The Energy Therapy Clinic

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The saying that you only truely appreciate something or someone when they are gone is profoundly true.

Death or removal from life’s 3D chess board, is the perfect backdrop for emotional analysis of how significant someone actually is.

Today, I am faced with the passing of yet another very significant person in our lives. She is actually an energy healer like me, which is actually a very rare thing.

I feel her loss enormously.

She was once a teacher, but a new calling came and she met it beautifully. I studied, laughed (often) and worked with her, and she was ( and still is) extraordinary.

I have chosen to write this blog partially in testament to her life and our shared journey, but also as an inspiration to those who cannot grasp the significance of their own lives.

True significance has very little to do with power, control, fame or riches. Many of the most significant moments and people in my life have none of those traits, and I would not swap that for any of the above.

So what makes them significant. ?

What makes you or I significant?

What truely makes a significant life ?

I’ll give you my opinion, the frequencies and vibrations that we consciously resonate to, are what life is about.

Significant people, attune to significant frequencies. Abundance ( freedom, flexibility and flow), openness, love ( open heartedness), tolerance ( moving out of judgement), wisdom ( storing good information and memories), respect ( spiritual understanding), caring (compassion), flexibility ( non controlling), belief ( faith), and courage.

Gentle repetitive awareness on these things, generates a significant life.

In loving memory of my great friend, who was in life, and continues to be in energy, a truely great healer - Ana Teren 💕🌈🦋