‘Straightenup’ Mind therapy

The configuration of the star tetrahedron is formed within the first eight cells of life. These 8 cells of creation (3Dimension) or 13 in 2 dimensions, are the only cells that stay with us from the time of conception until our death. They are the primordial cells that contain the blueprint of our existence.

StraightenUp Mind is formed with Star Tetrahedral Geometry as its foundational structure.

It is the structure that supports the building blocks of organic life, of you and I and our world.

It’s immensely powerful and a simply phenomenal mathematical code.

We use the strength within this coded geometry to heal ourselves via the inward journey of this guided meditation therapy.

The geometry realigns us so subtly and profoundly.

This therapy is all about decompression of compounded stress in the body, and unwind the effects of years of internalised thoughts.

These sessions are grounded in Sacred Geometry which guides growth and repair.
Our biology grows, and maintains form and function along lines of geometric force and organisation.

By all human spiritual and physical understanding, organic life is this fragile holding pattern of order against a tide of entropy and chaos.

What gives us the structure to stand against this entropy are these invisible organisational scaled geometries, most easily observed in modern science within embryology.

StraightenUp Mind is designed to use these powerful lines of force that naturally exist in nature and us, to unwind unnatural influences of stress within our bodies.

These stresses have been accrued by our human interactions within our physical world of chaotic energies, including mental and emotional forces.

Tension patterns imbed within us via both the subconscious mind and nervous systems.

Utilising a sublime geometric tool like ‘StraightenUp Mind’ allows us to undo a lot of the layered tensions that our minds and bodies have encountered and held onto.

When we experience stress of any type ( physical, mental, emotional, psychic or spiritual), we are physically designed to keep it away from the brain ( our hard drive ) at any cost.

The blood brain barrier is just one of many innate barrier defences that our brains have, including psychic barriers ( nervous system) and physical barriers such as the skull.

The organs and channel system are yet another defensive process.

Our bodies do this protective work handsomely for us, and excessive stress that has not been effectively cleared lodges in tension patterns within organs, fascia and tissues, with resulting comprise of internal spaces.

This is a very significant issue, as these spaces are vital for the passage of very important ‘smart energies’ and fluids.

The common results of internalised stress is that tension congests and changes the locality. 
Picture your spine like a rolled up towel slightly twisted, held firmly by a hand at each end.

Then get a friend to pinch the towel, this pinch is congested stress or energy. You will notice that where the pinch occurred changes in the topography of the towel occur - new ridges appear and lines of stress find new directions.

Tension then imbeds and causes new adjustments to posture and the body is inadvertently pulled forward in unnatural ways and forms a subtle ‘new normal’.

The head and brain then subtly adjust to what’s occurring in the body, forming a new posture.

StraightenUp Mind unwinds this.

Because this therapy is conducted utilising an interactive structured and guided meditation, it is ideal as a global energy healing modality.

Post session you receive a full detailed report of the session outcomes for future reference and comprehension.

This is a truly unique therapy that I highly recommend, it is available both in clinic - Gold Coast, or Globally online ( via WhatsApp) 🙂

Michael Ross