Electrical Origins of Chronic illness

The Chinese are not idiots, they are a rightly proud race with some serious historical achievements. One of those greatest achievements is acupuncture science.

Eastern philosophy is so beautiful and it permeats the way that the oriental mind works - in the case of acupuncture it imported Taoist principles to understand the landscapes and relationships within those landscapes.

In my humble experience, no one has understood the body mind connection anywhere near as well as the Taoists. it’s probably fair to say that they understood most things in a seriously brilliant way.

There are many diseases, and now an endless array of disorders, most of which I’m convinced are created out of subcategories to give a researcher a shot at getting his or her name on the illness or a reason for a specialist to charge $500 an hour. There is a lot of distorted Ego and greed in medicine.

I’m an Energy healer so as you might suspect I have links to Eastern Sciences as well as Western, which is true, and I have a healthy fascination with electricity and how both disciplines approach it.

Most of us are familiar with the phrase Chi (Qi) but do you really understand what it is. It is electrical in nature, energy by description, but something that not many mention ( Dr Dan Keown is the exception ) is that it is phenomenally intelligent and capable of superhuman organisation.

In embryology this spark in our machine is responsible for driving embryonic growth and post natal simply keeps us alive.

I’ve gleaned insight into many things that traditionally are not looked at in Western medicine.

There is cursory acknowledgement of TCM, and Acupuncture in the West - but most Western Doctors have very little comprehension of the depth and glory of the East and their profound understandings of subtle actions within our bodies.

Allopathic medicine is powerful, so powerful that it steamrolled many Western Medical Sciences that had observational and intuitive aspects to them - Homeopathy, Osteopathy, Naturopathy and others like herbalism found themselves in a scrap with a combine harvester funded by small minded industrialists and bankers, and supported by greedy political masters.

Rationality, bedside observations and laboratory testing was an evolution that became the rolled gold standard of science.

100 years on, and we can clearly observe the frailties of having taken that singular path, and the enormous potentials that were cast aside in the quest for rational science. In fact the 2020-2022 journey has yet to be fully understood and I don’t fancy the long term outcomes of this debacle.

In terms of illnesses, the ancient Tibetan Healers had documented approximately 5600 illnesses, which is far less than you might find in modern medicine.

This is partially because they approached the dysfunctional outcomes in the body in a root and branch kind of way.

I suspect that the 5600 illnesses were fundamentally branch aspects of disease formation that had roots in a few dozen key processes. They understood on some levels that disease comes outward from the cells and inward from the environment - breathing lay in between these processes.

The root for all of these myriad of physical misgivings apart from a handful was “the breath” and if that was their conclusion we should be so humble and wise to try and understand their perspectives.

This concept would be too foreign for a Western doctor to comprehend, as they are trained in very different ways.

One thing to appreciate though, is that these Masters of the East understood the body to much finer detail than anyone in Western Medicine. They were much more comprehensive in their knowledge about connectivity and interoperability within the organism.

Simplistic then to consider the statement that Breath is the root of illness? Not on further examination, because these profound minds knew the effects of stagnation, deficits and excesses on our physiology, and the subtle effects in shifts in Qi behaviours and flow. So what they were observing was that subtle or overt changes in breat has a very big effect on internal processes.

We in the West also need to understand Qi, which is also a foreign concept to most Western physicians.

Within this Qi paradigm we need to fully understand the Chinese description of Qi ( remembering that in the West Qi is simply electric charge and movement) - but to the Chinese it is Breath and Spirit.

That’s descriptive…isn’t it!

Here is their understanding in full glory. The living, building, repairing energy within our biologies is linked to our Spiritual nature which is delivered within our body by the breath. Taoists are the very best i declare !

Illness formation is immediately are reflected in how we are breathing, because breathing sets tone and rhythm for internal movements.

Hence the evolution of Yoga based Sciences in ancient Eastern Cultures - Breath and stretching to open internal spaces was understood..

The Tibetans knew and acknowledged both ‘Space and Energy ‘ within their understandings, which to this day are still on the whole ignored and discarded by Western medicine.

Hilariously both space and energy actually exist within a human body, so one might consider them relatively important.

Western medicine has been fascinated with tissue and blood and mechanics, whilst in the East they also knew that subtle energies were crucial to health and wellbeing.

Correspondences of Qi are vital to bodily functions, disturbance to these currents causes changes in the environment, some similar to changes on swimming pool chemistry with alkalinity and voltage inter-related.

Naturally i am an Energetic Practitioner, so you will get some bias of course from me when I suggest that electricity within us has an effect on disease formation- but it does.

This is relatively obvious as Qi or bio-electricity is present in all parts of biological processes. Most obvious in embryology.

What is critical in disease formation is a drop in voltage within bio-electricity. This has a direct correlation to alkalinity in the environments.

So the New Age fascination with Alkaline products has some merit, but understanding the nature of electricity and how to work with it within us is even more useful.

When stagnation occurs due to localised or Distal ‘connectivity’ issues, drop in voltage is occurring.

Healthy bodies need correct voltage, and variations cause issues.

Cells need voltage of healthy Qi to function and twice as much voltage to repair and replace.

Qi needs healthy open and warm spaces to traverse, drops in localised voltage encourages stagnation and congestion - which in turn changes these environments toward conditions favourable for disease manifestation.

Michael Ross