Incontinence ‘the electrical variety’ !

As an energetic practitioner it would be easy to pin low voltage as the cause of many and illness within the body.

To be fair it would not be far of the mark but blanket statements of this nature usually only reinforce the claims of the author of the moment, and how their style of work might be a solution.

In my case this is true, because that’s my clinical reference point. I have fixed or improved incontinence in many people by simply working with the currents related to the organs - in this case, primarily the bladder.

These currents, which in our bodies flow around a circuit within us, regulating, organising and powering our biology.

Self regulation is a hallmark of true health. When the body is humming along with a nice balance of resistance and thrust holding the internal tensions in the sweet spot -where there is neither a leaning towards stagnation or excess within internal environments we are as god designed us, healthy and well.

What governs these internal conditions is bio electricity/ Qi.

One of the many ways it does this is by governing movement of fluids.

The Chinese anagram for Qi includes ‘Spirit’ which gives us an inkling towards the essence of what constitutes our spiritual identity, but also that this spirit essence resides within our internal energy.

That’s a big discussion within itself, probably best left to another time, but most certainly the ancient Chinese have done us a favour ( as usual) by mapping these observations and allowing us to use these perspectives for comprehension and reasoning.

Qi is the organisation force within us, it is the spark within the machine. The ‘ life force’ that guides embryology, growth and repair.

In infancy this force is very strong, by thirty it starts to decline, and by eighty the energies are reduced to the point where they cannot maintain the momentum within the circuitry to keep the harmony of the body balanced.

Incontinence is essentially an electrical failure of the bladder system most often in relationship to the flow of the main circuits. The bladder ‘system’ which in Chinese Medicine is a part of the outer embryological layer of our structure which includes the skin, spine and brain stem.

The layer is called TaiYang or “ Greater Yang” and is responsible for defending us against pathogens invading the body, and removing them, or more accurately providing the physical mechanisms for elimination of pathogens.

The bladder eliminates urine, the skins sweats out waste and also ‘ dips’ into the lymphatic’s system and fascia to pull out pathogens for elimination.

So by old age these parts of us, like much of us can be a bit tired.

Harmonising this aspect of the greater circuits, and other organs like the kidneys, allow the body to return towards its natural rhythm.

We want the water systems to be robust enough to withstand the pressure of your daily life’s activities, and I feel that it a lot easier to achieve this than you might imagine.

bookings: 0487111008

Michael Ross