I have not heard anyone else exposure this theory so you may be being exposed to it here for the first time. In this document i will attempt to explain my theory and lean towards a solution.

Like most reasonably original thought patterns, it’s either leaning towards a modicum of genius or idiocy, let’s pray for the former.

I am suggesting that addiction is tied in with the same capacity within us to create, as we are as a species ‘creatives’ by nature.

In my clinic over many years I’ve seen very many people in various stages of blockage.

We used to call this how people are holding. And it is in essence that they are holding themselves out of alignment with their true inner natures, or higher selves.

This aspect of our spiritual nature is never out of alignment and in our relationship with it we can be enlightened and highly creative or the complete opposite which is always determined by our vibration or frequency.

This statement alone should tell you how important energy maintenance is for human beings.

Energetic misalignment is at the root of all illness and suffering.

Addictions are an attempt to solve this issue. They are a lower vibratory pattern of attempted rectification of inner vibratory misalignment.

Addictions are a powerful force because they draw on the inner forces of us as beings, the same forces that deliver our inner drive and willpower to bring our desires to life, and on macro scales universal creations.

When creatives lack landscapes and environments that foster creativity and expansion, they turn inward to find the same. These energies need to move and be expressed, so shortcuts in methodologies are found and embraced - these are the soil from where addictions sprout.

Seeking change in emotion and internal chemistries with substances, food, tobacco, alcohol, drugs etc can be a personal quest or a collective experience. Most certainly we are cultured into many of these behaviours.

Addictions sadly move us away from more lasting authentic capacity to create solid vibrational things in our lives - they are the ultimate feel good imposter syndromes that allow us instant gratification but no authentic embedded vibratory flow.

Most of us are now aware of the modern spin on this - which is Dopamine addiction via substance or technology.

The more more more culture has totally ignored the value and quality of allowing space in between the rushes.

Space which allows healthy association and connection to awareness, focus and the building of momentum toward a wavelike climax. Western culture, like Western medicine has very little comprehension of the value of spaces.

Internal spaces are also absolutely vital in the movement of energy ( Qi ), and when compromised ill health and death follow suit.

It is the same requirement within the psyche and 12 step programs have held these important spaces within the structures of our addictive thinking for decades to great success.

Some of modern psychologies toolkit include Eastern practices of meditation, awareness and bio-feedback techniques ( further awareness ) to create pauses in the rampant hyperfocus that mainly American culture has imprinted on the world.

Breakfast meetings, 24 hour gymnasiums, 24 hour news channels, instant food outlets, jet-ski’s, exhausting work cultures, 5000 cable tv channels on demand - in fact that very phrase alone “ on demand “ sums up the Yang energy overload nicely and the flip side of exhaustion.

Depletion of Yin ( source) aspects of life, leads to anxiety and the myriad of psychiatric disorders that plague modern life.

The remedies for many of these afflictions in older generations was to retreat to quite aspects of nature for healing ( rebalancing).

Essentially rebuilding Yin in body and mind.

Proper healthy flow contains Yin and Yang balances, which in this case need to include space and relative stillness to balance the explosive action of modern life.

Harmony within these processes allows for the appropriate flow of energy with the counteracting tensions of Yin and Yang creating HEALTHY SPIN in the Qi.

This spin is identical to the healthy spin in forest water identified by the Austrian forester and water physicist Viktor Schauberger who shared these dynamics with us in his seminal work “ a life of learning from nature” - authored by Jane Cobbald.

Taoists knew that bio electricity in the body mimics the behaviours of water in nature. In Acupuncture the Shu transportation points which are essential in treating many conditions are named after earthly sources of water.

Well, spring, stream, river and sea.

Each relating to the behaviours of Qi flow in differing internal environments.

As any good Taoist worth their salt will tell you, getting these harmonies right are essential for wellbeing on absolutely every level. They create vibratory flows that nourish and enhance.

Acupuncture and my type of energy work use this system to identify and rectify misbehaving Qi.

This embedded vibratory flow is essential for creating emotional and psychological harmony.

Addictions mimic this energy but are not stable enough to generate the right emotional relationships within us for healthy manifestation becuase there is way too much stimulation and Yang in the spin of the Qi.

This is tied in with a very poor grasp within our awareness of the energetic principles applied in natures own creativity of which we of course are a part, nature for her part awaits us to develop the disciplines within our awareness to copy her handbook.

Start reading some Taoist texts and do some contemplating and your heading in the right direction.

Or if your a Western academic, read Joseph Campbell Pathways to Bliss:

In the West we need to examine and adapt to the subtleties offered by the Eastern observational mind or we will continue to be moved around the chess board by the forces within our collective and individual subconscious.

It is ‘a shadow side’ of the positive potentials in our vortex - psyche, emotions and physicality, that is unbalanced.

In this instance the true alchemy of creativity ( harmony ) is substituted with random forms of altered chemistry ( substances, food and dopamine hunting).

It is useful to understand that shadow aspects of the psyche can hold huge volumes of energy and information.

We know these energy wells exist because they fuel the energy that suddenly appears after a coffee, hit of drugs or booze.

When transmuted they can release this stored energy into the system for use for clarity, strength and endurance which is clearly a reward worth consideration when considering alternatives to substances or behaviours that we become hooked on.

Do it slowly and consciously.

The subatomic energetic grid that produces nature and physical reality for us requires a mental and energetic input from you, a ‘creative’.

This input is sequenced: Imagination/thought/focus, - emotion or mood, - vibration or frequency, that attracts like frequencies via resonance or attunement.

Use myth and symbol and ritual if it’s available to you.

It is a conscious process, and building harmonious balance within it is crucial.

When working as an energetic practitioner, some of the craft is working out what is influencing the outcomes via the person. How are they involved, where are they unbalanced in the psyche, emotions and body in relation to themselves, others or the environment.

In this regard we can often work backwards and reverse engineer. The physical symptoms will present on the map of the body and we can connect the associated emotions and thoughts to events, circumstances and relationships.

The rather famous psychologist Jordan Peterson rightly said in one of his podcasts “ no-one gets away with anything “ - what we think feel and do attracts a reaction from reality.

These reactions that are in alignment with our thoughts, emotions and truths show up in our bodies as harmony or conflicts.

Or behaviours that cause or attract outcomes ( creations).

I see this daily in my practice.

Not many of us are cultured towards conscious responsibility for what we think, this is left almost exclusively to the psychological reaction to our circumstances.

Which means more often than not we are attuned to others behaviours and attracting experiences that the strongest vortex in the field is projecting.

This is exhausting and unauthentic, and is rampant in our societies. The competition for inhabiting the commercial positions for grabbing our attention is intense, all are manipulations for commercial reward.

It reminds me symbolically of dodgem cars on a track, colliding often violently. You generally survive if you have the greatest battery supply.

This is a great metaphor for modern psychological culture, it’s no wonder so many sensitive people are overwhelmed, exhausted and anxious.

Again the wonders of the Eastern mind come to educate us, the ancient culture of Japan sticks out - so much attention to balance and harmony in their traditions. Interaction with ordered environments allows a rest from hyper-stimulation.

We need to try and stay in our own movie and consciously own our thoughts. This requires our mastery to go to new levels to counteract the intense pressures put upon us by commercial interests alone.

Mental note here for all readers, stay well away from mainstream news channels, spaces like these are like the astral plane, sucking up other’s energy and resonating to their vortexes in disgusting repetition.

‘ Know Thyself” was written above the Oracle of Delphi Temple in Ancient Greece, creating space for this process is essential for holistic wellbeing. Spiritually it is our duty.

Because we, wether we like it or not we have involvement in creating our life circumstances and the rule is we either do it consciously or subconsciously.

Once accepted, the awareness and responsibility of what we think and their affects on our emotions takes on a fresh and exciting potential.

Unfocused thought leads to wayward emotions which all have stored patterns of energy within them that we can use productively with the help of improving focus and creating more favourable circumstances.

Most business leaders would concur but ironically they contribute as much as anything to chaotic human disorganisation.

It is not a case of simply squashing or elimination of bad emotions, what’s required is focus on the prize- a mining of the trapped energy within them for positive creative purposes via awareness practices to shift vibration ( transmutation).

We are designed to use our emotions to vibrationally attune to creative dynamics ( manifestation),

How do you think things come into being? In our world, apart from nature everything else is created by mankind - specifically by thought. Ultimately by focus.

That process is thought, feeling ( inspiration, excitement, focus, ambition etc), which puts us in a ‘ creative focused mood’ which if sustained builds the momentum to deliver physical results.

That’s the human creative process - and nature is created the same way, by higher spiritualised and focussed mind energies.

The best way to focus is to attach it to a myth, symbol or deity. Allow them to do the heavy lifting 😉.

If you are not transparent to the transcendent, then you are blocked which will end in illness because we a clearly and simply part of a divine source energy, and these time honoured practices have guided and protected humanity for eons.

The universe is highly mathematical and literally bursting with vital energy.

Creating through vibration naturally occurs in alignment with our emotional status - the chemical signature of our brains.

Hence the adoption of very smart Taoist and Buddhist practices of moderating emotions with meditation and awareness practices being used in the mental health arena.

Many of which are being employed in the therapy of psychiatric conditions such as anxiety, and addictions. They are mini control mechanisms to allow us to guide our brains, chemistry and emotional imprints towards healthier bodily functions.

Addictions are our efforts at shortcutting this process and creating an instant ‘pseudo’ emotional state without taking conscious responsibility for the power of the creative thoughts, generally and somewhat lazily with the aim of creating a continuous or improved emotional state of bliss or hyper excitement and stimulation.

We are very clever and sneaky, and somewhat lazy in these regards as a species. Addictions are cheat sheets with relatively unstable consequences.

Most shortcuts in life are ill advised and using them within such a subtle power dynamic is reckless at best, and fully goes against the ‘ Oracle of Delphine’s’ wisdom, which is in itself a fundamentally unwise proposition.

The mentality of addiction is fundamentally lazy, as are the resulting emotional states.

They are devoid of discipline but more crucially they are devoid of understanding.

The shortcutting is a form of instant gratification and that comes with hefty a price - always.

Corners cut - costs us!

Anyone who has climbed a mountain will tell you that the summit is an awesome experience, and all the more gratifying for the resistance offered by the climb.

Everest is the king for a reason, and no-one would experience that same depth of achievement by being helicopter dropped on the summit.

Instant gratification rob’s you of the climb. It is cheery picking without baking the cake and a whole experience is lost.

Shortcuts also causes significant adjustment to our inner emotional vibrational state - or Chi flow, and sets the vibrational platform for more of the same.

Lots of ‘more of the same’ equals addiction.

We are creatures by design to move, create and expand, not do the same - hence the proverb “ familiarity breeds contempt “.

The quality of bodily Chi energy is essential for manifesting external harmony.

Our bodies of course are a library of mind, literally our mind in 3D as Gautama Buddha taught is thousands of years ago.

So they will tell the story of our mind in reverse engineering. Specific illness patterns now even have language associated.

A person with violent or frustrated thoughts ( frustration is suppressed violence), will manifest this as emotion ( livid) in their body via the liver and gallbladder.

In between the mind and the body expressions are the emotions, in this case the emotions of feeling livid delivers its own outcomes biologically.

Feeling livid is a asking your liver to carry this tension of the mind via the emotions.

Without mental stability the addict continues to attract vibrational matches in life that require shifting.

These unstable attractions fuel further addictions as the mental and emotional lock-in becomes uncomfortable and the external circumstances support the malaise and desire to shift it asap with a substance.

The key is in taking responsibility for our thoughts. With awareness we can see the causal links between thought - emotion - frequency creation- attraction- physical manifestation ( good or bad)

Once that understanding is established, we can bring the gentle process of taking responsibility for what we think about.

Part of this is Spiritual ignorance, not understanding who or what we are.

We fortunately have tools such as myth and legends to show us of the transcendental powers that we possess.

“ what myth does for you is to point beyond the phenomenal field towards the transcendent. A mythic figure is like the compass that you used to draw circles and arcs in school, with one leg in the field of time and the other in the eternal. The image may be of a god or animal form, but it’s reference is transcendent of that”

Joseph Campbell: Pathways to bliss - introduction xvii

We are semi divine creatures pointing towards home - we need to contemplate and embrace our spiritual journey and heritage.

We would do much less harm than many activities by creating environments that reflect our spiritual nature and purpose.

This includes elimination of environmental factors of horrible psychic influence like news channels etc that fuel problematic thought/ emotion establishments.

As Carl Jung wisely said “ until we make our unconscious conscious, we will be directed by it and call it fate”

So do it know - today !

We have skilled therapists at The Energy Therapy Clinic that offer different options in the spectrum of seeking wholeness and non addiction - Michael attends to the energetic work and trauma, and the spiritual recognition and assimilation within experiences.

When things are assimilated these moments are like a dam being unleashed in a positive way, this is a harmonisation of energy, and it’s what we call transmutational healing and release from the repetition of old habitual pathways ( addiction).

Remember, addiction can be subtle, it does not have to be lying in the alley stuff. Coffee, sugar etc etc.

Shifting emotions really helps addictions to loosen their grip, and the key to shifting emotions is to improve your focus. ❤️

Book for emotional coaching via 🙏

Michael Ross