Indigenous Healing

We are all indigenous to Mother Earth. Please consider this, It’s a worldwide tribe with 7b members.

The reclaiming of this birthright has been the healing of many a Westerner, ‘indigenous’ by consideration or not.

In my journeys of connecting and healing, some of the most potent and beautiful moments have been with indigenous people.

Indigenous people are awesome and I wholeheartedly support their journey home in their quest for reconnection to their roots.

Healing is a funny word in many ways, it can occur by being in the company and presence of the right people. It’s almost like harmonising would be a better word. How and why we are guided into their company belongs to the machinations of grace, but the attunement can very powerful indeed.

many indigenous peoples have had this type of healing on me, this is energetic.

Growing up in New Zealand i was surrounded by incredible beauty in the land, most countries have this of course and the indigenous carers of our world know where the energies are right for deep realignments to occur within people.

Places can heal, the energy grid and lay lines of our world are as real as the channels within your body. Nothing would be as it is without channels of living energy. Nothing would be as it is without spirit within.

Some of the harmonies within me that i experienced in these powerful places return when i’m in the company of the right people, generally speaking people that are in harmony with the spirit within and the spirit within the land.

For me at least i have learned to trust this feeling function and the messages that emanated from these significant people. Attunements occur through people acting like tuning rods, and the opposite can occur of course as well.

Powerful dysfunctional people can conversely pull sensitive people out of alignment. And alignment is crucial to health because it aids regulation in the body..

Resonance plays its part like two crystal glasses attuning to each others pitch - we also attune to places, people and animals.

To do the type of work that i do, much preparation is required so that i’m in the best vibration possible to heal and bio-tune bodies with resonance.

Rituals of trust and permission:

At the essence of many Indigenous healing methodologies is trust in the process of spirit woven with earth and the combined potencies of the dance between them. When heaven and earth combine in harmony good things happen.

In humans this is most often the dance between the mind and the body.

This mutual dance is exclusively energy, more precisely spirit infused energy. I can say this with confidence because down at the molecular hum, all things are energy. The ancient Chinese sages applied an anagram for this organising energy that guides, constructs and repairs the body, it translates as Spirit / Qi.

Qi is present at all levels within and without of us - from large muscles down to intracellular expressions. The indigenous peoples knew all of this because they lived with it in ritual and observance.

One good example is when birds harness the quantum properties of their cell, it is how they navigate and fly in perfect formations - they are using a quantum oscillation within their cells.

Very many Indigenous peoples are introverted intuitives’, which aligns beautifully with the lives that they carve out on Mother Earth.

They are also isometrically opposed to the average European cultured person which are in general more extroverted thinking types.

There are many meeting points for the differences, none more than conscious respect and yielding so we can learn and benefit from each others company and learnings.

The living energies will not be denied, they must be experienced. It is how clever we are that determines the quality of experience.

Humans have used some fabulous rituals and rites to temporarily contain these forces of nature, to harmonise some of the turbulence, to bring cognition and understanding to very complex multilayered energies.

Ceremony - The ultimate ritual:

Ceremony is the gateway to experiencing these energies safely. Gaining permission is important, permission from the land, the plants and the trees and rocks . and affording the appropriate protection to both approach, engage and eventually disengage from the energies involved.

When I joined in Ceremony with Uncle Max Dulumunmun Harrison of the Yuin People on the South Coast of NSW, and others in 2017 and 2018, I was touched deeply within. As an avid student of Indigenous Culture, Shamanism, Mythology and Ritual I expected this ceremony to have power reverberations - It did.

A key ingredient is reverence to Mother earth, and respect i.e. asking permission to the higher powers involved. Or in plain language subjugation to the living energies of a much more powerful entity or set of entities.

This is essential as we are connecting or colluding with them, and how we approach these great powers dictates how we come out the other side.

We are powerful beings, especially within our psyche. These rituals honour this and allow a dance between receptivity and action.

In Bali which is a powerhouse of energy lay lines, the local Hindus have an abundance of ceremony to connect with the land, many of which i joined in.

Hinduism is profound in how it separates aspects of the ‘one universal mind’ into dozens of living deities, so we can relate to the whole of the ultimate God / Goddess via smaller more digestible and understandable chunks.

Each deity cleverly relates to an aspect of the psyche of the almighty and of us as fractals.

Potent keys to indigenous healing is that it involves the living spirit within the land ( including plants and animals) as much as the living spirit of the people involved. Here is an impoverishment in Western Medicine, we ignore totally the powers of spirit, and spirit within the earth in the processes of healing, which is in my humble opinion simple ignorance. IGNOR-ance is a better reframing.

Refusal to acknowledge living energies in innate objects is also simply beyond sciences rationalising sensitivities but a clear error even in rudimentary quantum understanding.

Once the quantum world was discovered science has been on an uneasy footing and rightly so. Logic would dictate that science is simply a catalogue of discoveries that gets updated every ten years or so. We have yet to formalise Western science into attunement with Natural Law which is so prevalent in Indigenous understanding, because it does not yet earn the title.

It will get there but some soul searching needs to be undertaken. Or some soul insertion.

Consciousness and medicine are rare acquaintances.

The Elders:

The other aspects of indigenous power is respect and subjugation to the reverence of elders wisdom, this allows the participant to be in a much more receptive and Yin state- a state, potently aligned with healing.

Participating in this way allows the person to be connected in the right order ( lineage) which helps especially to negate the influence of the ego ( which is doubly important for academics). The Chinese called this dynamic Grandfather, Father, Son which adhered to outcomes controlled or governed by the correct order of things.

I am fortunate to have a Maori uncle ( he adopted us ) who’s family is deeply connected to spirit. He and his line have been gifted with an incredible ability to see - or be informed by spirit in real time. These understandings are beyond the frailties of science.

They are also worthy of awe and appreciation. With men like this, value systems are different as they have relationship with aspects of reality that the average capitalist driven person might not.

Natural or Cultural Law:

This needs to be understood and obeyed. Seek an Elder for guidance.

My experiences:

If i am travelling one of the things that i seek are significant energy places and people. I was attracted from afar by intuition to a then 96 year old healer in Bali. He was not quite as famous in the West as the Eat Pray Love healer but the Balinese revered him.

He was the grandson of the King of Ubud.

I spent the year in Sydney waiting for my next trip and had solid anticipation regarding seeing him. I had a problem in my shoulder that i could not resolve with my very good local western healers.

When i got there i was in the queue at the edge of Cokorda Gede Rai’s house based platform that he performed his work on. Good to watch a few go before my wife and I i thought. I was fascinated just watching him work.

Just before us were a couple of Tanzanian people who resided in New York, a man and his wife. I didn’t like the feel, look or energy of these two. As they approached the platform the husband who was very unwell physically was aided by his wife to the platform was met by a stern warning - Cok Gede Rai said audibly and directly to her, “ you’ve got to stop what your doing !

I knew in that moment what had occurred. There was a psychic transference and the information was immediately available to me. They had been practising black magic of some kind, probably commercially and it had spectacularly backfired and was being held in the husbands body. It was as clear as day.

As a side note - my powerful healer / Maori uncle explained this dynamic to me. When you cast energy at someone, if they don’t accept it psychically or are stronger than you, it will bounce back your way. If you are strong enough it wont stick but often it will deflect onto your children or loved ones.

This is an important message to seek tolerance and not cast gossip and bad intentions toward others. It is important because we are powerful beings. And the earth is a school / training ground to assist us in moderating and balancing these great energies within us.

Back to Bali and the healing platform…

Next up was my wife who had a really nice experience notwithstanding the moment when Cokorda Gede Rai touched her toes and she squealed in pain and bought her legs up in a defensive posture. A technique that i had seen repeated on quite a few before her. He had patterns that he moved thru and this was one quite entertaining one.

I was next, with my still unresolved shoulder issue and some excited nervous anticipation I climbed onto the platform. Cok Gede Rai looked me square in the eye and said three words to me.

“ No Problem - Ancient”.

These words have had a profound effect in my life. In that moment he was done, healing finished, but my bewilderment was met with grace and he continued to perform some cursory patterns - without the toe squeal thank goodness.

He knew what needed re alignment. That’s an important thing to remember, not all healing is about the body or pain. Pain and other symptoms are often about spiritual misalignment. He realigned my understanding of myself.

It’s about tuning the right thing. There is a wonderful concept in Acupuncture titled ‘single needle acupuncture’. This is about knowing precisely whats holding the house of cards up or holding it out of sync and tapping into that single point to effect profound layered change.

Consequently in this powerfully humble experience in suburban Ubud my equilibrium had been restored and my shoulder improved and healed. This island has numerous opportunities to heal if that is your true desire.

Cokorda Gede Rai passed over this week at 98 years of age, i stand in awe and appreciation of his service and skill. Thank you brother I am truly grateful for having our experiences with you.

Michael Ross- Founder of The Energy Therapy Clinic

Michael Ross