The Energy Therapy Clinic

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It seems quite innocuous, but to the contrary, it’s vital.

Our bodies are very hot places, and they like it that way. In fact they are designed to defend the heat.

Many illnesses are born when these defences are breached.

The outer embryological layer of these defences comprises of the skin, bladder, spine and brain.
The electrical defence of the body is set up down the back and flanks of the body.

It is via these layers and significant points on them that we can support the body and it’s spiritual inhabitant.
Cold invasions occur when viruses, bacteria and fungi “ Steal” heat/energy from the system.

Over time these pathological temperature changes cause environmental damage.

It’s these changes that set up the conditions for diseases like inflammation, and phlegm.

Atomically by space/volume we are hotter than the sun.
Important places to consider keeping warm are the head including the throat and neck, hands and feet.
Fascinating science like the amazing Wim Hoff Method, shows us that by stimulating the immune response by introducing extreme cold to the body we can strengthen the organism.

In utero we develop many layers, the six major confirmations have purposeful attributes regarding dealing with various levels of environmental Qi.

As and when the seasons change, our bodies adapt. The channel system for instance in the cold and dry Winter/ Autumn drops deeper into the body to conserve heat.

Conversely, in Summer they rise closer to the surface to help release heat and moderate temperature.

Temperature is crucial to us, and we should enjoy the knowledge of understanding it as it helps build a more complete understanding of what our body is doing to support us.

In digestion for instance, the health of the gut ( mouth to anus) which is a long composting tube in effect, is best understood by its temperature driven flora.

Is it too dry or damp, leading to inflammation or phlegm. These crucial understandings give us valuable information to use in treatment protocols.