The Energy Therapy Clinic

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Mental health

The biggest influence in these matters is the spirit of the person and how they have contained their life experiences , including trauma.

All energy, on every level in reality or creation is spiritual. Your capacity to understand your spiritual path, or to be in relationship with yourself and the divine aspects of reality play out at every level, especially the physical.

Its not your shin bone or fascia that get traumatised through life events, it’s your Spirit which changes hormonal and bioelectrical expressions.

In our practice our practitioners know this and have developed appropriate approaches to help you connect with your spiritual aspects through disciplines and healing.

It seems simplistic, but some of life’s greatest truths are simple- it’s accepting them that seems so complex.

Until we accept ourselves as spiritual beings having a physical experience we will suffer the vagaries of isolation and abandonment of our essential core natures.

In our practice, our Reframing Therapies are all about this, reintegration of awareness and life disciplines to help.

The fastest way to heal is to reach the spirit of the person - connect and help them re-open themselves for the business of living wholeheartedly.

Physically - the mechanics;

The body is the living librarian of our experiences.

The person is always at the centre of the experience. The eye is always at the centre of the storm. At the centre of these understandings is spirit. And it’s relationship to it’s environment including nature.

Indigenous culture understands this link profoundly.

In the Western world we have had very profound thought, philosophy and psychology have been wonderful, but the Hippies broke the rules, and for that we should be grateful.

Drug induced, yes, but they collectively transcended the minds established libraries and connected with the heart ( spirit within) and back to nature.

Collectively we couldn’t quite absorb the full imprint of the psychedelic era, but it’s there in all of the generations that followed.

There is a unique being deep within each of us, this being holds the trauma - the body just reports it to us.( #mental health Gold Coast.)

Trauma gets a look in especially when a person has poor sense of self consciousness . Hence indigenous cultures offer an increased sense of belonging through ritual which also builds resilience and self identity.

When our spirit is at peace, anxiety does not appear. Physically in the spaces of the body, if they are full with blood and Qi, there is no room for pathogens to establish themselves. I feel the same about the spaces that our spirit inhabits within us, if it is full of robust spirit, mind-trouble can’t get in and get established.

In shock and trauma, our spirit can detach and leave the body to some extent, and vacate the spaces as the energies can’t be contained, it’s a self protective measure. This detachment and disassociation can last a very long time, and people can be deeply misunderstood when suffering in this way.

Shamans re-establish the contact and encourage the spirit to re-engage in an integrated manner - all therapies should contain this principle. Our Energy Therapy and Reframing Therapy certainly do.

Clarity in understanding and to a degree self realisation are the key to building from within a new version of ourselves.

Addictions are part of the person trying to re-engage with themselves, an orphaned part trying to reintegrate . Addictions are introverted behaviours that sometimes look extrovert when drama emerges, but spiritually they are an inward journey, with the individual desperately trying to connect to their inner spirit and find a place of truth, safety and belonging.

In psychology we get obsessed with the persons mental states, but they are entirely reflective of their spiritual state.

Our collective problem is that we have lost touch almost entirely with what spirituality represents and means.

The mind;

The mind is best understood as a portal to infinity, that’s why it is so unstable.

Taoists and great Eastern cultures lead us in understanding this aspect of our humanity.

The Kidneys do a lot of filtering of mind energy.

A dynamic worth considering is that the Kidneys anchor the heart, and the heart is the home of the spirit (Shen).


A Taoist practice that has shown that stillness and awareness is the key worth administering.

Heavy or dense thoughts have dense energy and a differing electrical charge to say laughter, compassion, grace, forgiveness or love. Disciplines toward mindfulness can help us direct thoughts and not encourage your body to go into a nervous system response.

The real key and challenge of life is to harmonise our psyche within our heart space/ field. We must involve the proper spirit of the person in this process, not simply the personality. You need the higher perspective of your inner being.

Many people feel that anxiety starts in the body and ratchets up the mind - not the other way around, this could be true in some instances - it can if significant physical energetic weaknesses ( lack of containment) or illnesses are present.

Our spirit is present within us before we start taking life’s instruction. Before we form a sense of self identity and beliefs and biases.

It’s a delicate balance of our Soul inhabiting this vital - essence ( neural crest cells) charged body.

There is the timeless, perfectly aligned, unbroken, centred and divinely connected part of us that has never deviated from the space that sacred energised geometry has allocated it.

Reconnecting to this part of ourselves is what true healing represents.

StraightenUp Mind Therapy is designed for just this purpose.

Energy Therapy is the physical way to approach the challenge, and Reframing Therapy is a way to approach mental health through both education and discipline practices.

You can book for an online or in person session at

Michael Ross - The Energy Therapy Clinic ♥️

Mental Health Gold Coast

Online Mental Health

Holistic Mental Health