The Energy Therapy Clinic

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THE SPARK IN THE MACHINE - internal energies ♥️

To explain anything to do with the body is complex, as it’s a highly complex organism.

We humans though are very clever creatures and we have great capacity to observe things and explain them on our terms.

Nature is so brilliant that her deepest secrets have still eluded us. Western medicine is a very powerful animal, yet quite ignorant in terms of understanding energy relationships within. They know what cells are and what cells do, but struggle to articulate intracellular relationships.

It is here that Chinese medicine is superior in its understanding. Their knowledge of how the body is structured and organised right down to intracellular levels is truly astonishing.

What is required is deeper collaborative understanding between east and west.

Dr Dan Keowns wonderful publications “The Spark in the Machine” and “The Uncharted Body” address these issues and would make ideal reading for medical students of all persuasions.

We now understand via the incredible imaging capacity in modern science that there is a flash of light at conception. When sperm impregnates the egg, the spark enters the machine literally.

And via a scientific accident of sorts, we now understand that light / bio electricity guides the process of formation in utero.

All of these astonishing discoveries had already been discovered by the Chinese (TCM) medical sages and the Indian Vedic sages. Including cellular activity that we need electron-microscopes to discover.

The Eastern sages also understood the patterns and relationships of bioelectrical forces with and without.

The woo woo energy sciences will be the saviours of western science when it finally embraces these realities.

Without physical electricity ( ironically) western medicine would be literally in the dark ages.

And further illumination awaits, when the attention on currents and their intelligence is applied within our bodies.

At this moment however we might gratefully accept the scientifically documented data available from sources like acupuncture.

We are delighted to accept binary codes in DNA and computing science, yet struggle to recognise the binary nature of Yin ( negative) and Yang ( positive) currents within living organisms.

We are happy to accept these as diagnostic tools like EEGs and ECGs but ignore the probability that these currents are not present beyond the nerves and r within the cells.

Well they are, all membranes have an electrical current present, all cells, nerves and muscles via the fascial channels. This current not only powers environments, but it also organises them in growth and regrowth and repair.

So, if your not likely to get much currency talking bioelectrical wellness from your GP who should you talk to.

Me obviously, or an acupuncturist. And the beauty of these modalities is that they are compatible with many common health modalities.

Utilising energy work, herbal health and biological wellbeing via a naturopath is a smart approach to wellbeing. And in truth a return towards self healthcare knowledge. We have passed the responsibility far to easily to western medical practitioners, many who have glaring deficiencies in nutrition, energy medicine and herbal lore.

It will cost you more money, because Medicare is set up for the narrow tram lines of western pharmacology.

But I assure you it is a better investment over 80 years. Many of the diseases only the western word are born of excess, including much of the pain syndromes.

Inflammatory diseases, heart disease, diabetes, ‘auto immune diseases’, and so many more can be ‘cut of at the roots’ by understanding the nature and conditions of the internal environments within us.

The Chinese Medical terminologies of Dryness, Dampness, Wind etc all describe internal biological conditions driven by generally unhealthy Qi (bioelectrical) flow.

We seem happy to accept and understand our electricity power stations and grid networks, or computing environments and the problems that occur there, but completely miss the correlation within us.

Well it’s real, and we can interact in hugely positive ways with bio-electricity(Qi).

Consider this - your lungs are the beginning of the process of generating and distributing Qi- bio-electricity. In Chinese medicine they appropriate the phrase “ The Lungs are the commander of Qi”.

This energy is distributed by the lungs hand in glove partner the heart. Qi is moved in the two bloods system - red blood via the heart and arterial system, and white blood (lymph) via the Liver/Gallbladder/Fascial channels.

The Tibetan sages of old stated that of the 5600 diseases, only a handful were not attributed to the breath. These Taoist wizards knew the disruption and disturbances that poor breathing would have on the quality of Qi, and that healthy yin and yang currents were the key the health.

Deep scientific breathing practices were evolved including TaiChi, Qi-Gong and many variants in Japan also.

To understand this in a modern example think of anxiety, it always has a shortening of breath. This coupled with dry internal conditions give us the anxious symptoms.

A shift in perspective is where to start, then trusting the process that we together can rediscover some of this wonderful wisdom of our ancestors and apply it with grace to our own lives.