The Energy Therapy Clinic

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Phlegm - the silent killer


It doesn’t belong in your body.

It’s a substance that shouldn’t be there as it interrupts energy (Qi) flow and cannot be removed from the body.

I’ll repeat that - it cannot be removed from the body easily, we need to change the “flora” of dampness.

Commonly it can cause pain, but it can also begin to cause cancer. ( Source Dr Dan Keown - The Uncharted Body P98)

Obesity- that lazy condition of the West, the condition of excess that we have wonderfully exported to the East.

It’s a Phlegm condition and it’s the biggest risk factor for cancer outside of smoking.

Which when I think about it is probably a phlegm condition of the lung and endothelial layers.

Locations of major phlegm deposits give us an indication which major plane/division/embryonic conformation of the body is carrying the load.

Waist fat/ beer gut relates to the Spleen/Pancreas/Lungs/ Abdominal glands/ Endothelial “internal skin”

Lower legs and ankles swelling is the layer of the kidneys and heart/ arteries.

These are conditions driven by modern prosperity and lifestyle excess. They are generally chronic conditions more than acute, but by the time they bring pain there is Ali of work to do to remedy and heal the situation.

Certainly a diet change and exercise can help as it does with most conditions.

An oil free plant based diet is ideal. Just YouTube Dr Caldwell Esselstyn for the perfect place to start - he and his inspirational family are living testament to the efficiencies involved.

My treatments start by supporting these aspects of the body and discussing the drivers.

In the initial approach I would utilise key points on the body where some of the organ systems meet. It’s imperative to also open some of the channels energetically so Qi can return to doing its work and clearing congestion and toxins from the body.

The reason why phlegm is so hard to remove is because of the sticky nature of its constitution. We need to shift the internal environment and continue to keep Qi moving.

Pain is very often congestion of Qi being reported.

Endometriosis is a classic phlegm condition, with origins in the Liver channel which includes the peritoneal cavity of the abdomen.

Often when surgeons do keyhole exploration of this area, just opening the space during the procedure is the French enough to dislodge phlegm adhesion and relieve pain.

Many a sufferer might have experienced this, the surgery found noting but the procedure gives pain relief to the bewilderment of patient and doctor alike - but this is the reason.

As I’ve mentioned, these conditions are driven generally by excess that knocks our bodies internal humidity off center.

Bodies are very clever at maintaining 37°C internal temperature. If part of the system is congested though it throws pressure into the capacity for our biology to maintain uniformity throughout the internal circuits.

A little cool and moist leads to phlegm, a little warm and dry leads to inflammation.

Phlegm has its origins in fluid buildup, and the Gut Channel is the origin of fluids in our body.

In TCM there are many useful embryonic acupuncture points to assist with management of phlegm.

This is where Energy Therapy treatments are so effective, they can clear congestion very well generally speaking. And there is no needling involved in my therapy.

Once Qi flows again, the body knows what to do. 🙂.

Don’t delay in seeking assistance in dealing with phlegm, as the heading says “ it’s a silent killer “. It is very similar to having a fluid in your engine that should not be there.

Please fell welcome to text me for an appointment on 0487111008 and we can start the journey of Qi flow rectification.

Michael Ross - Energy Therapy Clinic

Image : treating phlegm buildup in the ankle. Gold Coast, 2021.