Fear and Anxiety:

What emotions they are, tied so intrinsically to so many aspects of our human experiences.

We can see the effects of fear and adrenal overdrive in many symptoms in modern peoples physiology.

Anxiety is a posture, a defiance, it’s a defensive posture by the nervous system saying that there are volumes of energy here that i can’t integrate because they have complex stress related data attached.

The stories are to some extent irrelevant, it’s how your body feels that is important.

In people of greater sensitivities these equations are multiplied. Fear is not only confronting emotionally, it’s insidiously contagious as news broadcasters are fully aware to their commercial advantage.

When people are fearful or anxious, energetically this looks very much like people pulled off their centreline and in some ways split in half.

People can exist in this split state for a very long period. One aspect postured to the problem and the other continuing with life.

It’s often a subtle but powerful crucifixion.

The adrenal glands are attached to the kidneys, they do the defensive adrenal posturing job - they help us in filtering fear and its finer field cousin - anxiety.

Organs do this by flooding the body with hormonal responses which leave telltale trails of symptoms to identify how you have responded to ‘ your world’.

This phrase ‘ your world’ is important, because separate humans can experience near identical things and process them very differently.

Its like they were put in a totally dark room with an elephant and asked to describe it. The first reports a long corrugated tube damp at one end, another a great tough skinned mass, and the third a rope like tail of some sort.

It’s a matter of perspective, sensory, mentally, and emotional intelligence wise.

We respond.

All were in the room with an elephant but were holding to the experience in different sensory ways. Such as this-we do life.

For those who hold the adrenal tensions of life, fear can become insidious, tiring and addictive.

Fatigue, eye and ear problems, reproductive and genitalia issues, leg issues, heart issues are all some of the potential problems that may emerge.

Lack of willpower, energy and courage are also common.

The Kidneys are the energetic portal to our ancestral energy in all manner of ways - genetic strengths and weaknesses, consciousnesses and cultural programming.

When our bodies remember the effects of famine from previous generations it is via the Kidneys that that memory is held and expressed.

We need to seek expert help to navigate the emotions, and physical effects.

Many forms of nervous disorders originate here. Fear - kidneys - heart.

True fear affects the lower half of us physically, when in mortal danger ( even perceived ) the Base Chakra will contract and unpleasant things occur like wobbly legs and loss of bowel movements. The term ‘ shit myself’ has graphic undertones.

Anxiety which is a wider energetic field dynamic than true fear because it is imagined or projected and anticipated, tends to affect and lodge in the upper parts of the body - predominantly in the chest where it affects the Lungs and Heart, and is often rooted in the Navel Chakra by intense focussed forms of addictive mental worry.

Anxious people don’t complain about weak knees or troublesome feet, it’s all about shortness of breath and heart palpitations etc.

Much work in my energy therapy is around identifying the true drivers and switching off aspects of the nervous system that are locked in an ON response.

This is not literally turning anything off. It’s simply bring normal electrical correspondences back into rhythm and allowing the body to return to its magnificent design capabilities.

The individual in the equation:

Truly acknowledging that we are not only human beings, but also spiritual beings is vital.

Mentality alone is not the key to this condition, neither can it be effectively addressed via the mind alone, the body and spirit of the person must be included.

I’ve never heard a psychologist speak in these terms but you will find Chinese Medicine Practitioners speaking of this.

Calming the Spirit or Shen within a person is crucial for anxiety. Shen resides in the Heart which is our portal to the eternal realms which hold the capacity to heal us.

Trust in life is the remedy for both conditions, belief in our eternal capacity as beings eliminates both conditions because it’s the holding on to ( defending) what we know or expect that causes fear and anxiety.

If we realised that absolutely nothing can be taken from us on the levels that matter, these conditions lose their capabilities.

Physically when anxiety threatens the hearts harmonies, the other channels of the body try to clear the energy, it is designed like that. It’s a marvel really.

In the upper part of the body where channels exit the body on the hands reside all of the ‘fire and metal elemental organs’.

These are our Spiritual and inspirational aspects of our makeup, where as the feet channels are Earth based ( Water, Earth, Wood), our roots.

Hence the issue with anxiety both affects the psychic aspects of us and our spiritual elemental aspects of our biology.

The Lungs are Heart are considered our organs of spirit and inspiration. Both are affected by fear and anxiety.

These are both Yin solid organs who use Yang hollow organs and channels to release toxicity, including effects of mind and emotion and matter.

In fear, the Kidneys anchor the lungs and heart emotionally and hormonally.

Releasing significant tension from points that relate to the Heart can calm the Kidneys adrenal effects ( reverse engineering) , and calming the Kidneys can significantly assist the Heart in remaining calmer, it’s a partnership.

Another area of interest is the Solar Plexus that can hold distorted views of self and others - these can also lead to anxiety and holding in the chest.

Mental illness is a distortion. How we view the world is important.

When you have a session with me I will explain the issues and individual drivers, work on releasing the damage caused and educate you with self help techniques such as acupressure points that you can daily check for tension.

Doing energy work is our birthright, it is not an exclusive domain for practitioners, self help is vital and deeply empowering.


Fear not, not all things lurking in life are hungry lions and we can learn to accept and work with this truth.

Life is still highly slanted toward the safe and productive.

This belief we need to enforce and embellish so it can gain momentum within us. 💕

Michael Ross - Energy Therapy practitioner.


Michael Ross