Mental health and Qi

Across all of my years of clinical practice the correlation between the effects of mind on Qi in the body is profoundly observable.

The key word that describes that dynamic I feel is density that mirrors the actions in the mind.

The more dense the thought, the more dense the Qi in response.

Qi is such a profound reality anyway, it has many manifestations in the body, gorgeous subtlety and simply profound organisational intelligence.

We have six major embryonic layers or conformations in our physical structures, and these layers are designed as a system to meet the differing energetic challenges of our environments, it does this with a beautiful modification of intelligence within its organisation.

The key driver in this organisation is Qi.

When I treat people who are particularly self determining, including ignorant and stubborn, their Qi responses are generally far more dense, thick and inflexible.

Much harder to pull through the channels with resonance or ‘ wake up’ - there is more of a resistance in action.

In a case about five years ago I treated a panel beater who was just such an character, relatively ignorant and stubborn, very angry and judgemental.

Full of scorn in his vocabulary, and his body reflected this mental state.

Huge pain along the flanks and joints. Hips and shoulders especially, which mirrored the flow of the Gallbladder channel that harbours control issues in its psychology.

I worked on this channel and over the hour I moved him from 9/10 pain to zero.

This had been long term pain- it was a stunning result, even I was pleased.

He was stunned, I was observant.

I spoke with him gently through the session about attitudes and mindsets having a real and significant effect on the body.

He was in Sydney, a son of Italian immigrants himself but obsessed with his perceived problems with other immigrants behaviours in the city.

His rants were hurting him without him realising it, he was loading judgement, anger and resentment Into his psyche and that has to be processed. Because he was already obese his vehicle for helping him process this emotion was already tired and clogged up.

When the body generates excessive emotion and can’t process it, it has to store it, in the joints, tissues or in phlegm.

But he literally sprung off my treatment table in a state of semi shock that his pain had been relieved, and I spoke again of the need to consider his emotional state that was being fuelled by his thoughts and beliefs ( and the mainstream media).

This was an opportunity for him but he let it slip, it was a bridge to far. His pain returned a week later as his mind and aura was too dense. In a nutshell, he refused point blank to do the work required to lighten his mind.

The result was that his body was asked to carry the load again and it was at capacity.

This is not an uncommon story.

This man was angry and judgemental, unbalanced and viciously unrelenting in his criticism of others - fictitious others at that.
It was the time in Sydney where terrorism was the flavour of the day and fear and demonisation of communities was in full tilt.

He had bought into it hook line and sinker ( he was a recreational fisherman incidentally ) and nothing I could say would shake his mindset of cultivated ignorance.

He ended up having hip and shoulder replacements, but I had not forgotten the 58 year old man that stepped of my table pain free, almost skipping to the front door.

Within this journey he as a client showed me the powerful effects of the mind on physical Qi as well as anyone I have treated.

He also bedded in the truth about stubbornness and ignorance being the most difficult things to overcome when treating energetically, because they have a lack of flexibility, which is the hallmark of healthy Qi.

Many people come to me in quite unwell states, some are recovering from cancer or other disabilities. Many of these people have been humbled and softened through these processes and have bodies far more receptive and grateful. Their gains are held far longer too.

The theme that I’m exploring here is that our minds have very intricate patterns which our body must process.
So armed with this knowledge, we have insight into how practices like meditation and forgiveness can assist us in physical health by negating some of the powerful effects on bioelectrical organisation within our bodies and electromagnetic fields.

To this end is why we developed Reframing Therapy, to help us all maintain healthy mindsets.

Emotions which are driven by thoughts generate electromagnetic fields, these have impacts.

Strong emotions can temporarily overwhelm the defensive Qi elements of the body and do considerable damage.

Buddhists have known this for centuries. Their amazing religion is a curriculum for moderation of mental activities.

Mentality is a gift from higher realms, it is profoundly powerful and linked to eternity, your mind can travel anywhere.

It must be harnessed and trained, and respected. This is partially why meditation is so powerful within the body.

Disengagement of the mind is a very useful healing practice.

Our mentality is a portal to our spiritual world. When seen and respected in this way, new disciplines can emerge that are not harmful to our energetic flows.

Remember Qi is described by the Chinese as Spirit / Breath, so if our minds are also connected to spirit, maybe we might take more time to align both thoughts and actions with our spiritual natures with consciousness and indeed compassion.

Michael Ross