The Energy Therapy Clinic

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Masculinity and Femininity - How it plays out within.

These great themes within us deserve about a million plus volumes of discussion, but i’ll do my very best to simplify some themes to explore.

From an Energy Therapy workers point of view, it is imperative to acknowledge and utilise the bodies role in resolving conflicts of often rhythmic imbalance in the psyche/body relations. If you're offended at the thought that you might be unbalanced in any way, just count the days back to the last time you expressed strong emotion.

Anger doesn’t just arrive spontaneously, it follows a thought that is processed faster than lightening. These are formed and imbedded in your library of mind. These are signs of being pulled between the mind and emotions that are embellishers of the psyche, and your body is the processor.

We do literally live inside a biological computer, it’s written in code remember- DNA/RNA. The keyboard is your fingers and tongue, and the feminine and masculine programming in the hard drive is within the right/left hemispheres of the brain.

Hemispheres which of course extend down the right and left of the body, and which are used to diagnose imbalances of feminine and masculine strengths and governances within.

In physical terms the six Yin organs are considered feminine and deal with predominantly blood, regulation and rejuvenation, regeneration and reproduction. With the considered male counterpart Yang organs associated with movement ( especially to the exterior) of waste and invading threats, and protection including nervous and immune functions.

The greatest intelligence within us is in the blood. If you were to search for divinity within us, i would start here.

Taoists spent centuries working to negate these polar forces with deep meditations, balancing and harmonisation techniques including Qi-Gong and Tai-Chi.

In a session, especially where relationships arise in the dynamic ( particularly parental relationships) there are a few deep insights that can help the client very much.

We are not conscious generally of these drivers except by the strong emotions that they evoke, and the physical stress they cause.

Fundamentally though it is about balance and when we block to a parent we very often block to the gender qualities within us as well. And it shows up in the body.

I speak a bit about it here in a 2019 recording.