Ego & procrastination - a devilish Union !

We quite often know what we need, yet avoid it like the plague, then beat ourselves up over it - go figure.

In terms of avoiding healing and growing, this can take many forms.

Two major competing programs in our psyche are The Ego and The Soul aspects of who we are.

The snake and the apple story in the bible is informing us of this dynamic - the difficulty of holding the knowledge of understanding ‘ THE PSYCHE’ - and the temptation is us taking up the challenge of holding the totality of a mind, with the power that that possesses and its connection to eternity.

Snake energy is the everlasting drive upward and onwards, the kundalini, expansion of consciousness being its game, it is our ‘ spark in the machine’.

The Apple represents our Adams Apple where our soul enters the body in Judaic Cabalism with the divine mercy of the creator on board.

A human mind through imagination can go anywhere. Its a BIG deal psychologically.

The garden of Eden is our tranquil soul quality connected harmoniously to higher planes and frequencies, whilst the bite of the apple let the ego and awareness into the consciousness equation - because we have to deal with the new alliance of mind and soul energies together within a new fractal unit of divinity- us !

Soul qualities such as intuition, channeling, felt senses and connection to our spiritual natures are directly challenged by the ego with dominant mind control aspects.

The ego wants total control - it’s a monster that’s running a survival program. It has to be the boss - it’s a survival issue.

Our intuition and more finesse filled abilities are often sidelined by some of the Egos favourite defences - cunning, rationality and defiance.

The Ego is a flat track bully, it will dominate without conscience, it has cruelty in its locker.

Ego will literally do anything to avoid you growing in your conscious awareness and expanded capacity- that’s why making the first step into therapeutic activities is so often resisted, it’s also why addiction exists.

If your leaning in that direction, you’re a threat to your ego, and it will actively sabotage you, that’s why awareness building practices are a great tool for dealing with the ego, and for healing.

It takes courage, humility and belief in greater things than those that trouble us - faith in more stable and peaceful things, people and places, to assist us on this path.

This is also why the profound transformation of our soul and psyche occurs through plant medicines such as Ayahuasca as the egos reality is simply dissolved and ignored for the facade that it is.

Our ego rooted addictions will relentlessly steer us to destructive experiences over cathartic journeys.

We are so used to having everything delivered for us, entertainment, healthcare ( if we can call it that), food, sex, and endless forms of entertainment- that we have forgotten that the greatest satisfaction and meaning can come from things that are earned with discipline and self (ego) denial.

In therapy work that earning looks like being honest with yourself for long enough for self reflection and growth, feeling authentically and letting go of difficult emotions, choosing better choices and sticking with them.

This is why in therapy the most powerful places are the spaces, just like in the body.

The ego will toss up powerful impulses to lure you back toward unconscious behaviours.

To counteract this often involves using subtle and very underused parts of yourself, like intuition- knowing and instinct - awareness and inner courage.

And stillness to open to inner libraries.

We can also use our bodies faculties correctly to assist us, the brain for sorting and planning, the heart and gut for discernment, and the kidneys for will power and determination. Also the lungs for inspiration and the liver and gallbladder for further planning and allocation of resources.

When our body and mind are in alignment, things have a different quality.

These faculties have true knowingness about them - things that don’t need authentication, as they are so obviously authentic - they feel right.

Its no wonder the Oracle of Delphi had “ Know Thyself “ written above her temple entrance - she knew about the ego.

So why do we resist therapeutic work until we are so ill, how can we not recognise and overcome these poor life choices and challenges with ease.

Mainly due to the subconscious program called the Ego.

This program which is a survival program is fundamentally dishonest because it’s objectives are flawed, and outdated.

It will lie to you and the world. It is founded on fear and survival, and will relentlessly prod your autonomic nervous system to follow its program.

If this literally means destroying you, the Ego doesn’t care, because it doesn’t possess a conscience.

This lack of consciousness is precisely why the ego is not aligned with your soul. It is in candid opposition to your souls program- and life’s purpose is probably to overcome the old ego program and evolve spiritually.

To properly heal we need our spiritual selves activated and present. This consciously enlightened behaviour highlights by comparison the dark shadowy grimy nature of the ego.

The horrific mess that our societies are in, is attributed to being run by egotistical people without enough access or capacity for conscience, the result is that they allow the installation of addictively destructive pursuits including war, greed and immorality.

In therapy, which is active healing - this internal battle of procrastination is present for most people. It stops people booking and going to healing sessions and stops them healing in fulfilling ways when in session.

Its much easier to escape into our addictions, thoughts and stories. But in the long run it is both more expensive and damaging. Addictions are the ego’s badge of achievement, and we can see the conundrum within people where they recognise the destructive conditions of addictions yet return to them over the expansive capacities of healing.

There exists a strange but perverse comfort in the box of torture that is addiction - this is the nature of the ego, it will seek this pain over the alternative of healing and expansion of consciousness, capacity and love, simply because that warped comfort is associated with the ego’s psychological survival.

A key opportunity here is to Rumple-Stiltskin the ego - name it for what it is, so it looses its subconscious power.

Thats what the fairytale was informing us about - the ugly nature of the ego, and how to deal with its manipulative ways and nature - how to disarm and dismantle it.

I had a great conversation with Ross Menses a famous clinical psychologist in Sydney about 10 years ago, who is a very very highly acclaimed specialist in OCD - The worlds acknowledged number one specialist in fact.

He told me straight up - the Egos job is to kill you, and if you afford it enough chances it will do precisely that.

I believe him. Behaviours driven by ego are a toxic root system within humanity, and therapeutic practices are gardeners helping remove it.

True ego not only constructs terrible societies with endlessly damaging relationships, it then prevents us from seeking growth, awareness and consciousness.

It’s a double bind which is precisely how we feel when gripped with survival fear.

If peace, joy, love and harmony is your desired life we must understand the ego for what it is, and actively circumnavigate it.

From a soul perspective the ego is literally a bit of an evil regressive program running through humanity, it’s like a reptilian program that is designed for surviving harsh planetary environments, not really designed to seek high vibratory soulful experiences.

It’s like a strong program was installed to the biological space suits for a time and then a new software was inserted to run simultaneously.

Lower mind psyche and higher mind soul.

I say evil with tongue in cheek , because if Satan were to design a program to insert into humanity- fear driven ego would be a mighty good one.

The transformative goal is to “ KNOW THYSELF”. To know that we possess both programs for a reason. Evolution.

Seems simple enough 😎

Awareness and consciousness allows us to understand that two programs are running in our super psyche - Ego resistance / distraction / destruction and Soul / surrender, alignment, peace and harmony and expansion.

How do we know which is dominant - by how we think, feel, and act.

Agitation, drama and intense highs and lows is ego bound - more tranquil and peaceful and unifying is soulful.

We fulfil a lot of egotistical thirst with made up dramas - movies, tv series etc. Without these outlets our psyches might create even more in society, so the arts play a powerful role.

Soulfulness doesn’t have the intense energy that ego based thoughts and feelings like drama or romance do, they are less intense and dense, but they open up more subtle spaces for more profound intimacy to release itself, more light, enlightenment.

They have different qualities, far more refined.

In our healing practice we utilise a few approaches to this problem- one being the aforementioned Rumple-Stiltskin approach, and many other awareness based techniques.

We also have a dedicated therapy in Reframing Therapy that utilises “ A Course in Miracles “ as a deconstruction curriculum for the ego.

The symbiotic nature between energy, consciousness and spiritual growth is both clearly evident and profound, and it comes at the expense of the ego.

The Egos job is to disrupt and resist this union with fear based inner psychology.

Part of this dark psychology is procrastination.
Procrastination is a form of fawning or playing dead, it’s an ego survival technique.

It is reacting to a false survival fear, superimposed by a false program in the psyche - because your soul is immortal and the greatest fear in the ego program is death.

So awakening beyond procrastination is a form of mini rebirth and quest for truly living itself, living with the understanding that life is not actually under the spell and threat of death, in defiance of popular belief.

Beyond our Ego is a greater life indeed.

Plant your first seeds of Reframing your life today 🙂.

Bookings @

Michael Ross