Trauma - a spiritual journey

Trauma is generally observed as being based in relationship to drama and external events, people, energies, sensory things like smells, tastes, hearing and imagery, and our stories and emotional recall of such events. This is how it is approached within psychotherapy at large.

It is though only half of the story, which is why so many therapies are only half useful.

We want to investigate wether what we experience as trauma is indeed a species feeback loop to ourselves spiritually.

It’s not a hard thing to imagine, as the things that traumatise us are not desirable things. They are often markers on how not to live life - war, violence, inequality, sexual exploitation, child abuse, human trafficking, deception, the list goes on…

As individuals the crucial factors are whether the persons nervous system can contain the information, it’s about capacity or volume to contain the information presented, wether that is violent or not.

In this scenario i feel that it is the spirit of the person that this nervous system capacity relates to. We have all seen incredible stories of small and frail people who held this capacity throughout tremendously traumatic circumstances throughout history.

And conversely some of our toughest men have been reduced to nervous wrecks post battle. This is not only a biological battle for them, or psychological, i believe that it has to do with the sensitivities of their spiritual being.

The way we shape and conduct our societies traumatises us.

You can see the opposite in places like Bali, where poverty is enormous, yet the trauma is reduced through a ritualistic connection to spiritual life.

Later in this blog we will investigate some methods to help this spirit within us heal from trauma, including how we can incorporate modern spiritualised ritualistic flows in our own lives, to defend against the damaging nature of our cultures.

In shocking traumatic circumstances we often try and piece the events together again and again in the mind.

This repetitive looping is post trauma information sorting - trying to order it so the psyche can feel as if it can be contained and held, understood and assimilated. When it is contained and held, it gets integrated, and the processing looses energy or more accurately - resistance.

This is a healing paradigm. Clearing our bodies attachment to these triggers ( images etc) is hugely helpful - in The Energy therapy Clinic we approach this via the body in Energy Therapy, Restore Energy Therapy and other bespoke therapies.

We approach this via the spirit and mind in StraightenUp Mind Therapy and kasandra Ross’s Reframe Therapy which is guided tuition and deciphering of “ A Course In Miracles”.

All physical information including sensory contains energy, and all forms of known energy has information attached - it’s symbiotic.
Energy is present across the elements, so we need to decipher these information packages in various languages - i.e. chemistry, physics etc as many talented physicians do.

Without energy we are dead, so it is useful to consider this energising component when we look at trauma.

Energy / Qi within us is described by the ancient Chinese sages as two primary things - Spirit and Breath. An interesting combination that might not seemingly have a direct relationship to trauma at first glance.

In Chinese medicine the Lungs are associated with both of these qualities - breath and spirit, and the lungs work hand in glove with the heart. They are the only organ in the body to recieve the full cardiac load of blood in each movement from the heart.

I like to think of the lungs as our external connection to spirit due to their access to the external environment, and the heart as the internal version of this, where our spirit gets an opportunity to inform is from within. The thyroid ( shaped like little lungs and emerging from the voice box in embryology just as the lungs do ) gives us thyroxin, the hormone of inspiration , IN - SPIRATION. The feeling of being inspired, having spirit within us.

Qi is many things, and one of them is developmental - embryonic. The electricity that builds us is intelligent, it organises growth in in our bodies in channels and nodes like an internet provider.

Much of my energy work is rectifying problems in the flow of this Qi. That is essential, as when stagnation of excess occur they are results of deviations in voltage in certain locations like organs or in channels and micro channels.

The ancient Tibetans who knew the body better than anyone has ever known it, knew that of the 5600 illnesses that they had documented, only a handful were not attributable to the breath.

They counteracted this dynamic with breath control sciences like meditation and yoga. These were preventative and recovery therapies used to great effect.

These Eastern practices have been imported in rough forms into the west, sometimes for profit and sometimes altruistically. Rarely has the full spiritual magnitude of these awesome traditions been transferred into our societies though, as the Western psyche is constructed quite differently to the Eastern, it processes differently and has different values.

Indigenous peoples of the East and Pacific have an advantage as their natures allow subservience to higher powers or order far more easily that Europeans, who have a leaning towards dominance.

On a collective level our western societies have moved away from dedicated spiritual practices reaching inwards, including rituals, which now have a direct correlation to some of the malaise that modern western societies find themselves in.

Malaise that incidentally inflicts huge volumes of trauma ( cultural and generational ). Countries like Japan counteract this with their phenomenal micro environments, gardens and buildings shaped toward nature designed to sooth and calm the spirit.

Micro rituals permeating their world. Bowing, table layouts, garden designs, reserved behaviours etc allow space to exist. We have much to admire and learn from this approach.

Ritual has played the role of trauma deflector and insulator, allocating the energy and intent to a higher plane, and to a more refined entity to deal with it. This entity is their higher selfs domain - their spirit. It is in this way that the spirit can absorb the violence of this physical plane - through a mediator - the ritual.

In the West we take trauma straight on like a castle under seige. We try to dominate it which is foolish.

All indigenous cultures know this principle of deflection and use their sublime felt wisdom to apply it. Why else would people clap sticks and dance around humming ritualistic tunes? They are not idiots! They are “ in tune” with energy, they understand the process.

These rituals work toward remedying symptoms of mind - individual and collective, they retune us and constantly refine us.

Our Western societies are racked with trauma symptomology, violence, abandonment, lack of self worth, financial ( survival needs) inequality and psychological illness, suicide, PTSD, it is endless, we have lost the methodology to cope.

We have shaped our minds and values away from our inner life and it is now reflected in our world. Desecrated environments for consumption, physical illnesses, obesity, and lack of genuine connectivity ( social media included ) are now hallmarks of humanity in 2022. We are a society dancing to many tunes.

Our thoughts and emotions have become spells that our bodies to not want to hold. We need remedies, not treatments like pharmaceutical blocking agents.

Inner practices are not even in the discussion of many people in Western society and that has a need to be both addressed, understood and rectified.

Spiritual practice is documented as the road to Nirvana, Heaven, and Valhalla. All of these places or ‘ states’ represent peace, respect, balance and divine wisdom in-situ.

As any good Gnostic worth his or her salt will tell you, these are states or locations on an inner plane, not an external location to float off to after death. They are ‘living localities’ within us - they are Gnosis, a goal, an ending ambition.

The road to these inner planes of spiritual peace is what Cabalists and biblical scholars titled Jacobs Ladder - a process of climbimg toward refinement.

Like all ladders, this one needs to be climbed with care.

A step by step process or journey within to find the divine inner planes within ourselves that are trans-indental and eternally peaceful, refined and free from the resistance of earthly challenges - Trauma and all of it’s manifestations including anxiety are a symptom of being on that ladder without a guide or refrence point of orientation.

They are symptoms of a nervous system without the capcity to hold the charge or volume of energies involved, like a GPS with a flat battery - we are lost.

Like a node without the release and flow of a channel to assist. This is where many reside. Their precious attention stagnant on a device of their choosing, and their bodies autonomous energy in turmoil.

Humanity thank Goodness is rich in guiding us through these processes, and we have some very practical tools including religious texts if you know how to interpret them.

The most potent involve the body. This is why i love the type of work that I do, the body will release volumes of stories, events and energies when supported in the right way.

In indigenous societies this is the role of the Shaman, and with good reason they are revered and feared even more than the chief. They are a warrior of a completely differnt kind - the other worldly kind, the inner worldy kind.

In the West we have deep traditions here also, much of which was demonised by various church bodies, carnivourised and replaced. Druids sacred mounds, spaces and hills replaced by churches etc.

One powerful tradition of this nature is Judaic Mystic Cabalism which was imported both into Christainity ( 16th Century ) and Judaism due to the spiritual truth and power that lay within the knowledge - both eventually rejected it as heresy, due entirely to political forces who simply could not deal with the energies of the revelations involved, nor the feminine relatabilities and inner work that was required.

No god fearing Pope was going to let the ordinary man seek a direct connection with the divine, that perogative was his and his alone, so cabalist practice was banished.

Ig-norance prevailed. They literally would have the masses in pain and suffering to withhold their sense of power - we see this very dynamic being applied in industry as well. The competitive mentality here sees technologies that can reshape humanity shelved for profit and sustainable environments destroyed.

Cabalism is a true Gnostic science and it’s not for the weak or faint hearted - but ejected it was, but not before the psychic work was imprinted onto these societies and many individuals.

The truth that these great states of peace and oneness with the creative principle were available to the common man and woman were revealed, and we should be very grateful to the persons involved, as they carried great risk to personal safety as a rule.

In 2022 we need to ask again and again, what are we looking at when we question our realities - the world that we know has been challenged in deep psychological ways in recent years. It is our individual responsibility to keep investigating so we don’t simply live within someone else’s movie.

The potentials available within relationships to ourselves is still as rich as ever - there is metaphorical gold to be mined here. We need to explore where we adapt in our behaviours due to the lack of capacity and resources to cope with our lives.

Addiction as highlighted in Tommy Rosens excellent Podcast ‘ The Recovery 2.0 Power Hour Podcast with Tommy Rosen’ is rooted is disconnection with the self.

This ‘ self ’ is your spiritual nature - your soul - the real and true you, the witness, the part of you that remains metaphorically still.

You are not your stories, you’re in them but you’re not the sum of them, you are the essence before and after they come and go.

Who cares about my our soul I hear you cry, what about my very real problems - and I would answer that the root of your perceived problems lies in your psychological relationship to life which naturally has little significantly real spiritual meaning attached.

We turn to the master of illumination - William Shakespear - ‘ Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing ‘ ( Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5 )

It is in the adaption to meaningless things that we hurt ourselves ( Life, Act 1 ).

What’s rarely highlighted is that we are chemically hardwired ( a great oxymoron if i’ve ever heard one ) for spiritual ( spirit bound ) connection to ourselves, it is here that we find meaning.

With meaning - we can withstand anything.

What embedded this understanding in a scientific way for me was reading the excellent publication ‘ The Cosmic Serpent - DNA and the origins of knowledge ‘ by British anthropologist Jeremy Narby.

How meaningful knowledge was and is transmitted to our psyche via our DNA which transcends our external environments and stimuli.

This is highlighted in both ancient and modern Shamanic practice.

Jeremy Narby an anthropologist from the UK travelled to the Amazon and detailed Shamanic inner visions and their profound inner journeys, which described in detail enormous knowledge including the double helix of our DNA and complex biology, including the pathways to healing individuals.

In these nature based sciences, peer reviews are rare, results are absolute.

The gateway to these documented experiences is obviously plant medicine hallucinogenics, and its interesting that similar drugs are now being touted as remedies for mental illness and high states of anxiety.

Why do these types of compounds work? - because they truly allow us to access spaces or planes so peaceful and complete in their understanding, in such a profound way, that there is no further doubt by the nervous system and brain - the science of biology agrees, and completes the loop.

In many an illness within us, that loop in incomplete - they play out as anxiety and unresolved patterns of disturbance in emotions, mental clarity and electrical disturbance within biology. My therapies work hard to negate these effects.

The Amazonian Indians claim that their phenomenal knowledge of plants and biochemistry was communicated to them directly while under the influence of hallucinogens, these claims were investigated, and the evidence collected - on subjects as diverse as molecular biology, shamanism, neurology and ancient mythology which led inexorably to the conclusion that the Indians claims were literally true.

To a consciousness prepared with hallucinogens, specific biochemical knowledge could indeed be transmitted through DNA itself. Jeremy Narby demonstrates in his publication that indigenous and ancient peoples, from the Aborigines to the Egyptians, have known for Millenia about the double helix structure - something conventional science only discovered in 1953.

Within these societies these understandings were applied with proper context and inclusive teachings, not a scientist or scientific body trying to dominate nature. Indigenous knew and honoured the fact that we are not above nature, we are within nature. Rituals bedded in this understanding.

Obviously inner knowledge gets properly aquired through these experiences, they are not a walk in the park and demand a level of consciousness of the person.

Shakespeare again; “We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” alludes to this journey.

In our humble clinic we have very gentle, thoughtful and peaceful therapies ( no hallucinogens used sadly) but that are focussed in the same direction - connection with our inner strength and identity in a felt sense, and trust in our core structures.

All are holistic and honour and deal with the client as a whole being - spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical and are designed to heal and release the effects of live’s that have suffered disconnection from the resources and support of inner resources.

Within our psyche we probably have two paths to enlightenment and ultimate relief- off the planet and out into the cosmos on a grand adventure to find GOD or whoever, or inwards on the same path ( as above so below ), I suspect that the inner version will expend a lot less energy and resources ( sorry Elon ) and that’s the path that I suggest that we travel.

So how do we approach this work in a practical way - Energy Therapy in my clinic is designed to in effect, reverse engineer this process.

It’s about assisting your body to release the damaging effects of illness, disease, pain, thought, emotion and nervous system trauma -and to come back into natural self regulation and peacefullness. It’s about seeking physical bio-electrical harmony, so the body can help relax the mind and spirit.

Personal development is important, but it is more important to have the right foundations in place prior to exponential growth - otherwise we just get more distortions in the process and people fail to live authentic lives or create happiness.

We have incorporated another very potent service in the Energy Therapy Clinic that approaches this issue from the spiritual and mental aspect as well - this service is offered by Kasandra Ross as a professional support through this process.

The process is wholly based on the works of “ A Course In Miracles “ which is by the authors account a channelled text and curriculum for correcting incorrect thought and perception of reality that leads to enormous problems both individually and collectively.

This particular text, written in the 1970’s in New York was a long time best seller and has had profound effects on many people. Again the course is a reverse engineered type of approach - it’s a deconstruction of how we see and relate to our reality, a reality based on individual and collective illusions.

Kasandra offers a mentoring service in the practical application of bringing this publication and the associated disciplines to life in a real day to day practice. Her initial hourly consultation is $95AUD and subsequent hourly consultations are $55AUD. This is both a Global online, and in-clinic service.

You can enquire or book this service by contacting us at or +61 487111008 via text or WhatsApp. For those in the UK or Europe we schedule morning or evening times in your location for convenience.

So trauma as a spiritual journey can be a gift, if it helps us identify the path less travelled- the path that we hope to see you on very soon.

#trauma #aCourseinMiracles #EnergyTherapyClinic #PTSD #Anxiety #NaturalHealing #stress #stressrelief


A Course in Miracles

Michael Ross