The Energy Therapy Clinic

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Points of power

There are points within us that harbour a combination of high resistance and high energy - at these points energy manipulation is more powerful.

At the end of each fascial plane where one connective tissue gives way to another Western embryologists describe these as organising centres ( elbows, wrists, knees etc) , and Eastern medical sages talk of the energetic functions available at these locations and have labeled them acupuncture points.

In the many layers of the body these dynamics occur, the obvious ones that we get easy access to are on the surface of the body.

When the West talks of fascial planes, the East talks of acupuncture channels.

In these channels Qi energy flows and organises the body. At the end of each fascial compartment sits an organising centre. At this point energy concentrates but also encounters higher resistance.
In the lymphatic system ( comprising the fluid that travels the fascia) these areas are often where lymph nodes are found. Lymph nodes are found at the confluence of these channels of watery lymph to create resistance to filter this fluid.
Qi energy flows identically within these spaces, and beyond these organising centres sits another fascial compartment and so the energy moves on.

Qi and fluid flows from high pressure to low pressure. High pressure is found internally and low pressure externally.

More precisely it will be found at the spots on the body that have the largest surface-area-to-volume ratio since this represents the most external parts of the body. Fingers, toes, ears and nose all share this characteristic and it is no coincidence that all the acupuncture/energy channels either start or end here.

The ancient Chinese sages as humble as the Earth and wise as old turtles compiled the most detailed and consistent medical canons that we have in existence.

The fascial planes used for access during surgery and the energy channels of acupuncture are one and the same.

The power points within them influence the flow of fluids and energy.

When clear, we are healthy, when blocked we are not - it’s that simple. Blocked energy or fluids equals big problems.

My craft like acupuncture, and sometimes surgery is to clear these congestions and allow the body to return to healthy self regulation.

Nature organises herself in the same way - water and electricity, like river tributaries both seeking the paths of least resistance from high pressure environments to low pressure ones.

Energy Therapy is helping our bodies to return to higher performance.

Electricity is everywhere within us, it needs to flow. It’s subtle but accumulatively it is very powerful, it beats our hearts and powers our brains - they are the obvious aspects but truly it powers our entirety.

We are used to the terms EEG and ECG and the relationship of currents to the heart and brain. We just aren’t as familiar with the concept of electricity fuelling the lungs or digestion, or muscles.

We would rather focus on what type of grain we eat, not our emotions or Qi ( bio-electricity) behaviours to rectify ills - this is a slow choice as energy correction can have very fast and efficient results.

#energytherapy #energyhealer