies are self fulfilling prophesies.

As a kid when exposed to Chiropractic in the 1970’s, I had a very strong mistrust that some of these guys were scheduling clients for commercial gain and not ethical reasons. It made me very angry watching many souls lining up for pain relief weekly or bi-weekly, where they might have had deeper opportunities to heal with other modalities.

The American influence on these practices was evident- profit, profit, and profit.

These experiences drove me on in my training to find methods that were as efficient as possible, ones that matched my integrity.

I’ve never been about building a practice on monetary principles, for me it’s about changing the life in a positive way.

Relieving pain, changing a long held problem, or giving critical support emotionally, these are the currency’s of Energy Therapy sessions.

In some of the most profound moments in my career, these shifts occurred in unexpected ways.

Not in so much as that happened outside of what I expected to be occurring in the body, but within the person.

There is a very little talked about this aspect of what I do, it’s the detective work. It’s looking for the threads to pull to unravel the shielding and self protective mechanisms that people have layered in to survive their lives.

Sometimes after a big session, people need to integrate the change that has been prompted by me.

I’ll quite often say that they need to have a sleep before they can assess the beginnings of a shift.

Because the body does work like a computer. It needs to reboot sometimes. And it needs to download new software variants to open to new realities.

Nine times out of ten i will say to clients “ let us see how your body reacts to todays work before any further work is considered”. People know their own bodies, they are capable of seeking help when required.

I always try and follow up a few days later to see how things are - they can take a while to absorb the work.

And shifts can continue for days and days.

In my sessions there is a time for gathering information and understanding it, then there is a time for releasing old information from the physicality.

Our minds have a tremendous affect on our bodies simply by changing the way that we breathe. SIn obvious cases like anxiety, we are familiar with the effects of shallow breathing. But in more “normal” life flows not many people are aware of the changes in their breathing to accomodate intense concentration, stress and the variances of life.

These breathing changes can be subtle or not so subtle, as can be the long term effects. The old Tibetan sages, wise as turtles and insightful as the greatest ever scholars, knew exactly of what I speak.

They said “ that of the 5600 diseases of mankind, only a handful could not be attributed to the breath. That this knowledge has been lost to modern medicine is a grave travesty.

So how is this relevant to an Energy Therapy Session - here is how.

When we are talking about our lives, our bodies are connecting to the understandings and experiences through the subconscious mind.

We are quite well versed now for where to look for the effects of the mind and emotions.

We know what organs handle excess emotions and we have even attributed names for the process. Livid with anger and the Liver is one such understanding.

Organs as the largest grouping of cells within our six great embryological planes in the body, do the processing. Your body is a marvel, it is tuned to process everything with us.

So if you have a predominance of grief, anger or frustration in your experiences, the maps are well laid out to work with your body to strengthen and tonify aspects of energy to assist you.

Certain energies like anger have a contracting effect within the channels, others like compassion have the opposite effect. So the Holistic Counselling aspect helps us understand who we are and how we hold and process information, and the energy work helps the body be fit for purpose.

They are so effective, it’s a very dynamic partnership.

All of my sessions start with a diagnostic element to them - and most include some energy work as well.

Its gentle and amazing work - but very powerful. Many clients have said, “ it’s amazing, I didn’t realise it but I’ve completely stopped doing this or that since I saw you.

My training in these areas took many years of learning and having sessions myself, this is very important.

Most great practitioners have tread these boards.

I look forward to welcoming you to a session soon 🙏♥️