The Energy Therapy Clinic

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Introvert feeling type vs extrovert sensing type

My craft of energy work is crafted on intuitive feeling functions, which is quite amazing even to me, as I am an extrovert by nature.

The majority of the population in Australia leans towards extroversion, and living for the day and moment, experiencing, tasting and consuming life.

We love life on so many levels, and sports, music events and food and drinks and fellowship are top of the list in our daily lives.

We integrate our relationships within these types of settings.

Outside of the Aborigines, only about 1% of our society are introverted intuitives - As are most Aboriginal people.

These amazing people all have deeply acquired knowledge that is difficult for them to share in the robust and busy modern environments - not because they don’t want to, but because they sense that they would be poorly understood.

The healing, creative and organisational capabilities of these people is strong, they acquire very different perspectives.

Very powerful perspectives.

Their knowledge is normally quite valuable. It still amazes me that I have these capabilities, as they are not in alignment with my extroverted personality, many an executive in industry was amazed to learn that I had a holistic healing practice in tandem with a public speaking executive role.

In the background though was this profound part of me competing for space to operate, my intuitive healing capacity.

The challenge, and it’s a real one, for most Australians is to intuit the value in energy work like mine.

Im asking Australians who en mass have powerful analytical prowess to intuit my abilities, which is going against their natural grain within their personalities, thank god for Google reviews where they can satisfy their requirements for analysis, and quantify what they might receive in value and practicality.

Its not easy, as most Aussies accept macro structures like modern western medicine without question, it’s been generationally layered on them, with scientific truths and scientific manipulations all in the mix.

A stance that has very mixed results indeed, the rigours of science still solve less than 50% of ailments, it’s not that impressive.

Because what is unseen like relationships are as important as physically obvious things in the lab.

How can you be expected to understand and approach new subtle ways of approaching healthcare, when it’s much easier to book the GP and then get a specialist to care for the problem.

The overriding culture is conditioned toward a moderately strong medical system - one though that has dismissed all but a few of the finer aspects of Eastern medicine in practice.

One thing that will shift your focus toward research and reviewing other modalities, is when your current channels do not deliver the results that you require, and this is now endemic.

Its a shame that we have to get to the situation where pain, disease or confusion, anxiety and lack of faith is so strong that we seek change, but here we are.

I would say to you, have moderate faith in your institutions, and be robust and flexible enough to seek change a lot earlier, trust your gut feelings and act on them for a change.

I see a lot of people who have been enduring long term stress and illness, problems that could have been resolved or helped long before chronic symptoms have bedded in.

Our bodies are phenomenally complex of course - we really need to acknowledge that, but we can and do influence them in really important ways with subtle interventions.

This blog is aimed at you bringing your focus towards energy pathways and energy healing modalities, now, well before serious illnesses occur.

Because there are three basic levels of pathology:

Energy - Qi ( Chi ), bio-electricity.



Energy or Qi, operates at every level, so it is an important tool for maintaining wellbeing and rectifying problems.

Its also very cost effective, it may not be subsidised by Medicare, but the cost to your body, and long term dependence is much lower.

Pharma as a whole and western medicine also are reductionist in nature. They focus on reducing symptoms so you can function.

Blocking body functions with chemicals is the most basic trick.

Energy work like mine retunes the system, like an auto electrician. Your body is designed for self regulation ( thank God ), and once it’s tuned well, it can do a much better job.
What tuning means in real terms is helping remove excess energy and heat, which leads to dryness and inflammation, or help remove dampness and phlegm that leads to congestion and swelling.

These are a few simple examples, but the list is long as the body is complex.

Young bodies self regulate very well - their Qi is very strong and the physical organisation is also strong, as we age these drop off which is even greater incentive to have the bio-machine operating as well as possible.

Another component in health is mental and emotional influences which also play a very significant role.
In western medicine these are split up into specialty fields, they are not really trained to deal with the whole person as holistic practitioners are.

We generate and expand or contract with strong emotions.

Getting of the plane in Bali for a ten day holiday is emotionally expansive, walking into a hospital for radiation is emotionally contracting.

Working yourself to the bone is Physically contracting, bringing yoga and other energy based practices into your life is physically expanding.

People use me for many different reasons, some are rather ill with chemotherapy for instance, others have emotional trauma, anxiety or difficulties like addictions, and others use me for professional performance.

Energy is always involved, because you are an energetic being.

Come and see me in my Burleigh clinic, feel free to book a session or Free 15 min chat, I’ll tell you what’s going on for you fairly quickly. 🙂

In the meantime I hope that you keep opening your awareness to the introverts and intuitive among us, and appreciate their strength.

This of course includes our Aboriginal peoples, their beautiful culture and enormously deep sensitivities.

The image below is my friend and award winning artist Craig Ruddy with Gulpilil, both have past into spirit, both were introverts in an extroverted cultural overprint. Both mastered the bridging of the two. 🙏🏆🏆🍀

Men and women of their ilk enrich our societies, they need our support and love.

They hold much healing capacity for such a sensory based, live in the moment consumer-able society as Australia.
Balance is what is required, and intuitive healers balance things for people of other energy dispositions very efficiently.

I had a dear friend say to me, “ how do you reach people in this type of culture with your energy work, isn’t it much more suited to Asian audiences who have a natural leaning towards it ?”.

My answer was born completely of experience and observations in clinic and Asia, where I’ve also practiced.

” The people most open to this work in the West come from the most structured and regulated society in the world- 🇩🇪 Germany.”

These powerful industrial people have also this thirst for the intuitive, and they are very clever for doing so.

Asian societies and societies with Shamanic roots all have feminine intuitive sciences at the core of their cultures. Introversion is encouraged. Connection is encouraged.

All societies have very smart people, but it’s the culture that dictates opinions, and opinions sway policies.

Introversion is feminine in nature, extrovertion is masculine.

In the West we have operated dominating masculine cultures, that’s why it is a terrible imprint on Aboriginal culture.

Its violent and oppressive.

Our culture has exhausted itself with masculine energy - and conquest, nature has been dominated and tamed, but our environments destroyed.

We now turn desperately to feminine introverted tech geeks to develop ways to dominate new spaces, internal spaces, internet’s and subatomic computing.

Computing is a feminine art, connecting, rhythmic, and expanding inwards.

In Australia, the people who seek me out are the ones who don’t get dictated to easily, they have an independence about them, they come from all walks of life - I’ve treated pilots, heads of mental health units, business people, dedicated parents, children, professionals, trades people, teachers, air traffic controller’s, students, yoga teachers and students, hospitality and service orientated people, State health department officials etc.

Everyone has enormous qualities, they are organised differently in both individuals and our societies, what we share is how we hold our experiences, and these things bind us together as a species.

Part of working with me is getting a glimpse of what type of person you are, and how you inhabit your world- this is therapeutic.

I can’t wait to meet you in Burleigh, be brave, expand yourself and heal. 🙂
