Energy Therapy - Is it effective?......yes It is, heres why !
If you have had no exposure to this type of work it would be natural to wonder both what it is, and is it effective.
The practical side of the issue of ‘what it is’ is very similar in a way to how a software engineer might bring your computer back into a really nice functionality. Most often it deals with the healthy flow of bio-electricity or importantly the conditions that bio-electricity has to work within.
That’s because the body is set up like a computer, and like your computer without effective electricity ( Qi/Chi) things get a little dull, slow and eventually poor in performance. In death it’s stopped, and an ER electric shock is literally a re-boot.
As electricity and water contribute to the health of the home, so do fluids and electrical Qi in your body.
Why this type of energy therapy has such good results is because it’s utilised on these natural and organic aspects of our bodies. Fluid and bio-electricity will flow without our interaction, but not often as well if problems exist. Most of these problems exist because of excess in the way that we live.
Here are two simple themes of Qi ( energy ) to ponder. The first is pre-natal, what you are born with within the ‘program’ of your biology, your inheritance from your ancestral line. The parasympathetic nervous system and your subconscious biological functions utilise this Qi and its programmed patterns.
The second is post natal Qi, so Qi generated after birth into the world. Breathing, eating, drinking, thinking and feeling and absorption of the cosmic energies ( solar energy etc). It is in these interactions that excess takes its toll.
Many of modern life’s dis-eases spring from excesses, including many back pain issues.
On a metaphysical plane a human life once initiated is the meeting of Heaven and Earth, a divine spark dropped into an Earth originating biological space suit, with two fundamental energies asked to coexist.
In Chinese five element theory the five elements are Fire, Metal, Earth, Wood, Water.
The way I look at these are the ‘Heavenly’ aspects are Fire and Metal, they are upper body elements and exit the body via channels that exit at the hands. The other three are ‘Earth’ aspects, Wood, Water and Earth and they are lower body elements and exit the body via channels that exit at the feet.
At cellular levels and also in the spaces between the connective tissues( fascia) of the body flows energy (Qi) and white blood of Lymph - oiling, energising and nourishing everything that red arterial blood cannot reach. And Qi - that wondrous life force and electrical substance is so important, that it also is active within red arterial blood and all aspects of the body.
So red blood and white blood (lymph) are both intimately infused with Qi ( bio-electricity), as are our cells. The organs and cells have electrically charged membranes with electricity playing a vital role in both powering and organising the body.
Now we can see why Qi therapy or interaction with Qi is so dynamic, because it reaches completely through us. How Western medicine has ignored this is actually mind-boggling. And how could simple resonance based interaction with these clogged systems not be useful?
If your Qi is deficient, congested, excessive or disturbed by excess emotion for example, you will not be at premium wellbeing. It’s a natural biological law, and common sense.
When you have been to the GP for the same issue for years and have it ‘managed’ , you might ask yourself is this actually enough. The same with chronic stress and stress points, has the Chiropractor truly fixed the problem or managed it until the next session.
Management is not enough.
Not many therapeutic modalities cope with the effects of mind and emotion as well as energy therapies, and physical issues can also benefit handsomely from a fresh and new approach.
Energy moves in opening or closing cycles, especially in relationship to the chakra system. People with closed minds are much harder to treat energetically because mind is a primary driver of energy.
If you’re a narcissist, sociopath or general bitch or bastard, you may not get what you want from energy healing initially. You might need life’s circumstances to soften you up a bit first - maybe a few lives. You do need your heart open a bit at least to access the emotional intelligence required to process the work.
Honesty, courage and truth are required. One this score alone I have huge respect for so many of my clients over the years.
I’ll give you an example; I conducted a regional clinic where a woman in her sixties came to see me. She had a spread of issues relating to the throat and digestive system. I hearing her story i started to form an impression of what was occurring energetically. Remember the body goes on the journey with us, it’s a library of mind.
So this woman had been sexually assaulted by a relative as a teen and given birth, she had adopted out the child. She had never spoken of this to anyone until this day ( I still get emotional remembering this session, such courage and brutal honesty). She was also adopted herself.
She was in the dual process of reaching out to be biological mother and child simultaneously, facing very probable rejection from both. What a dilemma, however the keeping of these powerful secrets had contracted her voice box area very much. The lungs emerge from the area of the voice box in embryology and they carry the main burden of grief for the spirit of the person.
In speaking this story whilst i worked on her throat chakra to associated centres she shed this burden profoundly. When this hour long session was over I looked at this woman who had so bravely come to me for healing an hour earlier, and I was absolutely amazed. Her face looked so so young, it was twenty years younger that the woman who entered the room. She had done some profound shifting work within that hour. There was an essence of the young girl within shining out - I sent her to the mirror to appreciate what had occurred, she was as amazed as i.
No modality is perfect for everyone at every moment or issue, but often new techniques can shift things to a level that gives both relief and resolution not anticipated. All practitioners i’m sure who deal with the body love the moments when patients are relieved of pain, it’s a really nice thing to experience.
In my job during sessions, it is still a real delight when people resolve things. And RESOLUTION should be the aim of therapy.
Energy Therapy - It is an intelligent and effective holistic way to approach wellbeing. The essential thing to consider is that energy work is expansive, where pharmaceuticals for instance are reductionist generally speaking. Ultimately it’s about opening up the system to optimum performance instead of restricting aspects that are blocked or under performing.
Michael Ross - April 2021
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