The clearest and simplest approach to comprehension of our multi-dimensional faculties requires a shift of perspectives and beliefs.

Mind - body - spirit - emotions - physical locations - energetic locations are all active dimensions for us as beings.

We exist as frequencies in multiple ‘locations’. Some more dense in matter as in bodies, and others in more refined energies.

Your mind represents the point of available focus and your higher self the wider finer fields of refined mind energy and expansion.

In proper and rightly sacred energetic terms, it demonstrates a human being in vibratory connection with his or her inner being and higher self which is precisely present in multi-dimensional forms continuously.

A nice way to understand this and to play with this concept is to consider yourself standing in Sydney and thinking of London.

Your ‘body’ which is your vibratory matter bound physical vehicle stands in Sydney, your ‘imagination’ which is your vibratory frequency based mind projecting vehicle is temporarily located in London.

Your ‘ higher self’ which is your Spiritual vibratory based casting / projection aspect of you is located everywhere as part of frequency based ‘source’ dynamics.

Your ‘ emotional self’ is a receptive frequency conduit between your higher self and the physical tuning ajs transmitting vehicle of the body.

It is your frequency radio set and guidance system in one.

Emotions are a physical reaction to the actions of the mind. They are a feedback loop to inform us of the quality of the content that we have allowed ourselves to focus upon.

Look at bad shit - feel uneasy and yucky. Look at beauty and feel harmonious and free.

It’s designed to span the dimensions of you. Emotions ideally help correct poor mind applications and guide you back to your higher spiritual tasks like creating more beautiful patterns and creations.

We need to practice techniques of neutralising poor thought, and resetting to quality thoughts that are in alignment with our most inner desires.

On a higher self level we are phenomenally powerful ( beyond your comprehension), faster than light and eternally driven to expand and create.

These lives that we live contribute to that process.

When we are out of alignment with those processes, we create resistance that slows us down.

This loss of flow causes disease establishment and ultimately death which is in itself a transformational pathway that in turn allows us to reboot and start again fresh.

Death is a mandatory upgrading of the software so we can be reborn with an updated version of processing.

So we have a requirement and duty to maintain and seek communion with our higher selves. Our own god goddesses inner source.

In a human life and existence, this requires receptivity. Allowing inner space to receive.

Modern life with its frenetic obsessive and constant grabs for attention, robs us of this critical spiritual birthright.

Realignment with self via meditation, contemplation, inner self attunement and active imagination are fundamentally essential to the processes of life and wellbeing.

Failing to apply these wonderful receptive resources impoverishes us and makes us ill.

We become ill because we are fundamentally disconnected to our Inner source which is our vibratory battery pack.

In my work most diseases have relationships to organs and their channel systems.

I work in a multi faceted way, firstly by understanding the issue with the person by reading them and their symptoms.

The illness reflects the emotions involved which in turn reflects the hardness, seriousness, ‘ignore-rance’ ,miss alignment or incorrectness of thoughts.

Aging is the most obvious example of this inability to keep our vital flow in tune and harmony.

Cancer is a disease of stagnation and energetic disorganisation. Dis-ease as we have semantically postured for years is a state of being at non ease with oneself or a harmonious star of being.

Illnesses of the mind we know cause illnesses in the body, eating disorders are an easy example to comprehend.

Disorganised thoughts, focused on negativity often lead to the degeneration of your body.

Being in a state of high resistance or over ordering within our thinking can and does take us to many varied beliefs and consequent states of wellbeing.

All forms of absolutism for example create resistance as it represents a standpoint that we are compelled psychologically to defend.

Generally most forms of absolutism end in ism. Fanaticism, communism, fascism which includes some religious beliefs, patriarchalism, feminism, etc etc.

Most generally induce resistance and infuse us with mirrored attuned resistance energetically.

The vitality of a new born reflects its alignment with source ( non resistant state of being) - then the human filtering and ‘education’ begins which layers the psyche with beliefs and filters - these slow down access to our super psyche - higher non resistant self, inner goddesses etc and literally ages us.

These spiritual human processes have been much better understood or at least articulated within Eastern cultures, but pathways exist clearly in the mythology of all cultures.

Many Asian souls looks so young even in advanced years don’t they, this is because they have innately practiced lives of less psychological resistance.

Practices such as Hinduism was very clever because they outsourced the relationships to the super psyche by allocating roles to various deities.

Most religions do this quite well.

The Buddha showed us the traps of attachment to the minds creations ( resistance) and the Christian journey shows us the pathway to a singular purity available within our super psyche.

Jesus was the personification of this access to Christ Consciousness a mist delightful state of non resistance.

His promise, believe in me, I shall be the pathway to salvation and to unification with your highest state of being.

A unification with your ultimate god / goddess within.

The gods and goddesses of our common myths also show us aspects of our super psyche which in itself is so vast that we need to break it into pieces to start to understand it and build relationship to it.

Carl Jung understood that the roots of our cultural traditions were generally speaking ideal places to explore the relationships with our higher and inner selves.

A Catholic for example might be well served using the motifs and ‘keys’ of his faiths imagery and deities to unlock his or her minds resistances and move towards unification with her devine inner aspects.

The godlike and goddess like characters of our superhero stories again show us chucks or bites of comprehension of the powers involved in our super psyche or whole spiritual beings.

The distorted and warped literary characters of darkness such as vampires and zombies show us the ‘ incorrect’ energy draining and parasitical relationships possible with our Higher Self and super psyche.

Obsession with these types of stories and genres is the human trying to understand so they can recalibrate and return to the fold of powerful connection and healthy flow.

What we focus on and think about is the guidance system away from these types of ills or conversely into them.

Sadly for humanity we now have video games driving powerful repetitive imagery of poor distortion into the receptive brains of children and adults.

The results will not be good. ADHD and other hyper focus deficit disorders show us the consequences.

We must simply and actively choose disciplines of improved quality and focus within our thinking.

When we are ‘ in tune’ with our higher selves, flow, expansion and joy, love and laughter are the natural expression and experience and result.

In these states things emerge for us effortlessly. The resistance is low.

We are all creating our realities. That is a given.

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Photo credit: Steve Triance photography Facebook

Michael Ross