The Energy Therapy Clinic

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StraightenUp Mind Therapy

I continue to be rather fascinated by this gentle yet astonishingly powerful therapy. It has some deep transformational properties and i’m finding that i am recommending it more and more to my clients.

Especially where extended periods of mental stress or prolonged emotional stress have been present in their life.

To give you an appreciation of what this therapy is, i’ll guide you through the process. Firstly this is literally a guided meditation, but it is mathematically coded.

The code is both structured and open, and utilises Sacred Geometry. The mathematical properties of Phi in Sacred Geometry are literally the foundation for organic life. You will be familiar no doubt with the artistic license attributed too many product utilising Sacred Geometry, such as the Flower of Life designs, these adhere to the truth resonating within geometry.

This group of 2D geometric patterns that adorned popular art sites, or tee shirt ranges allowed us to investigate curiously the underlying math principles involved through the great ‘living’ energies that they visually portray. The best book that i have read regarding Sacred Geometry is John Michell’s “How the world was made, The story of creation according to Sacred geometry” with Allan Brown.

And for this therapy we draw on the mathematical sequencing that underpins Sacred Geometry to allow the client to attune to the aspect of themselves that remains in total alignment with the founding principles in nature. As we move through the guided journey, the subconscious is guided back to this state as well- and sheds the layering that the conscious mind has inflicted upon it via the life experiences and information involved in a modern life.

During our experiences including the traumatic ones, our bodies are designed to keep excess or stress away from the brain. It is very good at this task, but those energies and tension lines are bought spiralling down into the body and distributed like all energy is for use or elimination.

Other species have mechanisms for dealing with excess energies, if you’ve ever patted a cat and had them shake it off immediately is a protective method for eliminating excess bio-electricity, this what is occurring.

Excess (stress) bio-electricity that is not efficiently eliminated within us is appropriated to our organ and channel system for processing. Over time these can become congested with both unnatural tension, stagnation of bio-electricity and organic matter. Most prominent in the generalised body is muscle tension leading to stiff or sore backs, necks, joints and legs.

These are due in main to stagnation in Qi ( Bio-electricity) in the microscopic channels between fascial planes. If toxins such as viruses, bacteria or fungi are present, they can osmotically draw water to them and form dangerous dampness. This dampness evolves into a substance that the body cannot easily eliminate - Phlegm.

Once phlegm is present the journey towards far more dangerous pathologies have potentially evolved.

Without dwelling on these pathologies too much we should return to the benefits of the StraightenUp Mind Therapy. Because we are trying to effect a literal reboot of the psyche via the Tetrahedral Geometric code, and when the body realigns it sheds the patterns of tension that it has held for sometimes decades, and maybe lifetimes.

The result is often a literal straightening of the posture - it’s that powerful. People actually get taller and straighter.

The real benefits are so widespread that i’m sure we would have to run through the many levels of the body, as the damage that subconsciously established tension patterns do to us, has an effect right down to intracellular levels.

Increasingly i’ve found this therapy being utilised by clients who carry great mental stress in their work lives - however the benefits to sports people and students should also be evident.

This is a therapy that can also be delivered via online sessions - WhatsApp video being the most popular. It’s a great experience getting in touch with the perfectly aligned part us that has remained so, and as the mind returns to this alignment so does the body.

Therapy Gold Coast. Occupational therapy Gold Coast.

Mental Health Gold Coast, Mental Health Brisbane, Mental Health Sydney, Mental Health Melbourne.

Online therapy.

Our bodies respond to our psyche on many levels