Hands and healing - an ancient union

Our hands are a source of tremendous power. Powers fully understood within indigenous technologies, powers slowly being remembered by the most sensitive among us.

With such profound dexterity, sensitivity, and utility, the human hands may be one of our most defining features as a species. They are gateways to our hearts, brains and organs.

They are our shields and our probes.

With our hands, we shape our world.

Building a house, playing a musical instrument, delivering a child, painting intricate figures, sowing a stitch, wielding a weapon, signalling - hands can heal, hands can harm.

A singular touch can convey a distinct array of thoughts, feelings and intentions. Hands reveal our moods and states of mind.

When angry- a clenched fist, anxious - fidgeting fingers, even plants and animals respond to the subtle nuances of our touch.

With five digits, twenty-seven bones, and fifteen joints - plus numerous carpal joints affording articulation of the wrist- the human hand is an astonishing masterpiece of design.

Most of us if fortunate, will have felt the astonishing subtlety to which information can be shared via a gentle yet meaningful touch.

Many a sick child has been relieved to large degree by the healing touch of her mother or caregiver.

It is with greatness that the healing arts involving the hands remain as a sanity maker in a world swamped by pharmaceuticals and chemical engineering.

By thoughtful but soulless medicines.

Our hands reveal the stories of deep within, they reveal the information of soul, mind and matter. They remind us of a being behind the sensory world - our being.

It is with no mistake that the human hands have been revered as sacred.

When we touch those we love - humans or animals or plants, it is right to remember that we are touched not by a biology but by a sacred being.

With these hands we speak to the past, present and future. Literally and figuratively.

In our great spiritual journeying, the hands are employed. In prayer and meditation and contemplation- the positioning of the hands are paramount.

Both Eastern and Western traditions are rich in hand gestures to support the natural questing of the spirit.

Both Vedic Indian and Chinese medical sciences understand and utilise the hands. They and other significant cultures cleverly utilise the hands as a living microcosm of reality or the universe at whole.

For example the Shaman Kings ( Wu) of ancient China viewed all things in the animated world as emanations of the changing relationship between five fundamental principles- commonly referred to as the five elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal.

They understood the human hand as one of the most poignant illustrations of these five principles, with each of the fingers representing one of the five elements.

Earth - Thumb, Metal - Index finger, Fire - Middle finger, Wood - Ring finger and Water - little finger.

These relationships, and the character of each finger based on the theory of five elements, are woven into the philosophy and PRACTICE of all of the traditional Chinese arts: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Calligraphy, Astrology, Martial Arts, Cha Dao Tea Culture, Classical Music, Dance and Theatre.

In all of these arts, specific hand positions and gestures are used in relationship to the precise effect desired by the practitioner.

For example, a Chinese shaman might instruct a patient suffering from anxiety to tuck her thumbs into her palms and hold them firmly.

Since the thumb relates to Earth, closing the fingers around it creates and energetic seal, a Mudra, which imparts a sense of safety and stability, thus reducing anxiety.

A similar instinctual technology is applied by human infants in the act of sucking one’s thumb. It is a nervous system pacifier- an energetic seal, that closes a neurological loop.

Also a similar elemental based tradition emerged in ancient India, where Vedic sages and Tantric Yogis developed a highly nuanced cosmology with the Pancha Maha Bhuta ( Five Great Elements), as the basic foundation.

These astonishing rishis ( seers), discovered a direct connection between the Pancha Maha Bhuta ( Five Great Elements), and the five fingers of the human hands.

Thet emphasised that the relationship of the five great elements in the body should remain balanced and in harmony with the rest of the natural world. They taught that any dis-order in the body or mind indicates an excess or deficiency in one or more of the Elements.

These great Asian Shamanic Scientists of antiquity bought forth a treasure trove of understanding, much of which is being brutally brushed aside by pharmaceutical powers.

But what is being disastrously missed in this vision is a equal and subtle powers of both Eastern and Western understandings, designed to meet an integrate as all things in nature - not oppose each other.

We in the western context are left with bodies stripped of their natural fauna by antibiotics and with immune systems exhausted by brutal medicines.

We must understand and integrate the wisdoms of the Eastern sages and fast.

The best way for us as individuals is to utilise the very many holistic natural medical practitioners among us, where these traditions remain alive.

As an Energetic Practitioner I utilise my hands extensively for both feeling the resonance emanating from and off the body, and re-establishing correspondences and connections.

Diagnostically and treatment wise the hands relate to the body from the heart upwards ( chest, shoulders, face and head), and is used directly to treat illnesses of these areas.

They are used in conjunction with treatment of the legs and feet, and midline of the front and back of the body for balancing and harmonising the internal spaces and organ systems with their embryonic or elemental pairs.

Within these systems I also use my hands for allowing the body to release energies that are stagnant or congesting.
Our feet are just as important and both hands and feet allow for a huge range of diagnostic and therapeutic usages.

As an example with the hands, the fingertips has deep neurological connections, and the tips of the fingers allow us to release heat trapped inappropriately within the body, specifically the spaces and channels and thoracic cage.

The ends of the digits also attune to the spiritual state of the person and allow deep psychological releases.

The knuckle areas of the body and webs between the fingers allow us to deal with another form of organ heat - specifically termed half heat, which is akin to an engine running on half oil and overworking, leading to dryness and exhaustion.

With hands we can touch and feel touched, for anyone with anxiety or sense of separation, I always say - “ touch them at the back of the heart” where they can feel reconnected and reconciled with reality via their hearts.

Always touch your children often here - it helps reaffirm a sense of safety and trust.

Energetically here at the back of the heart and between our scapula the Pericardium and it’s protective and stabilising energies can be influenced profoundly.

It can release significant psycho-emotional tension which allows the heart to function to a deeper and calmer frequency.

I, and I’m sure very many other energy and body workers fully appreciate the glory of the powers and functions of touch and the magnificence of the human hands.

In my particular craft i utilise resonance to both feel the frequencies being expressed by the body and also the inconsistencies in electrical correspondences - harmonies and lack thereof.
This coupled with a deep understanding of the wonderful energy maps of acupuncture allow change to be effectively enhanced.

Changes from stagnation, excess or deficiency, pacification of heat or dampness and re-establishment of vital energy from vital organs.

I can attest to very many healing experiences that are clearly beyond a Western Scientific minds discernment, that is what Western Medicine has created for itself- A bubble of arrogance and ignorance ( ignore-rance).

This is entirely a self made problem that may take centuries to unravel.

When I have unraveled cysts or adnexal masses for instance, what happened there? I know what happened, it was scientific and predictable, it’s a version of energy science that is capable of balancing the instinctual and practical knowledge from both the East and the West.

Its a version that I’m very happy with.

Welcoming bookings today at www.energytherapyclinic.com.au

Michael Ross