The Energy Therapy Clinic

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Online Therapy Sessions

This product offering is designed to bring many years of intuitional and observational training to the client in a hour long session.

It is offered globally, with timezone compatibility organised at the time of booking.

I have conducted sessions with clients as far away as the United kingdom, Germany, Denmark and Japan.

The value within these sessions is manifested in the ability to understand what information from your experiences has been held within the body/mind system.

With over 30 years of observational clinical experience, I have vast experience in understanding what might have been internalised. Some of the clues to this are held in what physical symptoms might be troubling you.

The more chronic the symptoms usually attests to the longevity of time that you have held the condition. My aim with these conditions is to offer information that may shed enlightenment on your situation, and assist you to work toward shifts that are beneficial.

The Online Therapy Session is usually conducted over WhatsApp video and allows a deeper connection within the process. You can of course have a WhatsApp phone consultation if you prefer additional privacy.

The advantage of the WhatsApp video connection is that i can articulate visually points on the body where the tension lines might be expressed at the surface of the body. When you can see the location and press on these points, they are often very tender, and sometimes even downright painful.

I will work with you in the session and in the after session report to highlight self maintenance opportunities. Getting to work with therapeutically touching our own bodies is immensely useful for pain relief and channel decongestion. 

The channels emerge to the surface of the body and they act as escape routes for all manner of excess - heat, wind, Qi, and removal of toxins, including viruses, bacteria and fungi. 

The body wants and needs to remove these things otherwise they congest and cause illness.

The origin of these channels are our organs and their embryonic planes.

Many Online Therapy Sessions relate to relationship issues and these intimate connections are both vital and deeply important to most people. They can come with significant challenges though and it is amazing to have support and clarity available when things get cloudy at home or work.

To have an objective mind available to download these tensions to is a great value of these sessions.

Sometimes having someone removed from the emotional investment that we attach to significant situations and people with highly valuable.

Workplace tensions and toxic relationships are very common, and they can have very significant physical effects on people trying to navigate them. One such difficulty is of capable people being caught in a toxic dynamic with a more senior company person - the problem is not just a personal one, its an economic one.

The key here is that we hold these experiences in different places.

To leave or be removed can have devastating consequences for many individuals so they remain within very damaging dynamics. My work primarily is to help re-establish a strong working sense of self within the individual, and to remind them that life has many vantage points from which to view the very challenging situations that we find ourselves enmeshed within.

Part of dealing with the physical side of things is opening to new habits and practices that might strengthen you both as an individual, and as an organism. Understanding the importance of decent breathing techniques and well as the magnificence of meditation can be very helpful.

We change what we are capable of.

We also offer another very powerful guided meditation therapy titled StraightenUp Mind Therapy, both online and in clinic. This is often a powerful follow up session to the original Online Therapy Session. Please view the details for this product offering in the ‘Our treatments’ section within this website.

Self help is fantastic and to gather tools for this is wise indeed - these sessions will offer you some great tools to both manage and reduce symptoms for both the present and the future.

So to summarise, Online Therapy Sessions offer information about how we might be holding our experiences via the symptoms that are presenting, we offer useful and practical physical self application therapies, including acupressure points and advice how to work with them. These points will be sent to you via locational images post session.

Symptoms show up where we have inherent weaknesses within our systems, understanding what contributes to these weakening can allow us the reverse the dynamic, sometimes entirely.

These sessions are practical, and are the next best thing to being in the clinic - you will receive basically the same information.

Therapy Gold Coast. Occupational therapy Gold Coast.

Mental Health Gold Coast, Mental Health Brisbane, Mental Health Sydney, Mental Health Melbourne.

Online therapy.