YIN AND YANG - Gods shuffleboaRd

The overview:

Clearly the universe that we inhabit is the greatest illustration of yin and yang - intricate geometric organisation detail and an eternity of vibrational space 💥

There is no such thing as communication without an energy exchange.

Basic physics sees to that. In spiritual terms it’s called communion, which is relevant because all energy is spiritual.

Every tap of the thumb on the smart phone, every thought or feeling enters the Etheridge web. In a way we are all creators on this cosmic web, and this is precisely why the Spider was utilised in Native Indian Mythologies to illustrate these principles.

This is one of the great Yang creator god of all mythologies, and movement is crucial to his or her stories.

How we organise these forces:

The prowess of our mind, biology and senses allows us to organise ourselves in ways that are beyond the natural apex patterns in nature - for better or worse. We can and do break traditional boundaries. Our poor planet and fellow species upon it are dire testimony to the expansionist yang energies being explored without balance and it is both our responsibility and destiny to seek proper balance in these equations.

The clear and present insanity of non sustainable mining of any resource should be the ultimate cautionary tale. The Cult of Economics really needs to be exposed and healed.

Economics in Greek was titled Logistics and was a secondary science to the great spiritual and astronomical and mathematical sciences. It should be relegated back to the second division as quickly as we can collectively manage it.

Understanding the energies involved:

These great energies being exchanged could be thought of as cosmic energies, and the energies within our bodies as condensed versions of these great themes. What water does when dammed can illustrate why pain exists in your joints for example if you know how to look.

Drought in nature is identical to inflammation within us - they both arise from dryness in the environment.

What we do to our environment is mirrored in our illnesses. In real hard disease as well and mental illness and anxiety. Could Covid be seen in this light as our planet and world not being able to breath from pollution. The violence it inflicts upon us with severe restrictions in breath and blood flow - are we not doing this to our world?

Here was the brilliance of Taoism, observing the great laws of nature and movements, especially water, and equating them to the fundamental movements of energies within us. And crucially communal energies.

We can see their understandings represented in eastern art, martial arts and and architecture. What was not so obvious was the hidden understandings that were preserved in initiate style teachings, as these possessed much power that was not to be revealed to an untrained human or groups of humans.

Many a tyrannical group such as the nazis tried to tap into these forces.

And these Yin forces of course have very very great energies within that need to be harmonised with resonance and compassion from us. We need to kerb our expansive Yang energies.

The mechanics:

When we communicate it is natural to appreciate that there is an energy exchange, a shake of a hand or a spoken word for example.

These are what i call moving energy exchanges, and there is an opposite of course.

These opposites naturally live in states of stillness or non action, and good examples are symbols, or in nature- rocks. Occultists of the ages have tried to harness just such forces.

Great Yin power exists within these structures. All of the Yang cosmic power that you can witness through a telescope or in the flow of nature here on earth is mirrored in these still versions.

It is a mind boggling thought but has to be true because Yin and Yang are opposites in the cosmic dance - on all levels.

How can these forces be used for the good of all:

So the future of energy mining will be to acknowledge, and search for these great Yin depositories of energy. Then to fully and responsibly understand how to commune with them.

One of these is within ‘channels’ or space as Nikola Tesla understood. included in this understanding will be the space in DNA or ‘junk’ as the idiots of science have labelled it.

If you think that you are a mini master of interpreting information within the yang like moving forms of energy, for example reading the weather patterns, hearing or sensing danger approaching in the bush or oceans - or simply reading and anticipating some abhorrent energy in some random human at the train station or within a commercial exchange of some kind.

Then imagine what skills that you might possess if you mastered the information within the Yin/stillness aspects in your surrounds. Cesar Milan the ‘dog whisperer ‘understood these yin principles very well and remains and excellent example of commanding the information within stillness to override or dominate the energetic urges of movement.

He is a modern occultist ( using the hidden Yin forces) to great and good effect. Follow his example.

These were the ambitions and paths well tread of the great Taoist Sages like Lao Tzu.

The great fundamental science of Zen was born from these pioneers of Yin and Yang balance. Eventually by exploring Yin and Yang ( A and B ) in the diagram below, we can expanding the Taoist Zone of AuB. If you asked me is this the work that God has asked us to do, I would say yes it is !

Zen is an ultra Yin condensed version of these sciences.

Surely these principles are worth further investigation by ourselves to help enrich and heal ourselves and our world.

Michael Ross - Energy Practitioner and Zen student.

Michael Ross