Your Bio-Electrical Health Profile - Yes you have one
It’s such an underrated, or non-comprehended aspect of the body that it’s almost astonishing. How haven’t so many finely educated medical people across the last few centuries not advanced their understanding and therapeutic offerings of bio-electricity?
What needs to be understood and acknowledged is that electricity is at the very core of our being. Polarised light is probably the very essence, but we get to experience and understand this as bio-electricity.
The term Qi ( or Chi ) relates to not just bio-electricity, but a force that creates and maintains order within us.
In our bodies, this is enormously dynamic, it plays out across membranes and channels that encompass most of our internals, including Organs. These dynamics affect the channels ( and cavities / spaces) that lead to other organs and to our extremities ( hands, feet and face).
And we can subtly and powerfully affect these dynamics in reverse via acupuncture/acupressure points ( embryonic control points).
The first thing that springs to mind is that anyone interested in this aspect of the body is, and has been competing with modern Western Biology ( Pharma) and ironically modern Physics. The obsession in Biology with materials, i.e. molecules and atoms put Western Medicine and its teaching institutions under a spell, a spell that must be adjusted so we can add the ‘living exchange sciences’ such as energy storage and distribution into the equation.
Western medicine has been so powerful ( Yang) that it almost annihilated the more subtle energy based systems of Acupuncture / Acupressure / hand applied resonance based therapies like mine, and Homeopathy ( Yin ).
Of course by reading energy via machines and collecting data via MRI’s, ECG’s and EEG’s then all feels satisfactory, which assists sciences view of itself and its processes, but there are much deeper and more complex systems and dynamics to understand - comprehensive medical systems far beyond the educational eye of Western Medicine and in this realm subtlety of electricity rules.
Then there is the issue of disproportionate force - my wife was the practice manager for one of Australia’s busiest Urological surgeons. One of the procedures in this field is the electrical Shockwave Therapy utilised for erectile disfunction ( ED).
This is clearly bio-electrical therapy and its theory dynamics are borrowed from acupuncture, as is the increasing use of dry needling in Physiotherapy, the West however has not understood that very subtle diluted fields or currents such as generated in my hand techniques, acupuncture and acupressure can affect the whole very dramatically.
As we evolve we will hopefully appreciate that strengths that currents play a very interesting part in how the body responds. Like Homeopathy uses dilution in water as bearers of various frequency outputs, so i hope that we will evolve our modern bio-electrical therapies.
Its of little use trying to use my hand resonance on a patient that require electric paddles to kick start their heart, and conversely there is little substitute for subtle energy therapies like mine to feel and match the Qi dynamic harmonics within the body and to gently encourage the body without harm, back toward gentle and natural self regulation.
Thank god insightful subtle energy therapies still exist and are being again propagated as vital sources of health. These are therapies like mine ( Resonance healing) , acupuncture, acupressure, and Ayurveda, are all completely scientific and very effective.
Be patient in your approach, especially if you're very out of condition or harbouring chronic conditions - generally speaking we can unwind and heal these problems way faster than they took to establish. But if you go for instance to an acupuncturist, they might not be able to ‘instantly unwind’ chronic issues, take your guidance from the practitioner involved.
We need to change the environments - ( Internal cold, Internal heat, Internal dampness, Internal wind/toxicity, Internal deficits or excesses) before the body can heal and return to self regulation (health).
Even in Western medicine it can take months for a pharmacological drug to have the blocking effects that it’s designed to perform, and in truth the underlying pathology is probably not being properly addressed.
In our Western medical history modern technological inventions like sulphonamide, the first antimicrobial sulpha drug and precursor to modern antibiotics, antibiotics themselves, and vaccines really tilted the game back in humanities favour and allowed us some breathing spaces from the virulent and deadly pandemics of old. Thank you Western Science.
It gave us a very deep and powerful faith in Science - a kind of 1950’s euphoria, akin to like the’ industrialisation of medicine’. Pastel fridges, Electrolux vacuums, Shiny silver jet aeroplanes and antibiotics! What a time to be alive…
Optimism bread hope that these technologies would be forever cures, but nature is virulent in herself and eventually exposed weaknesses in our hope based beliefs. Antibiotic resistance and questionable advances in vaccine technologies have exposed us to deeper pathological potentials.
We should have known, as we should today with the mass vaccination strategy, that meeting something with maximum Yang will evoke and equal and opposite reaction of Yin. This reactive Yin action of viruses is to internalise and reorganise in variants.
After all it’s in Natures nature to build and destroy, that’s her game.
Like in the fighting art of Fencing, we should have met this viral adversary by a series of confrontations and yielding, and observing in the middle ground instead of trying to chase it into oblivion with Gene therapies. “Fools rush in…” springs to mind.
Understanding natural flows, balance and harmony is the key, and these flows are always governed by Qi ( bio-electricity). TCM / Chinese medicine is our definitive manual for understanding Qi. The best publication i have ever found and is in fact my ‘bible medical text’ for my practice was published by British doctor -Dr Daniel Keown.
Dr Keown is a 15 year N.H.S. veteran in Emergency Medicine, but he has also a student and qualified practitioner of Oriental medicine- he has published two very useful works. “ The Uncharted Body “ is his seminal medical text and it is astonishingly vital in its comprehensions.
His insights from both Western and Eastern perspectives are simply amazing ( take a bow sir). What he offers us is to look at medicine through two complimentary lenses, and to grow a deeper appreciation for both, and indeed their interoperability ( if you are smart enough).
The strength and absolute power of Nature is her ability to self regulate and keep systems in harmony with her chosen cycles, and this is also evident within the power of our own bodies. Internally we see, feel and benefit from the great gift of intelligent bio-electricity ( Qi) which governs and regulates.
Qi is the foundation of life - it organises growth and birth, repairs and maintains living systems and organises death thru diminishment of Qi inside the programming ( DNA/RNA).
This intelligent bio-electrical growth factoring ( embryology) and repair factoring ( Neural Crest cells for example), allow our bodily system to continue in existence and self regulate ( maintain health). Failure of this leads to catastrophic outcomes like cancer and death.
So the honouring of the Yin aspect of storing and holding, and distributing energy potentials of bio-electricity ( Yang) , and working with it in therapeutic ways is as vital as the powerful introductions like antibiotics in a crisis.
Combining an Eastern and Western Medicine approach to personal health is the visionaries choice.
Arrogance or ‘Ignore-rance’ is to be absolutist about one or the other, and is simply the role of clowns and fools. And as we know, “fools rush in where angels fear to tread” and “ clowns usually become politicians”… hence our current worldwide cesspit of political policy regarding Covid-19 and treatments.
Western medicine is excellent in crisis care, diagnostics, and procedural health ( surgery ) etc. Eastern medicine is the pathways to dealing with chronic disease, functional disorders and pain, as well internal biological, emotional and spiritual relationships.
Conditions such as PMDD, Menstrual issues and hormonal issues are all dealt with brilliantly via healthy energy expressions and relationships within the body. As are issues of pain and injury recovery, which both rely on healthy vibrant flow of fluids and bio-electricity.
Many many illnesses are sadly the effect of our prosperity. We eat far too much and of the wrong substances and we no longer move enough.
Eventually these effects are offered up as symptoms in your practitioners clinic.
To understand what part of your system is under duress and to make the first steps toward healing, please contact The Energy Therapy Clinic in Burleigh Waters, QLD, and book a treatment session or a complimentary 15 minute discussion with Michael Ross.
After diagnosis, you will know where your system is showing weakness and we will set about rectifying it. You can also utilise this information with other styles of practitioners such as herbalists or Naturopaths.
Michael Ross and Dr Dan Keown (UK) who is the author of ‘The Spark in the Machine’ and ‘The Unchartered Body’ in Sydney January 2020.