Digestive Issues, OCD, Anxiety- Causes and Effects.
If by chance you have a history of digestive issues, would you expect your doctor to focus on your Lungs for instance to help resolve the problem?
Probably not i’m assuming, if you went to a TCM Chinese Medical Practitioner he would give this dynamic due consideration, as would I. Because the lungs and spleen are a pair within TCM.
The great reward from digestion is the energy we get from food, and the spleen and lungs together are essential for this.
Firstly i would ask what symptoms are present and if there is a history of Lung issues, asthma, phlegm, coughs and sneezing witch are signs of the lung being unable to descend Qi, air going up instead of down due to phlegm, Qi or blood stagnation ( pulmonary embolism) etc.
I would conclude that the level of the body that embryologically involves the Lung and Spleen would most certainly be involved, and would be targeted for support.
This is the Lung channel ( Blue) of acupuncture with the internal pathway (in orange) clearly traversing the lung and digestive tract.
If dryness and inflammation is present, the Stomach and Bowel/ Large Intestine is due consideration What are you bowel movements like, regular, soft and slippery, dry and constipated, hard and painful - all are clues . One of the main tasks of this level of the body ( stomach/Large Intestine) is to keep the wall linings strong with tensile strength and maintain warmth, to move waste out for elimination, and in the bowels case to regulate localised fluid levels. Waste is potentially toxic so it is removed with rhythmic efficiency in health, slowing or blocked elimination can only be a problem.
If you wake at night the time is important too as these relate to organ high/low energy cycles.
When the spleen and Stomach levels are working well together digestion runs smoothly, water and nutrients are well absorbed, and the body metabolises food intake well. When they are not working well a phenomena known as dampness occurs. excess water within the system doesn’t move well and the person experiences symptoms such as Oedema, swelling, bloating, gas, diarrhoea, or constipation, brain fog, sluggishness, difficulty with urination, and aching in the limbs.
So the balance between moisture, heat and dryness is very important and gives me indication to where support is required.
Daily stimulation of Spleen 9 will jumpstart digestion. This is typical of the body maintenance that i provide as part of my service. In my practice resonance is applied to SP9-LU5 for all digestive illness.
Gently massage this point and apply gentle acupressure for 2-3 minutes twice a day.
One of the common things that weakens the spleens efficiencies is worry. This is a most misunderstood emotion due to the subtleties involved.
OCD for example is a severe form of worry with specific effects on Serotonin which is intrinsically linked to the Spleen, Brain and Gut.
In a case study I have shared before relating to a 15 year old who had years and years of serious digestive issues, she had seen every specialist imaginable at horrendous cost to her parents( many many thousands). One Energy Therapy session fixed her as i released the contraction in the Navels field which had been established thru worry ( $50 total cost). This field dynamic acts as an umbrella over the region of the Gut and these field dynamics are used alot in energy therapy as well as channel and point dynamics.
As a species we do worry as our nervous system is still keyed for survival, anxiety of course is another form of worry that has a mind/body dynamic a bit like a mouse on a wheel. If you're the parent or partner of an anxious person you can support them by asking them to articulate their worries to you . Really listen attentively and take notes if you suspect that these worries are extensive. Try and understand what it must be like to process so much worry over time - these are strong keys that I use with energy work to unlock the persons energetic associations with these strong emotions.
It’s not about changing the person which might sound counterintuitive, it’s about highlighting to them how a strength ( their mind ) is working against them. Its about re-establishing that strength in the right paradigm and giving the client reasons to trust themselves again within the processes of life.
Anxiety is held pretty much entirely in the upper body, affecting predominantly the Lungs ( altered breath, short breathing etc), the Heart ( palpitations and changes in rhythms) and the Pericardium network which encompasses a muscular membrane sac that protects the heart and the arterial system of the chest (chest pain, shortness of breath as the pericardium channel runs thru the Lung).
All of these organs and channels are “Fire and Metal” elemental organ systems in TCM/Acupuncture in which i am trained. Fire and Metal are the spiritual elements and the organs involved connect us to the divine within and without. The lung and heart especially as an intricate pair. The lung is the only organ in the body to receive the full cardiac load of blood with every beat, and we breath the fine external fields of universal spirit for the benefit of the heart.
I often keep my hand at the back of the Heart when conducting part of these sessions and correspond to various release points for other significant organ channels. This is a combination of field and channel dynamics in Energy Therapy.
The back of the heart is all about trust, the front energetically is used for emotional intelligence and courage. Interestingly to calm the heart of a child from over stimulation we rub their back of heart regions. This area on the back also harbours the exit ‘SHU’ points for the heart, pericardium, and lung organs from the embryological divisions of the body formed in utero.
In Maori Mythology there was an image of two eyes painted at the back of the heart, placed there to see and trust the things that were not accessible to our eyes and senses. Part of this process is embracing and acknowledging the beings that we are as much as the person that we perceive that we are, and proper cultures address these issues.
We are very powerful beings that have innate understandings and quests relating to our spiritual natures - humans, and children especially are not fooled by the mighty manipulative charades that inhabit our modern cultures. They are searching rightly so for something that feels right to trust in. Adults with longer exposures to these shenanigans and power-plays are far more cynical than kids who still have fresh Qi to resist the worlds influences.
The pericardium channel and organ is designed to protect us from non truths as much as physical shock to the heart, and it is no doubt why i treat this area and channel for anxiety.
Consider this “ There is THE TRUTH, which is the essence of a thing, and then there is TRUTH, subjective to the philosophy of the adherent or believer. The body is supporting the search for the THE TRUTH and dealing with the myriad of TRUTHS that it encounters, and here in lies the problem. This conundrum creates tension, and this tension often becomes anxiety.
People deeply need to connect to their authentic versions and understandings of THE TRUTH. In young years this can be overwhelming as exposure to methods to see past modern cultures blatant lies and manipulative deceptions have yet to fully present to them - naturally this makes them anxious. Strong sense of self and self identity have yet to be bedded in and boundaries are regularly collapsed.
Great cultures like aboriginal law and many indigenous laws held solid versions of THE TRUTH, enabling the participants in ritual to connect and feel solid and well. We would do very well to help re-establish connections to these very vibrant and wonderful cultural assets amongst us.
The body as our dutiful partner will process the emotions of mind with us diligently. This is very important to understand as it is the foundation for many a pathological expression in the body. I know this to be true from clinical experience as when these established patterns of tension are released, the pathologies subside. This is really what you're paying me for, and combined with new awareness and habitual changes, life can improve.
Remember - these conditions also are our teachers, they refine us, improve us, and balance us if we approach them philosophically and courageously. These are the real rewards.
Without organs there are no emotions, and emotions are designed to guide us along paths of THE TRUTH.
Subtle loadings from our experiences via the mind of dealing with non truths can load into the biology establish themselves along the lines of the dominant historical weaknesses, generally speaking- these become the symptoms.
Removing these emotional lines of tension by subtle means can allow the organs to perform much closer to their true selves. When these tensions are resolved clients feel a lot lighter as is often their testimony when getting off the treatment table. And that is a healing paradigm.
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Proper connections to The Truth of life is what we and our biology craves.