I’m a healer by nature but I’m also a mystic by nature , because for me the two are woven together.

We are all healers, and we are all mystics. Medicine is what heals us and defining it is a part of our consciousness.

Building roads is medicine for a community, developing technology also.

The arts are medicine, and so on.

I adore Shamanism and indigenous peoples understanding of nature and spirit. I’m a natural believer in spirit being embodied in all forms of life.

We are all manifestations of a mystic power: the power of life, which has shaped all life, and which has shaped us all in our mothers womb.

This wisdom was observed and adhered to by souls far greater than most of the masquerading medical professional in our modern societies.

Commercialism, greed and the insidious nature of corporations have inhibited medicine enormously.

Rotten science has warped the truth into pill sized hopes, to be consumed daily.

What would the physicians of generations gone by say about patient care in our modern life.

What would the medical sages of antiquity say about the annihilation of the human spirit in applying modern medicine.

These detailed and humble souls applied enormous discipline to map and bring understanding to the extraordinary movements and subtly of the human body.

And they did this with full cognition of the power and potential of the human spirit within each being.

We all inhabit a phenomenon of nature which holds literally the wisdom of the ages within.

This kind of powerful wisdom lives in us, and it represents the original force of this power, this energy, pouring into the field of time and space.

But subtly, it is also a transcendent energy. Grounded yet transcendent.

It’s an energy that comes from a realm beyond our powers of knowledge. It is clearly and unequivocally a part of the mysteries.

This energy becomes bound in all of us - in this body - TO A CERTAIN COMMITMENT.

And here is where lack of alignment to this spiritual commitment and truth becomes compromised by our minds.

The mind and eyes can become so involved in concepts and psychologically local and temporal tasks, that we become bound up and don’t let this energy flow through. And then we become sick.

The energy is blocked and we are thrown off center; this idea is central to the tenets in TCM and Ayurvedic medicine.

In your body this eventually often looks either like dampness and phlegm or dryness and inflammation.

REMEDY; so the psychological problem, the way to keep from becoming blocked, is to make yourself- and here is the phrase-transparent to the transcendent.

Or in simpler terms, own your spiritual nature and your purpose within life.

It’s as easy as that.

Myth is an instruction manual for us spiritually, it allows us a location to operate from and to indeed locate ourselves.

Without it we are in the labyrinth, which is symbolically and psychologically a scrambled mandala.

Without order and rhythm to comfort and guide us.

Firstly take responsibility for your true nature, then for your thoughts, then subtly for your emotions, then your opinions and attitudes and beliefs.

This is a fine line as a healer to guide people back toward their spiritual nature as a course of harmony and healing.

Obstacles includes the Ego, belief systems, seriousness and opinions ( judgements).

People rich in these qualities are poor in mystical capacities, I’ll leave you to determine where true value resides.

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Michael Ross