What an Energy Therapy Session is actually like !

What an Energy Therapy session is like!

There are many layers to a session in my view - mind, spirit, emotions and physicality.

Some of these can be assisted in a session, sometimes many of them. Every session is different, some are hugely transformative, and some far more subtle but often just as powerful.

For many its about letting go of years of tensions that they have built up subconsciously and i think that for this reason so many people feel so much lighter when they have had a deep healing session via my type of work.

People wind themselves up like corkscrews, with the drivers predominantly being their minds and suppressed emotions.

People have complex ways that we hold onto things, because we are indeed phenomenally complex beings.

Patterns inlayed by our life experiences can remain and re-establish quite quickly so deeper comprehension is often required to help resolve physical issues.

The body is organised embryologically in complex but distinct layers - six of them to be precise.

All with deeply interactive, yet individual qualities.

And understanding where pathology originates is the greatest challenge.

Especially as it can originate in its energetic incoherence within the psyche of the client and manifest within the body - again, we are complex.

Sometimes it’s so subtle, like fishing with a hand line.

My work aims to find and alleviate deep anchors or pins of holding as well as alleviate pain, and support the client in specific terms why their body is holding tensions in specific ways.

In the psyche or body stories get held, experiences and emotions get lodged.

Many of these are inhibitors toward healthy mental states and physicality 🙏

Come and enjoy our safe space for you to heal and unwind your self.

Michael Ross