Clearing pain energetically

Pain is a horrible thing to experience, but it’s increasingly common.

It is the first thing we try to resolve in our clinic.

But it’s a genius thing in bio-design. A bit like a fire alarm, it will warn us of smoke or fire, it gives us a degree of threat.

Pain with all of it’s hurting, is not the problem, it’s reporting the problem.

We need pain to inform us that something is wrong with the environment it inhabits.

The more acute the pain, the more acute the problem that is informing us of.

This might be a localised environment pain or a referred pain from another location.

Either way it is reporting a problem within the internal environment, or in the case of a burn for instance, the external environment leading into the internal warning system being activated through intrusion of heat.

Pain is something we should be relatively grateful for and learn to read, and act on its messages.

Ignore pain at your peril should probably be taught to kids at school so they have time to get used to conditioning themselves toward good pain management.

The pushing through pain is admirable, however I feel that it is not good practice to treat pain without the respect that it deserves ie don’t ignore it.

We talk a lot about pain management, where it might be smarter to focus on pains origins.

Investigating these matters is almost always a fabulous investment. Don’t self diagnose, hire a practitioner.

If Western medicine has proven to be too limited to provide comprehensive understandings of your pain and long term effects of maintaining pain within your body- try something else.

I have a lot of clients who when I ask them how long have they had this pain answer with “over 12 months.”

That is far too long, because environments adapt and they can can take a lot longer to heal.

When blockages occur in energy flows, the body adapts and re-routs the energy to another channel - these are compromises on a very effective system, they have consequences.

As adults we manage pain in a myriad of ways.

A common one is pain killers. Short term use is ok for these as the body can often resolve things, so the pain may not be present after the effects of the drug has passed.

A mild headache is a good example.

Opioid based treatments should be avoided for long term use as they heat the blood, leading to other demanding issues.

Steroids as most are aware will mask pain. Most holistic practitioners will prefer if you are not on these at all, as it is difficult to gauge what’s going on.

And we need to know what is going on.

Western medicine is reductionist in nature, it will be happy to reduce your symptoms.

I’m not a fan of that approach, cause needs a light shone upon it.

Stubborn pain and chronic pain must be addressed, it’s the responsible thing to do.

Common approaches to resolving pain in The Energy Therapy clinic involves clearing channel pathways with hand applied resonance.

This basic protocol can resolve a surprising amount of pain and it often resolves it completely.

Small congestions in microscopic pathways can cause strong pain. Endometriosis is a good example, where phlegm based adhesions line the peritoneal cavity linings.

This is a very good example, and pain derived from endometriosis is horrid, often leading at the end of options to surgical investigation.

These often turn up nothing in the report, but the breaking of the adhesions to the lining during the procedure resolves the pain - this is because the microscopic channel has been temporarily cleared and Qi is flowing again, no need for the body to continue to report it, so no pain.

Pain is reporting loss of voltage within bioelectrical energy (Qi).

Understanding the underlying origins is obviously important. It can be organ energy deficiency, excessive heat, dryness or phlegm and dampness.

Utilising the deep knowledge of TCM helps this task enormously.

If you get the right channel or correspondences, elimination of pain can be really quick indeed.

And in many cases long term relief is obtained.

Many practitioners have different perspectives on pain.

The channels and spaces within us are extensions on the whole, of the embryonic conformations within the body.

These are effectively the micro and negative spaces between fascial planes.

On deep histological levels these spaces operate at cellular level as well.

The channels and spaces are active extensions of our organ systems and are used by the organs to release and transport toxins and excess to the extremities and surface of the body for elimination.

A good example of this is Gout whose pain maps often include the area leading up to the big toe on the top of the foot- this is the termination of the Liver channel on both feet.

Gout is a Liver toxicity and congestion problem.

Once we view the body in this way, a whole lot of pain makes very logical sense.

As does channel palpitation as a diagnostic tool, and manual energetic ( entirely gentle and painless process) opening of the channels to flush them and encourage Qi flow to return.

Modern bodies face different challenges than bodies of even 100 years ago, our diets are so different.

As localities within bodies shift in their alkalinity, the voltage shifts with it, and drops in voltage cause tension and pain.

These spaces and channels are designed for healthy flow of fluids ( lymph) and bio-electricity ( Qi ).

When voltage drops - nothing moves as well. This is often dramatic in acute pain where trauma has occurred to the locality.

Scarring also affect voltage.

One of my most dynamic experiences with clearing pain was treating my wife 15 years ago after she had burnt her hand quite badly whilst cooking.

This was not a small burn, it was deep and very painful. I treated this by approaching the hand from underneath and after 30 minutes the pain was fully resolved.

I was a student at AcuEnergetics at that time and this was a very significant healing that happened that day.

My wife Kasandra still talks about it as she remembers how sore it actually was- which was in the serious range of burns pain.

In summary - pain exists as a problem very often in the channel, stagnation, phlegm, inflammation and dryness, can be present, which the nerves report as an abnormality that needs to be addressed.

A word should be mentioned about chronic pain as well, in my experience there can be a few contributing factors, obviously disease and congestion, unresolved injuries and scars can play a part - and another sneaky thing is unresolved emotions.

Emotions can overwhelm our abilities to process the shifts in energies, our body tries but it can for various reasons not be able to process them properly.

Overtime, these unresolved emotions can lead to chronic pain, because they change the environment.

Examples of this are grief affecting the lungs by evoking Moisture and phlegm, or anger evoking liver heat - flushed face etc.

Another is Gallbladder frustration contracting tendons and joints, especially those on the Gallbladder channel - ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and side of necks.

All of the emotions generate environmental changes within our biology. Joy opens the heart, laughter the belly, sexual arousal the sacrum, and fear closes the base at the perineum.

I have released associated pain of this nature many times by treating the unresolved emotions via these locations.

What follows is a healing of the physical environment because the emotional drivers are no longer active.

This by the way is why meditation is so powerful, because emotions have roots in our minds.

If you have pain, I would suggest booking an Energy Healing Treatment at our clinic via this link below 🙂

Top Image: Archille’ tendonitis- Kidney Channel.

Bottom Image: Gout - Liver Channel.

Michael Ross