The Energy Therapy Clinic

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Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder ( PMDD )

The most important question for you I’m sure is can i help you if you are suffering with this condition, and the answer is YES.

This is a problem of tension, hormones and Qi combined. These patterns get established over time and if the client is receptive can be released and balanced quite effectively.

The physical challenge;

Inert physical tension leads to in many cases, further increases in emotional and mental tension. Any tension in the body is counterproductive, and if strong emotion is present then more advanced layers of stress and vectors of force can come into play.

When treating this condition I am delighted that i can offer a significant holistic alternative to the mind numbing and ‘ultra frustrating’ merry go round’ that women often find themselves upon.

To say that this condition is disruptive is a massive undersell. It can destroy relationships on many levels and leave the woman concerned with long lasting emotional and physical effects.

I am convinced through clinical experience that significant improvements can be made regarding PMDD.

Understanding the effects of underlying trauma, present day stress (trauma) and the grind of this not being resolved is the right place to start. Releasing the trapped energies of relationships is often in the mix.

Remember we are dealing with The Conception Vessel here!

One of the fundamental indicators are that blood tests, which are a staple diagnostic tool in the West are often inconclusive in PMDD, this is because it doesn’t present as a constitutional blood issue at play - at least it doesn’t look like that under the microscope.

There is of course a blood issue at play, and we need to understand why the cycles aren’t being allowed to complete in a harmonious flowing manner. Women get conditioned to accept that their irregularities are OK, when of course they are not. Without access to my kind of work or that of acupuncture, some of these irregularities simply imbed themselves for decades.

Fortunately if the body is responsive enough, they can be rectified to a decent degree in a reasonable time frame.

As in many pathological behaviours, there is a Qi ( bio-electrical) dynamic operating. Western medical labs aren’t looking for Qi ( bio-electricity) and its functions or effects in the body. I am, and I know how to unblock stagnation and temper excesses which contribute to this cyclic pattern being disrupted.

When we understand how Qi operates in blood and organ relationships, we get a lot closer to understanding what is occurring in PMDD. The Liver is a phenomenal generator and distributor of Qi in our bodies, and it also has strong governance in menstruation.

The energetic flow and quality of Qi is decisive in the PMDD problem. By addressing this via the Liver channel system, we can bring considerable harmony back into the cycle.

Understanding that blockages and fluctuations in Qi ( bio-electrcity) can and will alter both healthy flow and quality of blood. In the case of PMDD it is what the Chinese call Liver Blood ( Menstrual Blood) which is the plasma content of blood (55% of total volume) and the blood that clots in your period.

This is the aspect of blood that deals with clotting and cholesterol, so the LIVER / GALLBLADDER relationship is important.

Depending on the symptoms and diagnosis, my protocol for treating this condition relies on strengthening the normal correspondences from the Liver and Kidneys tributaries especially.

It’s about bringing your body back into its normal circuitry flow and re-establishing bio-electrical connections that have been blocked, which have become exhausted through tension or illness, or inappropriately redirected.

These tensions remind me in a way of a boyhood game that I had. It was a Scalextric figure eight slot car track which was powered by electricity.

Moving my small cars around this track called for a deft touch in the controller. Too much electricity released and the cars would crash, not enough and they wouldn’t move.

It’s the same in our bodies, not enough Qi flow equals stagnation - not enough power, too much equals excess - too much power.

Both can be indicated in PMDD. And quite a bit of it is linked to the way we process of life experiences energetically.

Because emotion and Qi have a deep relationship. And how we hold this emotion affects Qi ( bio electricity) and in my clinical life helping women release pent up emotion is very important in this healing equation.

The power of emotions in the mensural equation;

You think that you're a monster pre period simply because pressure and tension has built, obviously after your period has literally released your damned up energy, you feel relieved, released and free of tension. It’s a pressure system.

It’s important to understand ourselves and how we may be contributing to our own wellbeing and I explain this in detail within a session in clinic or online.

Fix the flow and quality of Qi, and these hormone reactions moderate and self regulate as nature intended, because the pressure system is reduced.

In my practice this is done with painless and gentle hand applied resonance. If you are fortunate enough to be able to see me in clinic you will get the powerful and extra benefit of a full session of unwinding both the physical and emotional aspects of what is occurring in these reproductive cycles.

If your abroad or can online see me online, I feel that i still have some very handy resources for you.

In the pelvis where the reproductive organs reside, we also have the Sacral grouping of nerve plexus collectively known as the sacral Chakra. This densely powerful energetic transformer is designed on one level as all chakras are, to filter excess emotion.

The fact that this Charka deals emotionally/energetically with Sexuality, relationships, parental and child dynamics, careers and money generation and management, shows us that contractions via emotion can and do play a strong part in how the biology is performing.

Think of the tension, worry and frustration involved in these areas of our lives, they are massive, and ongoing.

These are subconscious effects of our minds and emotions effecting the cycling performance. These can be released if it is approached correctly with compassion and intelligence. As a species we like to resolve these subconsciously layered issues before we allow a flow of procreation - it’s human nature.

Is your GP saying whats happening in your life?, maybe not, I most certainly will be asking this.

In Western Medicine there is no single test that can diagnose premenstrual syndrome ( PMS ) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder ( PMDD ). Typically the symptoms occur only during the second half of the menstrual cycle ( luteal phase). Most often between the 5-7 days immediately proceeding the menstrual period. With PMDD there must be associated physical as well as behavioural symptoms. And with both PMS and PMDD these symptoms should not be present between days 4-12 of a 28 day cycle.

The approach by ‘science’ is ridiculous within a holistic paradigm , the whole person must be considered. There are so many emotional and mental inhibitors, poverty, abuse, boundaries, addictions, poor nutrition, beliefs systems, exhaustion, toxicity, fear, and more…

I remember with great clarity a delightful 38 year old British client whom i treated in Bali a few years ago, who had all of her adult years with cyclic disruption( 20 day cycles) , intense emotional disturbances and pain.

A very interesting woman, experienced body worker with trauma, presented with a huge emotional layer of current stories predominantly around family.

In a normal style that I treat, I approached this issue via classical acupuncture points ( embryological control points) and off the body field dynamics - predominantly around the pelvic and navel chakras and the kidney gates.

The release of the tension around these life stories and experiences helped this rebalancing a lot. That with re-establishing strong Qi flow from stagnation in organ channels.

She enjoyed a renaissance as her cycles for the first time rebalanced to normal days and rhythms.

Below is her kind testimony and review from the Energy Therapy Clinics Facebook Page in November 2019.

👇. We fixed this issue in 70 minutes. Reinforcing the emotional dynamic that i spoke of above, six months later she had a couple of very emotional life vectors emerge in her life which put her again under great stress.

Her body followed the stress patterns and began to revert to the problematic cycles. She contacted me from the other side of the world and we ran through the points together. Under my guidance she applied acupressure to the points in the body that i explained to her and most delightfully, the condition improved to where she was six months earlier directly after our session.

This gave me great confidence in the protocol. It had worked both in clinic and by remote correspondence.

Please feel free to contact me for a free 15min consultation to discuss aspects of this treatment plan.

Or if you’re ready to book a session just order it here..