Spiritualised energies

Fully understanding the nature of energy; All energy is essentially spiritual and electrical.

Without the animating force of spirit in our bodies, we die.

The Taoists call this force Qi.

Consciousness is your spirit drawing on the elemental energy of matter to form conscious impressions to learn from. Like a plant draws electrically charged water to keep its consciousness alive, the body does also.

We are psychic beings, projecting mind energy after being nourished into existence by the earth and the elements around us. We can separate all that we can see into two categories; firstly what nature creates, secondly what mankind has created. There is nothing else ( that we can see anyway).

Physics shows us that energy never dies, it changes form, so it’s indestructible, immortal. Spirit is this animating energy, so it’s reasonable to conclude that your spirit is immortal.

The spirit energy that animates us at conception, and builds our bodies in embryo is intelligent and highly capable of organisation.

It’s electrical, and can read code(DNA) and organise.

This is Qi (spirit/energy) doing its job.

When we work with this in healing capacities, we are working with the energy and spirit of the person, consciously or unconsciously.

Qi is clearly observed elementally in our body as the fire element. The easiest way to see it at present is in an ECG.

Predominantly through heart energy and the ‘fire element’ organ systems that protect the heart ( triple heater/fascia, Small intestines/Gut, and pericardium/heart protector) we can observe spiritualised electricity.

Many healing moments can involve this heart aspect of the system as many people hold partially closed energetic hearts as a protective posture, when it is accessed I’ve seen it brush aside all many of pain and illnesses.

This living spiritual energetic quality within the heart in TCM is titled Shen. Disturbed Shen leads to anxiety and other psychological problems, which in turn hold the internal pathways and aspects of the body in weird ways.

Crucially one acupuncture point that helps alleviate these postures is Kidney 6 located at the inner ankle. The kidney and it’s channel are literally part of the heart plane or division in the body. Kidneys anchor the heart emotionally, hormonally and energetically, they regulate the Heart.

Mathematics is most certainly present in energy as it must be within our spirits, as energy is a physical language of spirit within us.

So permission must be given to work with this aspect of a person as it directly relates to their spiritual nature, but it is a very powerful shortcut to many resolutions.

For this to occur requires the client to possess flexibility, courage, wisdom and belief.


Michael Ross - Energy Healer

Michael Ross