Indigenous wisdom keeping

This post might escape the attention of many people, but in terms of healing and resolving physical issues, it may be one of my most important messages to share.

How we hold onto things emotionally, mentally and physically is interwoven, it’s bound by the breaths rhythms.

Where and how those lines are delineated, blurred and protected by our Egos is a point in question. But Ego affects the breath via the mind.

As a society - have we abandoned the checking mechanisms for how we process emotional information - yes i think so. We abdicate our emotional and mental wellbeing to psychologists, who are increasingly well trained, but can they cover the ground that tribal groups and laws played for us in community….not really.

Here is part of the true value of indigenous culture including European, that has been swept aside for tokenism. Within these great cultures families and wisdom keepers resonate their songs.

We ( not me ) default to the likes of Kim Kardashian or Instagram for wisdom….on mass, which is very poor guidance, in fact it is stupidity.

The price for ignorance and exclusion of true indigenous wisdom far outstrips GDP. - EVERY YEAR. The cost to our environment is astonishing.

The message here is that there is a greater satisfaction, joy and accomplishment in community, than Cafe life and instant gratification. Because the deepest joy lies in giving to each other - not receiving.

This was one of the hidden tenants of CHRISTS MASS…to give is to receive.

Should you and I seek proper reconciliation with our indigenous people and establish true lines of sharing, of course. They key is to realise that there is sacred in the ordinary. And that slowing down to indigenous rhythms is a powerful antidote to the technological age.

Most indigenous cultures have the same stillness orientated rituals that accomplish the same dynamic that meditation does … invite them into your life.

Michael Ross