Divine ratio - Energy inside universal geometry, including you and I.
This is more of a spiritual post - with geometric and symbolic science. It’s designed to highlight the universal power and glory within all living things. Geometry gives us the structure for powerful spiralling energies to combine through opposing wave patterns to form consciousness within living structures.
What i’m hoping to highlight is the universal wave patterns that occur within us, how when blocked can lead to things like congestion, which makes us feel unwell and dulls our consciousness. And by default then alters our behaviours. If we can understand the dynamics - maybe we can manage them and cope better with the rhythms of life, or more pertinently being alive.
Energy, or more accurately- energies, are everywhere. Considering energy healing, or any type of healing without the context of being in a phenomenal living energy system, is probably simply closed minded in terms of consciousness.
We collectively need to understand connectivity and unity . And what drives this phenomenon is energy.
Understanding these challenges will bring us closer to the truth of what reality is, what powers it and ultimately what it’s purpose is.
If we can balance these concepts, and relate this wisdom back to our organisms, we can expect vastly differing physical outcomes and behaviours that are balanced and harmonious. Somewhat akin to an enlightened state, or at least heading in that direction.
The only excuse for ignorance after all is ignorance. It is our duty to understand these things and to embrace the responsibilities of being energetically well.
One of the key understandings is what we do to other living beings, we do to the whole, including ourselves.
The cosmic energy level:
The universe is ‘breathing’ - there was no Big Bang and science has got this wrong, because this is a timeless reality. What we have been witnessing with our scientific view is an outward breathing cycle of expansion / radiation. Eventually we will witness the opposite.
Time as we apply our view of it has a relationship to speed and distance, so no motion or distance = no time. Proper stillness kills time and this is why God is timeless. He/She is totally still and creation revolves around this stillness.
Energy is moving, and geometry plays a very big part in how energy moves in the cosmos - and in us. The divine ratio or Phi is utilised by intelligent energy to create form - planets and people alike.
Gravity ( compression of wave energy) with spin, forms planets in the heavens, and cells within you.
We would have to adopt an acceptance of the universe being an actual living extension of this being - a living geometric energy exchanging organism of wholeness, circling a divine principle of stillness to get a complete picture of sorts.
Science playing catch-up:
There was a very interesting scientist named Dr Walter Russel who was cosmologist amongst other varied things including and equestrian, friend of US presidents, and also a good friend and associate of the famous electrical scientist Nikola Tesla. Both late 19th Century to 20th century lifespans.
Dr Russels work with his wife Tao Russel laid bare a very interesting cosmology - the universe is breathing and is composed by two opposing forces of wave patterns that oscillate across the heavens. The basic premise is that as one wave reaches maximum resistance from the other it essentially becomes the other. Which is the Vesica Pisces geometry within wave patterns, which in turn is the expression of individual consciousness derived from union.
Here the Australian Polymath Jain108 speaks about Walter Russels work ..https://fb.watch/5A0_I7loXN/ , and after watching this and reading on, i hope that you will gain new appreciations for yourself.
Within our bodies;
These great forces of Gravity (compression) and Radiation ( expansion) which are mirrored within us in the Yin and Yang aspects of Chinese Medicine. Compression via gravity into spheres ( cells) and expansion into cubes ( crystalline structures within us such as blood and bones etc).
Yin gravity is more gentle and passive, it gathers and compacts, Yang radiation far more aggressive and expands. And its what happens when we can bring these opposing energies into balance that should interest us all. What Walter Russel, Jain108 and I are all saying is that our bodies are repositories for consciousness, purpose built geometrically and energetically.
In our bodies we can for instance examine the natural flows of yin and yang via the micro-system of the ‘water’ elemental pair. The Yin- Kidney and Yang- Bladder illuminate the energy dynamic of consciousness in matter within us.
The Kidneys gently move fluid inwards for filtering and absorption, and the Bladder moves pathogens strongly outward for elimination. This is elemental gravity (compression) and radiation (expansion) at work and the waves of yin and yang. All of these pairs within us make the whole tower of consciousness that we are.
When all of the elemental aspects of a human body are in harmony, a much greater consciousness is available. And the ancients that understood and reached for this were very wise indeed.
When these elemental pairs in our body are out of harmony we eventually get sick, my role in Energy Therapy is to prevent of rectify these disharmonies in Qi flow and return you to stronger consciousness.
Ancient understandings;
Now let’s look at the spiritual affirmation of the physics based geometric patterns within us, and for this i have borrowed some text from SymbolDictionary.net to give us a grounding in what our predecessors in Gnostic studies understood very very well.
These explanations show us the Christ manifestation (consciousness) of creation within this pattern - one that is affirmed in Mystical symbology as Christ is often depicted within the overlapping centre circle in a Vesica Pisces iconological image.
Vesica Pisces (Ichthys, Jesus Fish, Mandorla)
When two circles or wave patterns intersect, they momentarily cause a third almond shape between them, this symbol or wave pattern in geometry is called Vesica Pisces and the baby Jesus was often placed in this intersection between Mary and another because this was the emergence of Christ Consciousness symbolically.
You can research the shape under another name titled mandorla which was the Roman word for almond that signified the shape involved.
This symbol, called the vesica pisces (piscis) or “Jesus fish,” has an unusual history. Used almost exclusively today to denote membership in the Christian religion, the symbol once held a very different meaning (even to the early Christians who adopted it).The word usually found inscribed within, IXOYE (Ichthus), is Greek, meaning fish. The emblem became significant to Christians after St. Augustine, who extracted the word from the acrostic prophecy* of the Erythraean Sibyl, and applied the kabbalistic technique of notarikon (acrostic) to the word to reveal “Jesus Christ, God’s son, savior.”
The custom of early Christians to communicate by drawing a portion in the dust was carried over from the practice of the ancient Pythagoreans, who discovered the shape’s unique properties and made it an important part of their teachings. In earlier times, this glyph was associated with the Goddess Venus, and represented female genitalia. Early depictions of Christ depict him as an infant within the vesica (In this context, it is usually referred to as a mandorla, meaning ‘almond shaped.’), which represented the womb of Mary, and often, the coming together of heaven and earth in the body of Jesus (part man, part god). As such, it is also a doorway or portal between worlds, and symbolizes the intersection between the heavens and the material plane.
The shape of arches in Gothic architecture is based on the vesica. The shape of the vesica pisces is derived from the intersection of two circles, the Pythagorean “measure of the fish” that was a mystical symbol of the intersection of the world of the divine with the world of matter and the beginning of creation.
To the Pythagoreans, the whole of creation was based on number, and by studying the properties of number, they believed one could achieve spiritual liberation. The vesica pisces was the symbol of the first manifestation, the dyad (reflection) that gaves birth to the entire manifest universe. Within the vesica can be found the triangle, the tetrad, the square, the pentacle, and many more polygons, making the vesica a true symbolic womb. Adding a third circle creates a triquetra representing the trinity; continuing the pattern generates an image of the “flower of life” or “fisherman’s net.”
Curiously, the New Testament story of the loaves and fishes secretly reveals the geometric formula for the fish shaped device, as does the story of the miraculous catch:
“Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken. (John 21:11) ”
The construction of the vesica is also detailed in the Parable of the net. (Mathew 13:47-53)
This is little remarked upon by Bible scholars and usually ignored by Christian bible interpreters. You can read more about the hidden biblical symbolism of the Vesica Pisces.
Saint pictured within a mandorlaConcealed vesica pisces in an Albrecht Durer engraving
* According to St. Augustine: “the verses are twenty-seven, which is the cube of three. For three times three are nine, and nine itself, if tripled, so as to rise from the superficial square to the cube, comes to twenty-seven. But if you join the initial letters of the five Greek words which mean, ‘Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Saviour,’ they will make the word, that is, fish, in which word Christ is mystically understood, because he was able to live, that is, to exist, without sin in the abyss of this mortality as in the depth of waters.”
Because the geometric forces operate in the heavens above and have seemed to be in perfect balance to allow consciousness to emerge, could these same forces be evident within us, of course they are because we are subject to the exact same wave patterns universally as all life in the universe. Gravity and radiation, or compression and expansion. And crucially we are constructed along the same geometric patterns of scale as the cosmos.
How after acknowledging these forces are at play can we work with them then?.
Firstly the body is set up to operate with this very wave pattern of compression / yin and expansion / yang. We have six Yin organs and Six Yang. There is a subconscious program running - pre programmed by literally ‘ God knows who”. The spirals and folds of DNA libraries and organ systems already established to harbour this Yin/Yang rhythm.
So whats next - well we have acknowledged the subconscious programming. Now for the conscious programming - yes thats the things that you allow yourself to put your attention on and think about. You are the conscious programmer. Mini Gods in our own moving picture of a reality ?
Here's is why the art of meditation is universally powerful as it slows the conscious radar to a point instead of a wave and allows manifestation. Even the greatest scientists know that the ‘aha moments’ come from stillness or sleep states. In moments of mental exhaustion many an answer has ‘popped in’ within the empty space between thoughts to solve and equation of challenge.
This is tapping into the Yin well within which is not as much a matter of trying, but allowing.
Lao Tzu the great Taoist Sage was famed with using stillness and mind awareness on the ‘Small heavenly Circuit’ of the body to reach enlightenment. I teach this meditation on the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast.
Sitting and stilling the mind is one key to bringing these forces into harmony. The mind is wildly expansive - Ultra Yang, like a puppy always wanting to move. What is required is to bring it into harmony by applying Ultra Yin stillness and crucially alignment with Meditation coupled with awareness. It’s that simple. Lao Tzu said “ To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders”.
The Tao - the unknowable divineness had the structure of its ‘being’ articulated by Lao Tzu.
I suspect that this deep spiritual classical insight below explains the energetic geometry or force of the pure powers involved in creation. The same powers that built you and I.
“ Tao begets one ( nothingness; or reason for being), One begets two ( Yin and Yang), Two begets three ( Heaven, Earth and mankind; or Yin / Yang and Breath Qi), The three begets all things (creation).
Lao Tzu
From nothing comes movement of two opposites (wave patterns), and from this movement joined with Spirit energy (Qi consciousness) all things are created.
God is truly a magician and you and I his children, mini-magicians, use your talents wisely.
Michael Ross
Buddha’s enlightenment is synonymous with stillness!
The mandorla in Green.
Yin and Yang in universal light waves