Respiratory Health- 45 minutes

Respiratory Health- 45 minutes

from $139.00

Respiratory illnesses have many causes and degrees of severity and a natural component of the disease patterns are disrupted, stagnant or altered energy supply.

It is naturally slightly different with each person, but what is the same for each individual is that the quality of energy in any environment determines its health.

Tip - - Text: 0487 111 008 to book, or book via this page and we will contact you for a session time and date.

This process is applied with gentle but intelligently targeted hand applied resonance ( my learnt skills) , it’s a powerful tool to help re-establish bio-electrical potency and flow.

I lean towards including a PEMF Mat treatment as well as a recommendation to help reduce inflammation.

Disease and pathogenic behaviours within us often result from stagnation or excess within our internal environments, especially within the spaces.

Viruses especially steal energy to survive, they steal heat and when they do this and they create dull or cooler spots in environments that helps drop the natural flow of Chi, fluids and regulated warms that is present in natural human biological health.

These “‘ altered environments’ can’t maintain voltage that is essential for the vital flows discussed.

Without healthy flow it is enormously difficult for the body to overcome the effects of illness, and to rejuvenate toward normal and healthy function.

It is a step by step repair job, and the body in a similar way to a computer, reboots in the sleep cycles, so we often see continuous improvement over a number of days and weeks. But strong immediate improvements can also be achieved in certain situations and biologies.

I have seen this often with some chronic conditions. This process may require two or three sessions, conducted over a period of time, but very often significant results occur with a single appointment.

This treatment works by strengthening our capacities for immune system response, by helping organs, internal channel performance ( capacity for elimination and rejuvenation ), and bio-electrical correspondences ( proper hormone and electrical connections) to be re-established.

Your body is a self healing and rejuvenating biological machine, it does the healing. My job is to assist it and you, to help improve performance, and remove stagnation from inhibiting its vital functions.

This is a subtle non invasive therapy which is enormously powerful in ways that are unavailable within modern medicine.

Clinic: Burleigh, QLD - Australia

Consultations $139 / hour - Sessions run for 60 minutes.

#Longcovid #respiratory #asthma #respiratoryillness  

Disclaimer: The content on this website is for informational purposes only and do not substitute medical advice. Our products are not medical devices and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not change or substitute current health advice without consulting your doctor first.

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